Sepia uses Electron, React, React Router, Webpack and React Fast Refresh.
Sepia is automatically installed by sudo eggs install --oem sepia --custom it
, and performs its action on the first access of the installed machine.
At the end of user configuration, sepia is uninstalled.
It is possible to have others first access system configurators that can be used with eggs passing the value during OEM system installation: sudo eggs install --oem your-first-access-system-configurator
Actually using npm packed manager.
- install packages:
npm install
- start in dev mode:
npm run start
- build deb package:
npm run package
Chasing calamares, I have already chosen as a mascot for my CLI installer the name of krill, continuing in the line here is sepia
Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758 Cuttlefish at Nausicaä Centre National de la Mer, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
© Hans Hillewaert
MIT © 2023 Piero Proietti