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Data Circle Focus Group Notes

Aaron Vontell edited this page Feb 26, 2025 · 11 revisions


  • Attendees: Aaron, Elise

  • Updates

    • Supabase changes are now live and are working 🎉
  • Today's Agenda

    • Recap of the open issues/efforts
      • Next Meeting - Let's send a message (in DMs) to the circle conveners to get more feature requests, and then wrap up the core requirements for the first phase of this dashboard.
    • PostHog setup
      • Went over the steps in the ticket


  • Attendees: Aaron, Elise

  • Updates

  • Things to do / upcoming

    • Ability to fill out the contact us form
    • Doing various testing on the Supabase migration
    • Starting to think about the dashboard and other 2.1+ data features


  • Attendees: Aaron, Elise, Kevin
  • Updates
    • 52% verified!
  • Upcoming project to start organizing (in order of importance / near-term prioritization)
    • Share Food Program scraping - finalize that and have it update the beta site
    • Support the design team in showing data that was scraped
    • An admin dashboard for viewing and managing resources (requirement gathering)
    • Moving away from Firebase (Keon has some existing Supabase setup)
      • Group pair programming session?
    • User authentication


  • Attendees: Aaron, Mandy, Taylor
  • Current update on verifications
    • 349 total (non-foraging) resources
    • 118 verified
    • ~33.8% verified
    • ~21 bathrooms, we should add ~10 more if possible
  • Migration away from Firebase
    • Migrate to Supabase - let's sync with Keon to see what the state of the project is
  • Scheduled scraping and updates to our data from verified sources
    • We need to define a data format for the source to contain whatever info we want to display in the UI (might have to get an answer from the design team)
    • We need to define a way to identify which resources should be removed and overridden
      • The update job should first remove all resources that have the designated source. This will be identified via a schedule_id field
    • Where do we want to run this scraping job?
      • Do we start by just doing it every week at the weekly meeting?
      • AWS - Lambda function with a time trigger
    • The actual scraping and inserting part


  • Feature request for the ability to upvote resources without logging in - this should be possible


Attendees: Taylor, Cedric, Mandy, Aaron


Up Next

  • What features do we want in an admin dashboard?
  • What additional data features do we need that's user-facing?

Ideas that come to mind:

  • Better support for the timing of resources? i.e. only during certain times, repeat occurrences, start and end dates.
  • Ability to generate reports for the team/stakeholders?
    • Total resources
    • Resources added in the last week/month/year
    • What types of resources and where are they coming from?
    • Who is adding resources?
    • Who verified resources?
  • Verification queue with editing features, a map component, maybe enabled with google street view?
  • Support images again
  • Easily edit the existing data
  • User support
  • Data scraping?
    • The frequency of scraping is important to consider
    • We could always have a "SCRAPED_WAITING" sort of flag
    • This could be a good first one:
      • Make a task to extract this and convert to our data format (look at the network for the JSON)
      • Figure out what data format changes we want to make
  • Analytics (use posthog?) and dashboard

Questions for the survey:

  • TBD


Quick updates:

  • Requested feature: The ability for a resource to expire at a certain time or have a time frame when something is displayed (this is especially true for food)


Attended by Aaron, Keon, Cedric, Elise

Updates from people:

  • None... yet

Discussion / Working time notes:

  • For now, foraging data should stay as is... unless we use some approaches to extract info from the description, or get a new dataset, it will be hard to derive additional info like tags and park names.
  • Security rules for Firebase Realtime DBs might not be possible (in the way we want them to work)
  • Conversation topic: moving away from Firebase
    • Motivation:
      • Having better control around APIs, DB access, and user accounts
      • More operations on our data and "backend" features
      • Two options
        • Create a dedicated backend server (i.e. Django/Python, Spring Boot, etc...) plus a real SQL/Mongo database
        • Use a more modern version of Firebase / serverless architectures (i.e. Supabase)
  • Ticket to be made: we only use the beta database right now, and we should come up with a plan to use the other environments and copy data (?)
  • (TODO (Aaron)): Create a survey to figure out what we want as part of this dashboard


Attended by Aaron, Taylor, Cedric, Elise

Updates from people:

  • The verification UI PR is ready to be reviewed and merged.
  • Filter PR is ready for review?

Discussion points:

  • Created the Data Circle charter
  • Version 2.0 considerations
    • How do we want to handle unsure vs open vs restricted?
    • How do we want to supplement the data in foraging?
    • Security setup for DBs
    • How do we want to plan out the verification work?

Verification proposal

  • If the resource is all good - mark it as verified
  • If the resource doesn't exist at all - mark it as inactive
  • If it exists and the resource details are wrong - track the correct information in Slack channel
    • #phlask_v2_verification
    • Send along the address and the information to correct
    • After someone from the data team corrects it in the DB, react with a green checkmark
  • Leaderboard for motivation



Attended by Aaron, Taylor, and Keon

What needs to be done:

  • Write a document/plan for how team members can help verify resources using the new verification feature
    • What is our desired target percentage verified for the launch?
  • Need to merge in Aaron's PR (
  • Figure out a Firebase backup plan (can this be done automatically)
  • Need to make the other DBs for the other environments (test, beta, prod)
  • Can we make some instructions for how to migrate data and make new test DBs?
  • What is our plan for migrations?
    • (We need to go and delete the resources with the wrong verified property)
  • How do we display resources that have no name and/or address
    • Why do some of these foraging sites not have addresses?
  • Filtering feature needs to be implemented
  • Can we add back the hours?
  • What should the goals be for the new data/admin dashboard?
  • Can we display images for a resource?
  • Right now, every single resource is pulled down to the client. Filtering is currently managed on the client-side, but it would be nice to filter as part of the API call
  • Should we just use MongoDB? Could use Mongo Atlas, or also just move to a real backend and relational database. Could also try Firebase Data Connect, Supabase, etc... lots of options.
  • Civic side - TODO(Aaron): Come up with a list of examples and requests for crowdsourcing and new data sources