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<td>{'id': '34172799', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34172799', 'pmcid': 'PMC8233371', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8233371'}, 'doi': '10.1038/s41598-021-92706-x', 'title': 'Invasive Lactuca serriola seeds contain endophytic bacteria that contribute to drought tolerance.', 'authorString': 'Jeong S, Kim TM, Choi B, Kim Y, Kim E.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Jeong S', 'firstName': 'Seorin', 'lastName': 'Jeong', 'initials': 'S', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim TM', 'firstName': 'Tae-Min', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'TM', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Choi B', 'firstName': 'Byungwook', 'lastName': 'Choi', 'initials': 'B', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim Y', 'firstName': 'Yousuk', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'Y', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim E', 'firstName': 'Eunsuk', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'E', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0001-8059-7334'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea. eunsukkim@gist.ac.kr.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0001-8059-7334'}}, 'dataLinksTagsList': {'dataLinkstag': 'altmetrics'}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '1', 'volume': '11', 'journalIssueId': '3177714', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 Jun', 'monthOfPublication': '6', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-06-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Scientific reports', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Sci Rep', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Sci Rep', 'NLMid': '101563288', 'ISSN': '2045-2322', 'ESSN': '2045-2322'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'pageInfo': '13307', 'abstractText': 'The mutualistic relationship between alien plant species and microorganisms is proposed to facilitate or hinder invasive success, depending on whether plants can form novel associations with microorganisms in the introduced habitats. However, this hypothesis has not considered seed endophytes that would move together with plant propagules. Little information is available on the seed endophytic bacteria of invasive species and their effects on plant performance. We isolated the seed endophytic bacteria of a xerophytic invasive plant, Lactuca serriola, and examined their plant growth-promoting traits. In addition, we assessed whether these seed endophytes contributed to plant drought tolerance. Forty-two bacterial species were isolated from seeds, and all of them exhibited at least one plant growth-promoting trait. Kosakonia cowanii occurred in all four tested plant populations and produced a high concentration of exopolysaccharides in media with a highly negative water potential. Notably, applying K. cowanii GG1 to Arabidopsis thaliana stimulated plant growth under drought conditions. It also reduced soil water loss under drought conditions, suggesting bacterial production of exopolysaccharides might contribute to the maintenance of soil water content. These results imply that invasive plants can disperse along with beneficial bacterial symbionts, which potentially improve plant fitness and help to establish alien plant species.', 'affiliation': 'School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'grantsList': {'grant': [{'grantId': '21AWMP-B114119-06', 'agency': 'Water Management Research Program, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Korean Government', 'orderIn': '0'}, {'grantId': 'NRF-2019R1F1A1058025', 'agency': 'National Research Foundation of Korea', 'orderIn': '0'}]}, 'subsetList': {'subset': {'code': 'IM', 'name': 'Index Medicus'}}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92706-x'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8233371'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8233371?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'Y', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'Y', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-06-26', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-06-27', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-07-08', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-07-07', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-06-25', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-06-25'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8233371">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">The mutualistic relationship between alien plant species and microorganisms is proposed to facilitate or hinder invasive success, depending on whether plants can form novel associations with microorganisms in the introduced habitats. However, this hypothesis has not considered seed endophytes that would move together with plant propagules. Little information is available on the seed endophytic bacteria of invasive species and their effects on plant performance. We isolated the seed endophytic bacteria of a xerophytic invasive plant, Lactuca serriola, and examined their plant growth-promoting traits. In addition, we assessed whether these seed endophytes contributed to plant drought tolerance. Forty-two bacterial species were isolated from seeds, and all of them exhibited at least one plant growth-promoting trait. Kosakonia cowanii occurred in all four tested plant populations and produced a high concentration of exopolysaccharides in media with a highly negative water potential. Notably, applying K. cowanii GG1 to Arabidopsis thaliana stimulated plant growth under drought conditions. It also reduced soil water loss under drought conditions, suggesting bacterial production of exopolysaccharides might contribute to the maintenance of soil water content. These results imply that invasive plants can disperse along with beneficial bacterial symbionts, which potentially improve plant fitness and help to establish alien plant species.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8233371?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Scientific reports</td>
<td>[Jeong S, Kim TM, Choi B, Kim Y, Kim E]</td>
<td>Invasive Lactuca serriola seeds contain endophytic bacteria that contribute to drought tolerance.</td>
<td>{'id': '34206657', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34206657', 'pmcid': 'PMC8270279', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8270279'}, 'doi': '10.3390/molecules26133814', 'title': 'Invasive Plant Species Biomass-Evaluation of Functional Value.', 'authorString': 'Peter A, Žlabur JŠ, Šurić J, Voća S, Purgar DD, Pezo L, Voća N.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Peter A', 'firstName': 'Anamarija', 'lastName': 'Peter', 'initials': 'A', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-2817-1130'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Žlabur JŠ', 'firstName': 'Jana Šic', 'lastName': 'Žlabur', 'initials': 'JŠ', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-3232-585X'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Šurić J', 'firstName': 'Jona', 'lastName': 'Šurić', 'initials': 'J', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Voća S', 'firstName': 'Sandra', 'lastName': 'Voća', 'initials': 'S', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-0571-0872'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Purgar DD', 'firstName': 'Dubravka Dujmović', 'lastName': 'Purgar', 'initials': 'DD', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-6150-3010'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Pezo L', 'firstName': 'Lato', 'lastName': 'Pezo', 'initials': 'L', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-0704-3084'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Engineering Department, Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12/V, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Voća N', 'firstName': 'Neven', 'lastName': 'Voća', 'initials': 'N', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': [{'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-0704-3084'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-2817-1130'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-3232-585X'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-6150-3010'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-0571-0872'}]}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '13', 'volume': '26', 'journalIssueId': '3195509', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 Jun', 'monthOfPublication': '6', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-06-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Molecules', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Molecules', 'NLMid': '100964009', 'ISSN': '1420-3049', 'ESSN': '1420-3049'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'abstractText': 'Invasive plant species (IAS), with their numerous negative ecological, health, and economic impacts, represent one of the greatest conservation challenges in the world. Reducing the negative impacts and potentially exploiting the biomass of these plant species can significantly contribute to sustainable management, protect biodiversity, and create a healthy environment. