Experiments, code, models and notes for the final project of the IFT6266-H2017 "Deep Learning" course by Aaron Courville.
./run.py mlp SimpleModel-1 -e 50 -c 10 -k -l 0.0002 -b 128 -v 2 ./run.py lsgan MyExpName-2 -e 1000 -u 30 -c 50 -a 1 -s 10 -g 0.0005 -b 64 -v 2 -f ./run.py conv-vgg ConvVgg-3 --feature-matching -e 200 -c 20 -k -l 0.0002 -b 128 -v 2 ./run.py lstm LSTM-4 -e 100 -c 10 -l 0.0008 -b 128 -v 2
Running with default values (which may or may not be recommended), you can also try simply:
./run.py mlp test1 ./run.py conv-mlp test2 ./run conv-vgg test3 ./run lstm test4 ./run.py lsgan test5 ./run.py wgan test6 ./run.py dcgan test7
- Theano >= 0.9.0 (ideally, bleeding-edge GPU version 0.9.0.dev5)
- Lasagne >= 0.2.dev1
- Keras >= 2.0.0
- h5py >= 2.6.0
- hdf5 >= 1.8.17
- graphviz >= 0.6
- pydot >= 1.2.3
- pydot-ng >= 1.0.0
- xtraceback >= 0.3.3
- logging >=
All required and optional packages can be installed within your virtual environment by typing:
python -r requirements.txt
DC-GAN code was tweaked from: https://gist.github.com/f0k/738fa2eedd9666b78404ed1751336f56
Convolutional Autoencoder was tweaked from: https://github.com/mikesj-public/convolutional_autoencoder
W-GAN code was tweaked from: https://gist.github.com/f0k/f3190ebba6c53887d598d03119ca2066
usage: run.py [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [-e EPOCHS] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-l LEARNING_RATE]
model exp_name_prefix
positional arguments:
model Model choice (current options: test, mlp, conv_mlp*,
conv_lstm*, vae*, conv_autoencoder*, dcgan, wgan,
lsgan (*: Models with * may not be fully implemented
exp_name_prefix Prefix used at the beginning of the name of the
experiment. Your results will be stored in various
subfolders and files which start with this prefix. The
exact name of the experiment depends on the model used
and various hyperparameters.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
0 means quiet, 1 means verbose and 2 means limited
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
Number of epochs to train (either for a new model or
*extra* epochs when resuming an experiment.
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Only use this if you want to override the default
hyper parameter value for your model. It may be better
to create an experiment directory with an
'hyperparameters.json' file and tweak the parameters
Only set this if you want to override the default
hyper parameter value for your model. It may be better
to create an experiment directory with an
'hyperparameters.json' file and tweak the parameters
Only set this if you want to override the default
hyper parameter value for your GAN model. It may be
better to create an experiment directory with an
'hyperparameters.json' file and tweak the parameters
-f, --force Force the experiment to run even if a STOP file is
present. This will also delete the STOP file.
Amount of epochs to perform during training between
every checkpoint.
Amount of epochs to perform during training between
every generation of image samples (typically 100
images in a 10x10 grid). If your epochs are rather
short, you might want to increase this value, as
generating images and saving them to disk can be
relatively costly.
-k, --keep_all_checkpoints
By default, only the model saved during the last
checkpoint is saved. Pass this flag if you want to
keep a models on disk with its associated epoch in the
filename at every checkpoint.
Architecture type, only applies to the LSGAN model
(values: 1, 2, 3 or 4).
Number of times to update the generator and
discriminator/critic per epoch. Applies to GAN models
By default, feature matching is not used
(equivalently, it is set to 0, meaning that the loss
function uses the last layer's output). You can set
this value to 1 to use the output of the second-to-
last layer, or a value of 2 to use the output of the
third-to-last layer, and so on. This technique is
called 'feature matching' and many provide benefits in
some cases. Note that it is not currently implemented
in all models and you will receive a message
indicating if feature matching is used for your model.