After some research, I have decided to try and implement it the following way:
- use tagless final / mtl style, as I feel it's good for abstration, and it's the way I enjoy working
- use scrooge, to generate code from the thrift IDL. Made by twitter, and if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us!
- use various libraries I love, like cats, cats-effect, fs2, http4s
- if possible, try to wrap the creation of thrift client and servers in a functional eDSL. I read that there was both Thrift and ThriftMux, would be nice to abstract that choice.
- use http4s for the proxy-service
- calls the prime-number-service
- will probably implement different endpoints, moving forward, going from naive to semi complete
- prime-number-service
- construct via a tagless final algebra
- algebra should be polymorphic in the return type and effect, to open the door for different implementations and backends
- possibly add an eDSL to construct thrift client and servers.
I know there are probably too many folders, for such a small project, but I like to think ahead! And I like the organization of 'foldering' :D
- algebras.
, which is the trait/typeclass we base the whole project on. - delivery. Creation of the
and httpServer
. - domain.
sum type, which we use to raise business errors with. In a more complicated app, I would have subfolders, haha :D - effects. In here you'll find the simple
, some typeclasses for converting between Twitter Future and our genericF
, which is not used, andNaturalTransformation
). TheHttpErrorErrorHandler
that is a middlewhere for our API, that can "catch" any business errors we have raised in our code. And a failed attempt at aLogginFilter
, which I did't get to work, because I went with theMethodPerEndpoint
API, and not theServicePerEndpoint
API. - endpoints. The routes for the API,
. - interpreters. Our three interpreters of the
. ANoMicroserviceInterpreter
that is pure. AThriftMicroServiceInterpreterNaive
that does not comply to the functional paradigme. AndThriftMicroServiceInterpreter
that goes all functional. - services. The
that uses the various implenentations of thePrimeAlgebra
. Is then used in thePrimeEndpoints
to deliver the prime numbers. - root.
ties together all the interpreters, services and endpoints.Main
creates the resource save thrift server, client and http server.
If you have nix
, it's easy:
> nix-shell
> sbt
sbt-finagle-prime> run
If not, it's compiled on JDK 11, and you need sbt
> sbt
sbt-finagle-prime> run