We have comprehensive software docs found at: https://perjermer.github.io/BJSSOfficeJukebox/
Database - mongodb compass
- for local database testing, go to - https://docs.mongodb.com/compass/master/install/ - for setup
Creating HTTP Requests - Postman
- for creating GET, POST, PUT etc.. http requests to the project running locally i.e. API development environment; go to - https://www.getpostman.com/ - for downloading
Created using mLab
$ mkdir group14
- Create a directory for the project$ cd group14
- To locate to the new folder$ git init
- To initialise a git repository$ git clone https://github.com/perjermer/BJSSOfficeJukebox.git
- To download the repository$ git config user.name "<username>"
- To set your username$ git config user.email "<email address>"
- To set your email
$ git status
- Lists all new or modified files to be committed$ git add <file>
- Adds file ready to be committed$ git add .
- Adds all files/changes ready to be committed$ git commit -m "<descriptive message>"
- Records files permanently in version history$ git push <branch name>
- Pushes committed changes to the branch
For the <descriptive message>
they need to be descriptive as the name implies, and in the present tense for example:
$ git commit -m "add post route to create a new user"
$ git branch
- Lists all of the local branches in the current repository$ git branch <branch name>
- Creates a new branch$ git checkout <branch name>
- Switches to the specified branch$ git merge <branch name>
- Merges the specified branch's history into the current branch
For the <branch name>
they too need to be descriptive and should be clear what the branch is set out to accomplish, and prefixed with whatever project you are working on followed by a hyphen; then use camelCase for the feature you are working on. For example:
$ git branch node-postUser
$ git branch react-queueComponent
$ git branch python-createData
You can choose any IDE or code editor for the project. Most popular with Node applications and development in general is:
- Visual Studio Code (my choice)
- Atom
- Sublime Text