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A simple, customizable and responsive layout for journals in OJS 2.4.X


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AlmaDL Journals Standard Layout

Better Late Than Never

This is a simple SASS solution that can be used generating a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) for journals based on Open Journal Systems 2.4.X. Please note that this solution is only suitable for OJS 2.4.X and not for OJS 3.0.

The stylesheet is meant to offer a standard OJS experience, with a focus on responsiveness and readability. It was created as a modern layout for the openaccess journals of AlmaDL Journals, the Digital Library publishing platform of the University of Bologna.

It implies some tweaks to the standard code of OJS, as the introduction of viewports in every header and some specific HTML elements in header, footer etc. Please see "Notice" for further details.

List of the files:

  • AlmaDL-journalStyleSheet.scss: a SCSS file to generate the CSS with
  • ./lib/_default.scss: a SCSS collection of default values of available parameters
  • ./lib/_fulltext-html.scss: a SCSS portion for html galleys (ignored by default)
  • _journalTest.scss: the template with the customizations for a single journal


  • SASS installed on your computer
  • a text editor


  1. copy _journalTest.scss as _yourJournalTitle.scss and set the appropriate values for each custom parameter (see Details)
  2. open AlmaDL-journalStyleSheet.scss and change the @import 'journalTest'; as @import 'yourJournalTitle'; (line 2)
  3. generate your new CSS with sass --style expanded --sourcemap=none AlmaDL-journalStyleSheet.scss output.css
  4. as a Journal Manager, please upload the output.css in 5.6 Journal Layout in the setup of your journal, and check the result.


The theme is based on a few options to customize your journal easily but as in depth as possible -- without having to edit manually the CSS. It covers several cases: as an example it could be used by a journal that doesn't adopt the OJS workflow (the CSS will hide the appropriate elements). Still, it won't adapt to every possible scenario.

With the exception of improvements to readability of tables and of general responsiveness, every cosmetic element that differs from the standard OJS experience is optionally rendered under the "clear-style" rule-set, enabled by default.

The following sections will highlight only the main options available in _journalTest.scss.

Main Settings

  • $journal-title and $subversion can be useful if you are dealing with more than one journal, it allows to record in the final CSS the title and a subversion number specific to the single journal, to keep track of the differences
  • the $no-publication option is included in the main settings because is meant to be used only by new journals that are waiting for their first issue to be published. It hide all the elements that could create false expectations to the reader. Default value is "false", of course.


It is possible to specify custom fonts: the first field is meant for @import rules or @font-face, the default values are two Google Fonts.

In the second field you should specify the font-families for titles and body (please keep the !important in the $font-titles example). $font-content-size allow to specify a bigger size for your font, if your custom font needs it, while $justified-text define whether all the text will be justified or not (not relevant with minor screen sizes).


It is possible to set various colors for your journal, 4 mandatory and 3 optional colors (listed as "Secondary colors").

The $a-color is the color of every link and should be considered as the main color of your theme (default = red). The $header-color define the background of your header and could be the same as a-color (default), the same as body-color (the background body color, default is white) or a custom color.
Depending on the color, the font of you banner would be the same of your body-color if the header background is a-color (eg: white if the background is red). If your header has the same background as your body, on the other hand, your header font color will be a-color (eg: red if the background is white). If the solutions are not so good with your colors combination you can define a custom $header-font-color.

Other optional colors that can be defined are:

  • a different color for links in hover and active ($a-hoover-color), by default if will use a-color and the reader will be able to distinguish them only by the underline;
  • a specific color for buttons ($button-color, with a-color as the default option);
  • a color for the headers of tables ($table-head) and for its font ($table-head-fontcol), if the default settinga are inadequate.


Currently there are 3 parameters to set the journal header:

  • $header-centered is self explanatory: when set to false the header will be aligned to the left
  • $header-textual should be used if you haven't an image for the header; currently it implies a better spacing
  • $header-banner is meant to adjust the spacing of the header when you are using a large image that should extend itself (mostly) at full width


The parameter $home-image should be used when uploading an image to appear in homepage. Please see the notice about html in home below. $no-current-home (default "false") controls if your journal is including the "Current Issue" in the homepage. Please set to true if you are not including your current issue in home.

