Requirements: You have also learned how to add images to your web pages. Please download the images into a folder called img, previously created by you, in your local computer and place this folder inside your Code Review project. These images should be used on your 1st CodeReview project. The ZIP file link, with the images, is at the bottom of the Code Review Tasks description.
- Correct usage of the HTML structure (proper order of HTML elements)
- Correct usage of
to present images on the web page
- Correct usage of lists to show the menu (navigation bar)
- Correct placement of images (layout as presented: 2x2 images) with its respective titles
- Correct position of the company logo and accompanying text (“Name Surname - Future Full Stack Web Developer“)
- Correct indentation that makes it easier to read your code
- Use CSS selectors (classes and/or IDs) to style your web page (colours, font size, font style etc.).
Bonus Points:
- Use relative measurements on the width property of the elements (e.g. em, %, vw...) to make your page responsive (at least the images should resize and look nice when changing the browser size).
- Add links to the menu that lead to other local HTML pages that you will additionally create. For these bonus points you are free to provide your design/layout solutions for these additional pages, e.g.: About, Contact, etc.