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional potential, phytochemical status, and antioxidant capacity of nine alien invasive plant species: <i>Abutilon theophrasti</i>, <i>Amaranthus retroflexus</i>, <i>Ambrosia artemisiifolia</i>, <i>Datura stramonium</i>, <i>Erigeron annuus</i>, <i>Galinsoga ciliata</i>, <i>Reynoutria japonica</i>, <i>Solidago gigantea</i>, and <i>Sorghum halepense</i>. Multivariate statistical methods such as cluster and PCA were performed to determine possible connections and correlations among selected IAS depending on the phytochemical content. According to the obtained results, <i>R. japonica</i> was notable with the highest content of vitamin C (38.46 mg/100 g FW); while <i>E. annuus</i> (1365.92 mg GAE/100 g FW) showed the highest values of total polyphenolic compounds. <i>A. retroflexus</i> was characterized by the highest content of total chlorophylls (0.26 mg/g) and antioxidant capacity (2221.97 µmol TE/kg). Therefore, it can be concluded that the selected IAS represent nutrient-rich plant material with significant potential for the recovering of bioactive compounds.', 'affiliation': 'Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Evaluation Study', 'Journal Article']}, 'meshHeadingList': {'meshHeading': [{'majorTopic_YN': 'N', 'descriptorName': 'Plants', 'meshQualifierList': {'meshQualifier': {'abbreviation': 'CH', 'qualifierName': 'chemistry', 'majorTopic_YN': 'Y'}}}, {'majorTopic_YN': 'Y', 'descriptorName': 'Plant Extracts', 'meshQualifierList': {'meshQualifier': [{'abbreviation': 'AN', 'qualifierName': 'analysis', 'majorTopic_YN': 'N'}, {'abbreviation': 'CH', 'qualifierName': 'chemistry', 'majorTopic_YN': 'N'}]}}, {'majorTopic_YN': 'Y', 'descriptorName': 'Biomass'}, {'majorTopic_YN': 'Y', 'descriptorName': 'Introduced Species'}, {'majorTopic_YN': 'Y', 'descriptorName': 'Phytochemicals', 'meshQualifierList': {'meshQualifier': [{'abbreviation': 'AN', 'qualifierName': 'analysis', 'majorTopic_YN': 'N'}, {'abbreviation': 'CH', 'qualifierName': 'chemistry', 'majorTopic_YN': 'N'}]}}]}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Polyphenols', 'Weeds', 'Antioxidant capacity', 'Phytochemicals', 'Biowaste', 'Nonnative Species']}, 'chemicalList': {'chemical': [{'name': 'Plant Extracts', 'registryNumber': '0'}, {'name': 'Phytochemicals', 'registryNumber': '0'}]}, 'subsetList': {'subset': {'code': 'IM', 'name': 'Index Medicus'}}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26133814'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8270279'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8270279?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'N', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'N', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCompletion': '2021-07-12', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-07-02', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-07-03', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-07-12', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-07-12', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-06-22', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-06-22'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8270279">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">Invasive plant species (IAS), with their numerous negative ecological, health, and economic impacts, represent one of the greatest conservation challenges in the world. Reducing the negative impacts and potentially exploiting the biomass of these plant species can significantly contribute to sustainable management, protect biodiversity, and create a healthy environment. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional potential, phytochemical status, and antioxidant capacity of nine alien invasive plant species: <i>Abutilon theophrasti</i>, <i>Amaranthus retroflexus</i>, <i>Ambrosia artemisiifolia</i>, <i>Datura stramonium</i>, <i>Erigeron annuus</i>, <i>Galinsoga ciliata</i>, <i>Reynoutria japonica</i>, <i>Solidago gigantea</i>, and <i>Sorghum halepense</i>. Multivariate statistical methods such as cluster and PCA were performed to determine possible connections and correlations among selected IAS depending on the phytochemical content. According to the obtained results, <i>R. japonica</i> was notable with the highest content of vitamin C (38.46 mg/100 g FW); while <i>E. annuus</i> (1365.92 mg GAE/100 g FW) showed the highest values of total polyphenolic compounds. <i>A. retroflexus</i> was characterized by the highest content of total chlorophylls (0.26 mg/g) and antioxidant capacity (2221.97 µmol TE/kg). Therefore, it can be concluded that the selected IAS represent nutrient-rich plant material with significant potential for the recovering of bioactive compounds.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8270279?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)</td>
<td>[Peter A, Žlabur JŠ, Šurić J, Voća S, Purgar DD, Pezo L, Voća N]</td>
<td>Invasive Plant Species Biomass-Evaluation of Functional Value.</td>
<td>[Polyphenols, Weeds, Antioxidant capacity, Phytochemicals, Biowaste, Nonnative Species]</td>
<td>{'id': '34072415', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34072415', 'pmcid': 'PMC8228099', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8228099'}, 'doi': '10.3390/plants10061091', 'title': 'Elevated Temperature Induced Adaptive Responses of Two Lupine Species at Early Seedling Phase.', 'authorString': 'Jurkonienė S, Jankauskienė J, Mockevičiūtė R, Gavelienė V, Jankovska-Bortkevič E, Sergiev I, Todorova D, Anisimovienė N.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Jurkonienė S', 'firstName': 'Sigita', 'lastName': 'Jurkonienė', 'initials': 'S', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-1493-4782'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Jankauskienė J', 'firstName': 'Jurga', 'lastName': 'Jankauskienė', 'initials': 'J', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-3512-118X'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Mockevičiūtė R', 'firstName': 'Rima', 'lastName': 'Mockevičiūtė', 'initials': 'R', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Gavelienė V', 'firstName': 'Virgilija', 'lastName': 'Gavelienė', 'initials': 'V', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Jankovska-Bortkevič E', 'firstName': 'Elžbieta', 'lastName': 'Jankovska-Bortkevič', 'initials': 'E', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Sergiev I', 'firstName': 'Iskren', 'lastName': 'Sergiev', 'initials': 'I', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-2420-9146'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Bldg. 21, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Todorova D', 'firstName': 'Dessislava', 'lastName': 'Todorova', 'initials': 'D', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Bldg. 21, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Anisimovienė N', 'firstName': 'Nijolė', 'lastName': 'Anisimovienė', 'initials': 'N', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': [{'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-1493-4782'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-2420-9146'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-3512-118X'}]}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '6', 'volume': '10', 'journalIssueId': '3178965', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 May', 'monthOfPublication': '5', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-05-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Plants (Basel, Switzerland)', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Plants (Basel)', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Plants (Basel)', 'NLMid': '101596181', 'ISSN': '2223-7747', 'ESSN': '2223-7747'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'abstractText': 'This study aimed to investigate the impact of climate warming on hormonal traits of invasive and non-invasive plants at the early developmental stage. Two different lupine species-invasive <i>Lupinus polyphyllus</i> Lindl. and non-invasive <i>Lupinus luteus</i> L.