Issue Cover

If you are willing to upload an issue cover, there are 3 parameters to take care:

  • $issue-cover-main is "false" to default and should be set to "true" only if you are enabling (via Editor > Issue > Issue Data > Cover) the display of the cover before the table of contents (which is difficult to recommend). If will load some rules to allow a responsive issue cover
  • $issue-cover-archive should be set to "true" if you are going to display issue covers as thumbnail in the Archive; it will take also care of the correct alignment of issues without a cover
  • $issue-cover-size (default "650px") define the maximum width of a cover when displayed before the table of contents. If you are going for a wider size be sure to be consistent with the cover quality over the years.


The parameter $only-publication is recommended for journals that don't use the online submission process offered by OJS; this will hide some elements that may be confusing for authors and readers, such as the "Online Submission" paragraph in "About > Submissions" and the workflow schema in "About this Publishing System"

Publisher and Sponsor

Since OJS 2.4.X does not consider the possibility of more than one publisher, a possible workaround is to go to Setup, step 1.5:

  • insert both publishers in the "Institution", separated by a semicolon; leave the "URL" empty
  • insert both publishers in the "Note" in HTML, as you would them to appear
  • set in the SCSS template $double-publisher as true so that OJS will display only the "Note" field (while still exporting two publishers in metadata)

If you have also sponsors or support organizations please change $sponsor to "true", thus to display an otherwise inappropriate separator.

Clear Style

The theme comes with clear-style enabled by default. It changes the style of buttons, forms, separators and some other elements as the Announcements in home (grayed and in a box in bigger screens). This style is meant to provide a more modern and clean experience.

If you need or prefer to stick with a layout as similar as possible to the default OJS 2.4.X than you should set this to "false".

There are a few other options dependent for this style:

  • the default gray color of boxes and forms can be edited with $clear-color. A darker color is calculated, for buttons and other elements;
  • $button-border-rad is an additional parameter that alter the border radius of buttons and forms; the default value offers rounded corners, other values are suggested in the comment;
  • if you want the Announcements box to go on the right of the home text, in wide screens, use $announcements-box-top, else it will go on the right of the current issue TOC;
  • you can also edit the color used to give focus on input forms with $input-focus and set a different transition for links, buttons and input forms with $transitions.

Other Styles

  • if the journal has an annual frequency, you can hide redundant year indication from the archive with annual-issue;
  • if you are not using clear-style but you want to load Font Awesome (currently the old version 4.7) you can set $font-awesome to true.

HTML galleys

If you are publishing articles in HTML format, this layout provides a specific solution with the module in ./lib/_fulltext-html.scss. Bear in mind that the actual rules invoked by this module needs to be adapted, depending on the actual structure of your HTML.

The code available here is based on HTML galleys prepared via my Markdown Workflow, and some embedded css rules are implied for each article.


This theme relies on several customizations of the OJS base code or on the way it is populated in the Setup.

Edits to the OJS code


The correct implementation implies that a viewport is set for each header .tpl of OJS, as:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Without a viewport every effort is useless since at smaller resolutions the browser will render font sizes inconsistently.

List of the headers where you should specify the viewport:


Editorial Bio

Another small edit to the OJS code was made in order to easily select the bio popup pages:

in templates/about/editorialTeamBio.tpl was slightly changed the id of <body>

from <body id="pkp-{$pageTitle|replace:'.':'-'}">
to <body id="pkp-bio-{$pageTitle|replace:'.':'-'}">

Journal Description

The theme hide the main journalDescription from the homepage (so it can be populated more wisely without having it to be "as we would the homepage appear"; so please use only "additionalHomeContent" for your homepage or remove the following:

body#pkp-common-openJournalSystems #journalDescription {
	display: none;

Home Image

If adding an image to the Homepage please consider that the CSS is not based on the standard "Home Image" for OJS. Our implementation is based based on the following HTML:

<div id="additionalHomeContent">
	<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
	<div class="homeImage">
		<p>This is a caption</p>
	<div class="homeText">
		<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>


In OJS 2.4.X the footer has poor consistency, to style it appropriately the stylesheet implies that you enclose it in <div id="footer">..</div> (possible as Journal Manager in 5.4 Journal Page Footer).


A simple, customizable and responsive layout for journals in OJS 2.4.X








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