diff --git a/src/Hermes-Tests/HEInstallerDuplicationTest.class.st b/src/Hermes-Tests/HEInstallerDuplicationTest.class.st index 773e4b0..d34a966 100644 --- a/src/Hermes-Tests/HEInstallerDuplicationTest.class.st +++ b/src/Hermes-Tests/HEInstallerDuplicationTest.class.st @@ -278,7 +278,10 @@ HEInstallerDuplicationTest >> testCreatingADuplicatedSimpleTraitReplace [ exportedTrait packageName: newPackage. [ self flag: #pharo11. "This is a hack caused by the package/tag/category mess that should be fixed in P12 release." - self packageOrganizer ensurePackage: newPackage. + self flag: #pahro11. "Update this when Pharo 12 will be the minimal version" + SystemVersion current major < 12 + ifTrue: [ RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: newPackage ] + ifFalse: [ self packageOrganizer ensurePackage: newPackage ]. installer buildTrait: exportedTrait. self assert: (Smalltalk at: #THEOneTestTraitNew) package name equals: newPackage ] ensure: [