-were used in this study. Plants were grown in climate chambers under optimal (25 °C) and simulated climate warming conditions (30 °C). The content of phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), ethylene production and the adaptive growth of both species were studied in four-day-old seedlings. A higher content of total IAA, especially of IAA-amides and transportable IAA, as well as higher ethylene emission, was determined to be characteristic for invasive lupine both under optimal and simulated warming conditions. It should be noted that IAA-L-alanine was detected entirely in the invasive plants under both growth temperatures. Further, the ethylene emission values increased significantly in invasive lupine hypocotyls under 30 °C. Invasive plants showed plasticity in their response by reducing growth in a timely manner and adapting to the rise in temperature. Based on the data of the current study, it can be suggested that the invasiveness of both species may be altered under climate warming conditions.', 'affiliation': 'Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Akademijos Str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'grantsList': {'grant': {'grantId': 'R&D III programme', 'agency': 'Nature Research Center', 'orderIn': '0'}}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Ethylene', 'Indole-3-acetic acid', 'Invasiveness', 'Iaa Conjugates', 'Early Growth Stage', 'Lupine Seedlings', 'Warming Simulation', 'Simulated Conditions']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061091'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8228099'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8228099?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'N', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'N', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-06-02', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-06-03', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-06-28', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-07-14', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-05-29', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-05-29'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8228099">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">This study aimed to investigate the impact of climate warming on hormonal traits of invasive and non-invasive plants at the early developmental stage. Two different lupine species-invasive <i>Lupinus polyphyllus</i> Lindl. and non-invasive <i>Lupinus luteus</i> L.-were used in this study. Plants were grown in climate chambers under optimal (25 °C) and simulated climate warming conditions (30 °C). The content of phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), ethylene production and the adaptive growth of both species were studied in four-day-old seedlings. A higher content of total IAA, especially of IAA-amides and transportable IAA, as well as higher ethylene emission, was determined to be characteristic for invasive lupine both under optimal and simulated warming conditions. It should be noted that IAA-L-alanine was detected entirely in the invasive plants under both growth temperatures. Further, the ethylene emission values increased significantly in invasive lupine hypocotyls under 30 °C. Invasive plants showed plasticity in their response by reducing growth in a timely manner and adapting to the rise in temperature. Based on the data of the current study, it can be suggested that the invasiveness of both species may be altered under climate warming conditions.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8228099?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Plants (Basel, Switzerland)</td>
<td>[Jurkonienė S, Jankauskienė J, Mockevičiūtė R, Gavelienė V, Jankovska-Bortkevič E, Sergiev I, Todorova D, Anisimovienė N]</td>
<td>Elevated Temperature Induced Adaptive Responses of Two Lupine Species at Early Seedling Phase.</td>
<td>[Ethylene, Indole-3-acetic acid, Invasiveness, Iaa Conjugates, Early Growth Stage, Lupine Seedlings, Warming Simulation, Simulated Conditions]</td>
<td>{'id': '34210999', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34210999', 'pmcid': 'PMC8249384', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8249384'}, 'doi': '10.1038/s41598-021-92791-y', 'title': 'Phytotoxic effects of invasive Ageratina adenophora on two native subtropical shrubs in Nepal.', 'authorString': 'Darji TB, Adhikari B, Pathak S, Neupane S, Thapa LB, Bhatt TD, Pant RR, Pant G, Pal KB, Bishwakarma K.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Darji TB', 'firstName': 'Tej Bahadur', 'lastName': 'Darji', 'initials': 'TB', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Central Department of Botany, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Adhikari B', 'firstName': 'Barsha', 'lastName': 'Adhikari', 'initials': 'B', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Central Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Pathak S', 'firstName': 'Seeta', 'lastName': 'Pathak', 'initials': 'S', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Central Department of Botany, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Neupane S', 'firstName': 'Shristi', 'lastName': 'Neupane', 'initials': 'S', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Central Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Thapa LB', 'firstName': 'Lal B', 'lastName': 'Thapa', 'initials': 'LB', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-3513-2276'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Central Department of Botany, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. lal.thapa@cdbtu.edu.np.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Bhatt TD', 'firstName': 'Tara Datt', 'lastName': 'Bhatt', 'initials': 'TD', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Plant Resources, Ministry of Forests and Environment, Government of Nepal, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Pant RR', 'firstName': 'Ramesh Raj', 'lastName': 'Pant', 'initials': 'RR', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Central Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Pant G', 'firstName': 'Gunanand', 'lastName': 'Pant', 'initials': 'G', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biology, Kailali Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Dhangadhi, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Pal KB', 'firstName': 'Khadka Bahadur', 'lastName': 'Pal', 'initials': 'KB', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Chemistry, Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Bishwakarma K', 'firstName': 'Kiran', 'lastName': 'Bishwakarma', 'initials': 'K', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-3513-2276'}}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '1', 'volume': '11', 'journalIssueId': '3195777', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 Jul', 'monthOfPublication': '7', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-07-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Scientific reports', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Sci Rep', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Sci Rep', 'NLMid': '101563288', 'ISSN': '2045-2322', 'ESSN': '2045-2322'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'pageInfo': '13663', 'abstractText': 'The response of native plants to allelopathic interference of invasive species may differ from species to species. In this study, the phytotoxic effects of Ageratina adenophora were tested on two native shrubs (Osbeckia stellata and Elsholtzia blanda) of Nepal. Both the shrubs were grown in pots under treatments of A. adenophora fresh leaves and root leachates, and litter. Then, the seedling length and biomass were compared among the treatments. The results show that A. adenophora litter has stimulatory effects but the leachates from fresh leaves and root are phytotoxic to the growth and development of native shrubs. Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) analysis confirmed the presence of O-H (Hydroxyl), N-H (Amines), C≡C (Alkynes), and C-H stretching (Aromatic) or C-O-C stretching (Ethers) in the leachates representing harmful allelochemicals. The invaded soil by A. adenophora had low pH and a high amount of organic matter, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than the uninvaded soil. The results indicate that the native O. stellata and E. blanda are harmed by A. adenophora in nature by leaching of allelochemicals and probably by reducing the soil pH. Overall, this study has provided valuable insights regarding the effects of A. adenophora invasion on native shrubs and revealing the potential mechanism of its invasiveness.', 'affiliation': 'Central Department of Botany, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'grantsList': {'grant': {'grantId': 'FRG-73/74-S&T-01', 'agency': 'University Grants Commission- Nepal', 'orderIn': '0'}}, 'subsetList': {'subset': {'code': 'IM', 'name': 'Index Medicus'}}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92791-y'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8249384'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8249384?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'N', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'N', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-07-02', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-07-03', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-07-09', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-07-07', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-07-01', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-07-01'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8249384">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">The response of native plants to allelopathic interference of invasive species may differ from species to species. In this study, the phytotoxic effects of Ageratina adenophora were tested on two native shrubs (Osbeckia stellata and Elsholtzia blanda) of Nepal. Both the shrubs were grown in pots under treatments of A. adenophora fresh leaves and root leachates, and litter. Then, the seedling length and biomass were compared among the treatments. The results show that A. adenophora litter has stimulatory effects but the leachates from fresh leaves and root are phytotoxic to the growth and development of native shrubs. Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) analysis confirmed the presence of O-H (Hydroxyl), N-H (Amines), C≡C (Alkynes), and C-H stretching (Aromatic) or C-O-C stretching (Ethers) in the leachates representing harmful allelochemicals. The invaded soil by A. adenophora had low pH and a high amount of organic matter, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than the uninvaded soil. The results indicate that the native O. stellata and E. blanda are harmed by A. adenophora in nature by leaching of allelochemicals and probably by reducing the soil pH. Overall, this study has provided valuable insights regarding the effects of A. adenophora invasion on native shrubs and revealing the potential mechanism of its invasiveness.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8249384?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Scientific reports</td>
<td>[Darji TB, Adhikari B, Pathak S, Neupane S, Thapa LB, Bhatt TD, Pant RR, Pant G, Pal KB, Bishwakarma K]</td>
<td>Phytotoxic effects of invasive Ageratina adenophora on two native subtropical shrubs in Nepal.</td>
<td>{'id': '34051795', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34051795', 'pmcid': 'PMC8164761', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8164761'}, 'doi': '10.1186/s13007-021-00757-y', 'title': 'Methodology: non-invasive monitoring system based on standing wave ratio for detecting water content variations in plants.', 'authorString': 'Yang Y, Kim JE, Song HJ, Lee EB, Choi YK, Jo JW, Jeon HJ, Kim HH, Kim KJ, Kim HJ.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Yang Y', 'firstName': 'Yunjeong', 'lastName': 'Yang', 'initials': 'Y', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim JE', 'firstName': 'Ji Eun', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'JE', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Song HJ', 'firstName': 'Hak Jin', 'lastName': 'Song', 'initials': 'HJ', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Lee EB', 'firstName': 'Eun Bin', 'lastName': 'Lee', 'initials': 'EB', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Choi YK', 'firstName': 'Yong-Keun', 'lastName': 'Choi', 'initials': 'YK', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Jo JW', 'firstName': 'Jeong Wook', 'lastName': 'Jo', 'initials': 'JW', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Jeon HJ', 'firstName': 'Hyeon Jin', 'lastName': 'Jeon', 'initials': 'HJ', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim HH', 'firstName': 'Ho Hyun', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'HH', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Integrated Environmental Systems, Pyeongtaek University, Pyeongtaek, 17869, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim KJ', 'firstName': 'Kwang Jin', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'KJ', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Urban Agriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Chungjoo, 54875, Republic of Korea.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kim HJ', 'firstName': 'Hyung Joo', 'lastName': 'Kim', 'initials': 'HJ', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0001-6311-3748'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea. hyungkim@konkuk.ac.kr.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0001-6311-3748'}}, 'dataLinksTagsList': {'dataLinkstag': 'altmetrics'}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '1', 'volume': '17', 'journalIssueId': '3164010', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 May', 'monthOfPublication': '5', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-05-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Plant methods', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Plant Methods', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Plant Methods', 'NLMid': '101245798', 'ISSN': '1746-4811', 'ESSN': '1746-4811'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'pageInfo': '56', 'abstractText': '<h4>Background</h4>Water content variation during plant growth is one of the most important monitoring parameters in plant studies. Conventional parameters (such as dry weight) are unreliable; thus, the development of rapid, accurate methods that will allow the monitoring of water content variation in live plants is necessary. In this study, we aimed to develop a non-invasive, radiofrequency-based monitoring system to rapidly and accurately detect water content variation in live plants. The changes in standing wave ratio (SWR) caused by the presence of stem water and magnetic particles in the stem water flow were used as the basis of plant monitoring systems.<h4>Results</h4>The SWR of a coil probe was used to develop a non-invasive monitoring system to detect water content variation in live plants. When water was added to the live experimental plants with or without illumination under drought conditions, noticeable SWR changes at various frequencies were observed. When a fixed frequency (1.611 GHz) was applied to a single experimental plant (Radermachera sinica), a more comprehensive monitoring, such as water content variation within the plant and the effect of illumination on water content, was achieved.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Our study demonstrated that the SWR of a coil probe could be used as a real-time, non-invasive, non-destructive parameter for detecting water content variation and practical vital activity in live plants. Our non-invasive monitoring method based on SWR may also be applied to various plant studies.', 'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'grantsList': {'grant': [{'grantId': '2019157B10-2121-0101', 'agency': 'Korea Forest Service', 'orderIn': '0'}, {'grantId': 'PJ016185022021', 'agency': 'Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea', 'orderIn': '0'}]}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Coil Probe', 'Radermachera Sinica', 'Plant Activity Monitoring', 'Standing Wave Ratio (Swr)', 'Plant Water Content']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-021-00757-y'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8164761'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8164761?