This is a toy project that serves as a REST api for an Android App to talk to. Having lack of a better and quicker alternative, i decided to give Phoenix a try. Marvelous tools and documentation regarding Ecto and Phoenix made this project possible for an Android Developer to develop. This whole thing was made in about three hours, from scratch.
Rpg Achievements is an Elixir backend to deal with information regarding a few on-going tabletop games that me and a couple of friends play on rare weekends. We started creating our own achievements - silly things made out of title and description - to use as guidance on how far our gameplay can go. Eventually, came the idea of doing an app that reads all achievements, but i wasn't feeling like persisting all the data locally, hence this project!
Be sure to have Elixir and Phoenix installed.
Clone the repo, enter the directory, type mix deps.get
to fetch dependencies.
Then, create and migrate your database by running mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
After that, run mix phx.server
to execute the application. The result can be found on localhost:4000