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'Y', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'Y', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-05-30', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-05-31', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-06-03', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-06-04', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-05-29', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-05-29'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8164761">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table"><h4>Background</h4>Water content variation during plant growth is one of the most important monitoring parameters in plant studies. Conventional parameters (such as dry weight) are unreliable; thus, the development of rapid, accurate methods that will allow the monitoring of water content variation in live plants is necessary. In this study, we aimed to develop a non-invasive, radiofrequency-based monitoring system to rapidly and accurately detect water content variation in live plants. The changes in standing wave ratio (SWR) caused by the presence of stem water and magnetic particles in the stem water flow were used as the basis of plant monitoring systems.<h4>Results</h4>The SWR of a coil probe was used to develop a non-invasive monitoring system to detect water content variation in live plants. When water was added to the live experimental plants with or without illumination under drought conditions, noticeable SWR changes at various frequencies were observed. When a fixed frequency (1.611 GHz) was applied to a single experimental plant (Radermachera sinica), a more comprehensive monitoring, such as water content variation within the plant and the effect of illumination on water content, was achieved.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Our study demonstrated that the SWR of a coil probe could be used as a real-time, non-invasive, non-destructive parameter for detecting water content variation and practical vital activity in live plants. Our non-invasive monitoring method based on SWR may also be applied to various plant studies.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8164761?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Plant methods</td>
<td>[Yang Y, Kim JE, Song HJ, Lee EB, Choi YK, Jo JW, Jeon HJ, Kim HH, Kim KJ, Kim HJ]</td>
<td>Methodology: non-invasive monitoring system based on standing wave ratio for detecting water content variations in plants.</td>
<td>[Coil Probe, Radermachera Sinica, Plant Activity Monitoring, Standing Wave Ratio (Swr), Plant Water Content]</td>
<td>{'id': '33920882', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '33920882', 'pmcid': 'PMC8071313', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8071313'}, 'doi': '10.3390/plants10040775', 'title': 'Suppression of an Invasive Native Plant Species by Designed Grassland Communities.', 'authorString': 'Möhrle K, Reyes-Aldana HE, Kollmann J, Teixeira LH.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Möhrle K', 'firstName': 'Kathrin', 'lastName': 'Möhrle', 'initials': 'K', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': [{'affiliation': 'Restoration Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, 85354 Freising, Germany.'}, {'affiliation': 'Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture, Institute for Crop Science and Plant Breeding, 85354 Freising, Germany.'}]}}, {'fullName': 'Reyes-Aldana HE', 'firstName': 'Hugo E', 'lastName': 'Reyes-Aldana', 'initials': 'HE', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-0375-8293'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of River Ecology, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research-UFZ, 39114 Magdeburg, Germany.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Kollmann J', 'firstName': 'Johannes', 'lastName': 'Kollmann', 'initials': 'J', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-4990-3636'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': [{'affiliation': 'Restoration Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, 85354 Freising, Germany.'}, {'affiliation': 'Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, P.O. Box 115, 1431 Ås, Norway.'}]}}, {'fullName': 'Teixeira LH', 'firstName': 'Leonardo H', 'lastName': 'Teixeira', 'initials': 'LH', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Restoration Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, 85354 Freising, Germany.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': [{'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-0375-8293'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-4990-3636'}]}, 'dataLinksTagsList': {'dataLinkstag': 'altmetrics'}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '4', 'volume': '10', 'journalIssueId': '3156904', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 Apr', 'monthOfPublication': '4', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-04-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Plants (Basel, Switzerland)', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Plants (Basel)', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Plants (Basel)', 'NLMid': '101596181', 'ISSN': '2223-7747', 'ESSN': '2223-7747'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'abstractText': 'Grassland biodiversity is declining due to climatic change, land-use intensification, and establishment of invasive plant species. Excluding or suppressing invasive species is a challenge for grassland management. An example is <i>Jacobaea aquatica</i>, an invasive native plant in wet grasslands of Central Europe, that is causing problems to farmers by being poisonous, overabundant, and fast spreading. This study aimed at testing designed grassland communities in a greenhouse experiment, to determine key drivers of initial <i>J. aquatica</i> suppression, thus dismissing the use of pesticides. We used two base communities (mesic and wet grasslands) with three plant traits (plant height, leaf area, seed mass), that were constrained and diversified based on the invader traits. Native biomass, community-weighted mean trait values, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) were used as explanatory variables to understand variation in invasive biomass. The diversified traits leaf area and seed mass, PD, and native biomass significantly affected the invader. High native biomass permanently suppressed the invader, while functional traits needed time to develop effects; PD effects were significant at the beginning of the experiment but disappeared over time. Due to complexity and temporal effects, community weighted mean traits proved to be moderately successful for increasing invasion resistance of designed grassland communities.', 'affiliation': 'Restoration Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, 85354 Freising, Germany.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'grantsList': {'grant': {'grantId': 'A/17/05', 'agency': 'Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture, StMELF', 'orderIn': '0'}}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Phylogenetic diversity', 'Native Invasive Species', 'Grassland Establishment', 'Design Of Seed Mixtures', 'Trait-Based Restoration']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10040775'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8071313'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8071313?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'Y', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'Y', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-04-30', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-05-01', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-04-29', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-05-18', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-04-15', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-04-15'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8071313">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">Grassland biodiversity is declining due to climatic change, land-use intensification, and establishment of invasive plant species. Excluding or suppressing invasive species is a challenge for grassland management. An example is <i>Jacobaea aquatica</i>, an invasive native plant in wet grasslands of Central Europe, that is causing problems to farmers by being poisonous, overabundant, and fast spreading. This study aimed at testing designed grassland communities in a greenhouse experiment, to determine key drivers of initial <i>J. aquatica</i> suppression, thus dismissing the use of pesticides. We used two base communities (mesic and wet grasslands) with three plant traits (plant height, leaf area, seed mass), that were constrained and diversified based on the invader traits. Native biomass, community-weighted mean trait values, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) were used as explanatory variables to understand variation in invasive biomass. The diversified traits leaf area and seed mass, PD, and native biomass significantly affected the invader. High native biomass permanently suppressed the invader, while functional traits needed time to develop effects; PD effects were significant at the beginning of the experiment but disappeared over time. Due to complexity and temporal effects, community weighted mean traits proved to be moderately successful for increasing invasion resistance of designed grassland communities.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8071313?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Plants (Basel, Switzerland)</td>
<td>[Möhrle K, Reyes-Aldana HE, Kollmann J, Teixeira LH]</td>
<td>Suppression of an Invasive Native Plant Species by Designed Grassland Communities.</td>
<td>[Phylogenetic diversity, Native Invasive Species, Grassland Establishment, Design Of Seed Mixtures, Trait-Based Restoration]</td>
<td>{'id': '34027066', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34027066', 'pmcid': 'PMC8118396', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8118396'}, 'doi': '10.1080/23802359.2021.1911705', 'title': 'Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the global invasive species <i>Stictocephala bisonia</i> (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Smiliinae).', 'authorString': 'Yu R, Feng L, Yuan X.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Yu R', 'firstName': 'Ruitao', 'lastName': 'Yu', 'initials': 'R', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Feng L', 'firstName': 'Leining', 'lastName': 'Feng', 'initials': 'L', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-4309-4847'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Yuan X', 'firstName': 'Xiangqun', 'lastName': 'Yuan', 'initials': 'X', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0003-4309-4847'}}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '5', 'volume': '6', 'journalIssueId': '3174621', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 May', 'monthOfPublication': '5', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-05-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Mitochondrial DNA. Part B, Resources', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Mitochondrial DNA B Resour', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Mitochondrial DNA B Resour', 'NLMid': '101676334', 'ISSN': '2380-2359', 'ESSN': '2380-2359'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'pageInfo': '1601-1602', 'abstractText': '<i>Stictocephala bisonia</i> Kopp et Yonke, 1977, an invasive alien species colonizing Taibai County, Shaanxi Province, China, belongs to the subfamily Smiliinae. The total mitogenome sequence size is 15,803 bp in length, consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and one control region, and shows a positive AT skew. Phylogenetic analysis results strongly support that treehoppers (Membracidae and Aetalionidae) are monophyletic, and indicate that Smiliinae could be proposed as a separate family.', 'affiliation': 'Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Mitochondrial genome', 'Phylogenetic analysis', 'Invasive species', 'Treehopper', 'Stictocephala Bisonia']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2021.1911705'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8118396'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8118396?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'N', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'N', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'N', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-05-24', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-05-25', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-05-24', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-05-24', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-05-05', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-05-05'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8118396">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table"><i>Stictocephala bisonia</i> Kopp et Yonke, 1977, an invasive alien species colonizing Taibai County, Shaanxi Province, China, belongs to the subfamily Smiliinae. The total mitogenome sequence size is 15,803 bp in length, consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and one control region, and shows a positive AT skew. Phylogenetic analysis results strongly support that treehoppers (Membracidae and Aetalionidae) are monophyletic, and indicate that Smiliinae could be proposed as a separate family.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8118396?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Mitochondrial DNA. Part B, Resources</td>
<td>[Yu R, Feng L, Yuan X]</td>
<td>Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the global invasive species <i>Stictocephala bisonia</i> (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Smiliinae).</td>
<td>[Mitochondrial genome, Phylogenetic analysis, Invasive species, Treehopper, Stictocephala Bisonia]</td>
<td>{'id': '34065068', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34065068', 'pmcid': 'PMC8151036', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8151036'}, 'doi': '10.3390/plants10050943', 'title': 'A Path Forward: Promoting Microbial-Based Methods in the Control of Invasive Plant Species.', 'authorString': 'Shahrtash M, Brown SP.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Shahrtash M', 'firstName': 'Maryam', 'lastName': 'Shahrtash', 'initials': 'M', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Brown SP', 'firstName': 'Shawn P', 'lastName': 'Brown', 'initials': 'SP', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-4687-1720'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-4687-1720'}}, 'dataLinksTagsList': {'dataLinkstag': 'altmetrics'}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '5', 'volume': '10', 'journalIssueId': '3175161', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 May', 'monthOfPublication': '5', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-05-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Plants (Basel, Switzerland)', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Plants (Basel)', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Plants (Basel)', 'NLMid': '101596181', 'ISSN': '2223-7747', 'ESSN': '2223-7747'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'abstractText': 'In this review, we discuss the unrealized potential of incorporating plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions into invasive plant management strategies. While the development of this as a viable strategy is in its infancy, we argue that incorporation of microbial components into management plans should be a priority and has great potential for diversifying sustainable control options. We advocate for increased research into microbial-mediated phytochemical production, microbial controls to reduce the competitiveness of invasive plants, microbial-mediated increases of herbicidal tolerance of native plants, and to facilitate increased pathogenicity of plant pathogens of invasive plants.', 'affiliation': 'Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['review-article', 'Review', 'Journal Article']}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Integrated pest management', 'Invasive plants', 'Endophytes', 'Microbial Consortia', 'Disease Facilitation']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10050943'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8151036'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8151036?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'N', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'Y', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-06-02', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-06-03', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-05-28', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-06-15', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-05-09', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-05-09'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8151036">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">In this review, we discuss the unrealized potential of incorporating plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions into invasive plant management strategies. While the development of this as a viable strategy is in its infancy, we argue that incorporation of microbial components into management plans should be a priority and has great potential for diversifying sustainable control options. We advocate for increased research into microbial-mediated phytochemical production, microbial controls to reduce the competitiveness of invasive plants, microbial-mediated increases of herbicidal tolerance of native plants, and to facilitate increased pathogenicity of plant pathogens of invasive plants.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8151036?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Plants (Basel, Switzerland)</td>
<td>[Shahrtash M, Brown SP]</td>
<td>A Path Forward: Promoting Microbial-Based Methods in the Control of Invasive Plant Species.</td>
<td>[Integrated pest management, Invasive plants, Endophytes, Microbial Consortia, Disease Facilitation]</td>
<td>{'id': '34177980', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34177980', 'pmcid': 'PMC8222791', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8222791'}, 'doi': '10.3389/fpls.2021.657813', 'title': 'Latitudinal and Longitudinal Trends of Seed Traits Indicate Adaptive Strategies of an Invasive Plant.', 'authorString': 'Zhou L, Yu H, Yang K, Chen L, Yin W, Ding J.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Zhou L', 'firstName': 'Lifeng', 'lastName': 'Zhou', 'initials': 'L', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Yu H', 'firstName': 'Hongwei', 'lastName': 'Yu', 'initials': 'H', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Yang K', 'firstName': 'Kaiwen', 'lastName': 'Yang', 'initials': 'K', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Chen L', 'firstName': 'Li', 'lastName': 'Chen', 'initials': 'L', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Yin W', 'firstName': 'Wandong', 'lastName': 'Yin', 'initials': 'W', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Ding J', 'firstName': 'Jianqing', 'lastName': 'Ding', 'initials': 'J', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.'}}}]}, 'dataLinksTagsList': {'dataLinkstag': 'altmetrics'}, 'journalInfo': {'volume': '12', 'journalIssueId': '3109446', 'dateOfPublication': '2021', 'monthOfPublication': '0', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-01-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Frontiers in plant science', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Front Plant Sci', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Front Plant Sci', 'NLMid': '101568200', 'ISSN': '1664-462X', 'ESSN': '1664-462X'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'pageInfo': '657813', 'abstractText': 'Invasive plants may change their seed traits to adapt to the environment and facilitate their performance. Studies on variation in seed traits among populations of an invader along latitudes/longitudes may assist in revealing how invasive plants cope with variable climates. In this study, we collected seeds of 26 populations of the global invasive plant <i>Ambrosia artemisiifolia</i> along ranges spanning 23° latitudes and 20° longitudes that are highly correlated in its invasive range in China. We measured over 20 seed traits, including seed morphology, phytohormone, nutrients, and germination, and investigated how the climate along the latitudes affects those traits. We found that germination time was significantly delayed with increasing latitude and longitude, while the reversed patterns were true for the germination rate. From low to high latitude, seed size, abscisic acid, and fatty acid were increased, likely affecting seed germination. Our analysis further demonstrated that temperature is the dominant driver of the variability in seed traits and germination. Germination rates of larger seeds in cold ranges were lower, while smaller seeds from warm ranges germinated faster, likely indicating adaptive strategies of the invasive plant in seed trait functional ecology. Together, our findings provide new insights into understanding the seed adaptation strategies during the invasion process and the underlying physiological and biochemical mechanisms involved.', 'affiliation': 'State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic-eCollection', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Germination', 'Climate', 'Ambrosia artemisiifolia', 'Invasion', 'Latitude', 'Longitude']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.657813'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8222791'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8222791?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'Y', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'Y', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-06-28', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-06-29', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-06-28', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-06-29', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-06-10', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-06-10'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8222791">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">Invasive plants may change their seed traits to adapt to the environment and facilitate their performance. Studies on variation in seed traits among populations of an invader along latitudes/longitudes may assist in revealing how invasive plants cope with variable climates. In this study, we collected seeds of 26 populations of the global invasive plant <i>Ambrosia artemisiifolia</i> along ranges spanning 23° latitudes and 20° longitudes that are highly correlated in its invasive range in China. We measured over 20 seed traits, including seed morphology, phytohormone, nutrients, and germination, and investigated how the climate along the latitudes affects those traits. We found that germination time was significantly delayed with increasing latitude and longitude, while the reversed patterns were true for the germination rate. From low to high latitude, seed size, abscisic acid, and fatty acid were increased, likely affecting seed germination. Our analysis further demonstrated that temperature is the dominant driver of the variability in seed traits and germination. Germination rates of larger seeds in cold ranges were lower, while smaller seeds from warm ranges germinated faster, likely indicating adaptive strategies of the invasive plant in seed trait functional ecology. Together, our findings provide new insights into understanding the seed adaptation strategies during the invasion process and the underlying physiological and biochemical mechanisms involved.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8222791?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Frontiers in plant science</td>
<td>[Zhou L, Yu H, Yang K, Chen L, Yin W, Ding J]</td>
<td>Latitudinal and Longitudinal Trends of Seed Traits Indicate Adaptive Strategies of an Invasive Plant.</td>
<td>[Germination, Climate, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Invasion, Latitude, Longitude]</td>
<td>{'id': '34070176', 'source': 'MED', 'pmid': '34070176', 'pmcid': 'PMC8158497', 'fullTextIdList': {'fullTextId': 'PMC8158497'}, 'doi': '10.3390/ani11051449', 'title': 'Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis to Predict Diet Composition of a Mountain Ungulate Species.', 'authorString': 'Jarque-Bascuñana L, Bartolomé J, Serrano E, Espunyes J, Garel M, Calleja Alarcón JA, López-Olvera JR, Albanell E.', 'authorList': {'author': [{'fullName': 'Jarque-Bascuñana L', 'firstName': 'Laia', 'lastName': 'Jarque-Bascuñana', 'initials': 'L', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-3444-1723'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': "Wildlife Ecology & Health Group (WE&H) and Servei d'Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (SEFaS), Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain."}}}, {'fullName': 'Bartolomé J', 'firstName': 'Jordi', 'lastName': 'Bartolomé', 'initials': 'J', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-3784-5248'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Ruminant Research Group, Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Serrano E', 'firstName': 'Emmanuel', 'lastName': 'Serrano', 'initials': 'E', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-9799-9804'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': "Wildlife Ecology & Health Group (WE&H) and Servei d'Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (SEFaS), Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain."}}}, {'fullName': 'Espunyes J', 'firstName': 'Johan', 'lastName': 'Espunyes', 'initials': 'J', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Wildlife Conservation Medicine Research Group (WildCoM), Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona, Spain.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Garel M', 'firstName': 'Mathieu', 'lastName': 'Garel', 'initials': 'M', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Office Français de la Biodiversité, DRAS, Unité Ongulés Sauvages, Z.I. Mayencin, 38610 Gières, France.'}}}, {'fullName': 'Calleja Alarcón JA', 'firstName': 'Juan Antonio', 'lastName': 'Calleja Alarcón', 'initials': 'JA', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-6586-0939'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': [{'affiliation': 'Departamento de Biología (Botánica), Facultad de Ciencias, Centro de investigación en Biodiversidad y Cambio Global (CIBC-UAM), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain.'}, {'affiliation': 'Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry Applications (CREAF), 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain.'}]}}, {'fullName': 'López-Olvera JR', 'firstName': 'Jorge Ramón', 'lastName': 'López-Olvera', 'initials': 'JR', 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': "Wildlife Ecology & Health Group (WE&H) and Servei d'Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (SEFaS), Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain."}}}, {'fullName': 'Albanell E', 'firstName': 'Elena', 'lastName': 'Albanell', 'initials': 'E', 'authorId': {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-6158-7736'}, 'authorAffiliationDetailsList': {'authorAffiliation': {'affiliation': 'Ruminant Research Group, Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain.'}}}]}, 'authorIdList': {'authorId': [{'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-3444-1723'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-3784-5248'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-6158-7736'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-6586-0939'}, {'@type': 'ORCID', '#text': '0000-0002-9799-9804'}]}, 'dataLinksTagsList': {'dataLinkstag': 'altmetrics'}, 'journalInfo': {'issue': '5', 'volume': '11', 'journalIssueId': '3175167', 'dateOfPublication': '2021 May', 'monthOfPublication': '5', 'yearOfPublication': '2021', 'printPublicationDate': '2021-05-01', 'journal': {'title': 'Animals : an open access journal from MDPI', 'ISOAbbreviation': 'Animals (Basel)', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Animals (Basel)', 'NLMid': '101635614', 'ISSN': '2076-2615', 'ESSN': '2076-2615'}}, 'pubYear': '2021', 'abstractText': 'The diet composition of ungulates is important to understand not only their impact on vegetation, but also to understand the consequences of natural and human-driven environmental changes on the foraging behavior of these mammals. In this work, we evaluated the use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis (NIRS), a quick, economic and non-destructive method, to assess the diet composition of the Pyrenean chamois <i>Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica</i>. Fecal samples (<i>n</i> = 192) were collected from two chamois populations in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. Diet composition was initially assessed by fecal cuticle microhistological analysis (CMA) and categorized into four functional groups, namely: woody, herbaceous, graminoid and Fabaceae plants. Regressions of modified partial least squares and several combinations of scattering correction and derivative treatments were tested. The results showed that models based on the second derivative processing obtained the higher determination coefficient for woody, herbaceous and graminoid plants (R<sup>2</sup><sub>CAL</sub>, coefficient of determination in calibration, ranged from 0.86 to 0.91). The Fabaceae group, however, was predicted with lower accuracy (R<sup>2</sup><sub>CAL</sub> = 0.71). Even though an agreement between NIRS and CMA methods was confirmed by a Bland-Altman analysis, confidence limits of agreement differed by up to 25%. Our results support the viability of fecal NIRS analysis to study spatial and temporal variations of the Pyrenean chamois' diets in summer and winter when differences in the consumption of woody and annual plants are the greatest. This new use for the NIRS technique would be useful to assess the consequences of global change on the feeding behavior of this mountain ungulate and also in other ungulate counterparts.', 'affiliation': 'Wildlife Ecology & Health Group (WE&H) and Servei d'Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (SEFaS), Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain.', 'publicationStatus': 'epublish', 'language': 'eng', 'pubModel': 'Electronic', 'pubTypeList': {'pubType': ['research-article', 'Journal Article']}, 'grantsList': {'grant': {'grantId': 'RTI2018- 094202-BC21 and RTI2018-094202-A-C22', 'agency': 'Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades', 'orderIn': '0'}}, 'keywordList': {'keyword': ['Global change', 'Foraging ecology', 'Diet composition', 'Rupicapra Pyrenaica Pyrenaica', 'Fecal Nirs']}, 'fullTextUrlList': {'fullTextUrl': [{'availability': 'Subscription required', 'availabilityCode': 'S', 'documentStyle': 'doi', 'site': 'DOI', 'url': 'https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11051449'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'html', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8158497'}, {'availability': 'Open access', 'availabilityCode': 'OA', 'documentStyle': 'pdf', 'site': 'Europe_PMC', 'url': 'https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8158497?pdf=render'}]}, 'isOpenAccess': 'Y', 'inEPMC': 'Y', 'inPMC': 'N', 'hasPDF': 'Y', 'hasBook': 'N', 'hasSuppl': 'N', 'citedByCount': '0', 'hasData': 'N', 'hasReferences': 'Y', 'hasTextMinedTerms': 'Y', 'hasDbCrossReferences': 'N', 'hasLabsLinks': 'Y', 'license': 'cc by', 'authMan': 'N', 'epmcAuthMan': 'N', 'nihAuthMan': 'N', 'hasTMAccessionNumbers': 'N', 'dateOfCreation': '2021-06-02', 'firstIndexDate': '2021-06-03', 'fullTextReceivedDate': '2021-05-29', 'dateOfRevision': '2021-06-15', 'electronicPublicationDate': '2021-05-18', 'firstPublicationDate': '2021-05-18'}</td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8158497">Link</a></td>
<td><div id="table">The diet composition of ungulates is important to understand not only their impact on vegetation, but also to understand the consequences of natural and human-driven environmental changes on the foraging behavior of these mammals. In this work, we evaluated the use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis (NIRS), a quick, economic and non-destructive method, to assess the diet composition of the Pyrenean chamois <i>Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica</i>. Fecal samples (<i>n</i> = 192) were collected from two chamois populations in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. Diet composition was initially assessed by fecal cuticle microhistological analysis (CMA) and categorized into four functional groups, namely: woody, herbaceous, graminoid and Fabaceae plants. Regressions of modified partial least squares and several combinations of scattering correction and derivative treatments were tested. The results showed that models based on the second derivative processing obtained the higher determination coefficient for woody, herbaceous and graminoid plants (R<sup>2</sup><sub>CAL</sub>, coefficient of determination in calibration, ranged from 0.86 to 0.91). The Fabaceae group, however, was predicted with lower accuracy (R<sup>2</sup><sub>CAL</sub> = 0.71). Even though an agreement between NIRS and CMA methods was confirmed by a Bland-Altman analysis, confidence limits of agreement differed by up to 25%. Our results support the viability of fecal NIRS analysis to study spatial and temporal variations of the Pyrenean chamois' diets in summer and winter when differences in the consumption of woody and annual plants are the greatest. This new use for the NIRS technique would be useful to assess the consequences of global change on the feeding behavior of this mountain ungulate and also in other ungulate counterparts.</div></td>
<td><a target="_blank" href="https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC8158497?pdf=render">Link</a></td>
<td>Animals : an open access journal from MDPI</td>
<td>[Jarque-Bascuñana L, Bartolomé J, Serrano E, Espunyes J, Garel M, Calleja Alarcón JA, López-Olvera JR, Albanell E]</td>
<td>Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis to Predict Diet Composition of a Mountain Ungulate Species.</td>
<td>[Global change, Foraging ecology, Diet composition, Rupicapra Pyrenaica Pyrenaica, Fecal Nirs]</td>
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