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Laravel Actions Lighthouse

Create Actions with Laravel Actions that are resolved by Lighthouse allowing a GraphQL query/mutation to hit an action directly.


composer require petecoop/laravel-actions-lighthouse

GraphQL Actions

Add the AsGraphQL trait to your action:

use Petecoop\LaravelActionsLighthouse\AsGraphQL;

class SomeAction
    use AsAction, AsGraphQL;

This is resolved based on name of the query in your schema.graphql:

type Query {
    someAction: SomeResult

Ensure you register the path to the handler in config/lighthouse.php this may need to be published first: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lighthouse-config

If adding a mutation then add to mutations - this needs to be done for each folder of actions

    'namespaces' => [
        'queries' => [

You can then use the args from GraphQL directly in your handler:

type Mutation {
    updateUserName(id: ID!, name: String!): User!

The arguments are passed in as named arguments to the handle method:

class UpdateUserName
    use AsAction, AsGraphQL;

    public function handle(string $id, string $name)

Or use asGraphQL to pull out args from the graphql query, useful if you want to have more control over the args:

class SomeAction
    use AsAction, AsGraphQL;

    public function handle(int $userId, string $name)

    public function asGraphQL($_, $args)
        return $this->handle($args['id'], $args['name']);


You can use Laravel Action Validation Rules by using the @actionValidator directive.

Add "Petecoop\\LaravelActionsLighthouse" to your config/lighthouse.php:

"directives" => ["App\\GraphQL\\Directives", "Petecoop\\LaravelActionsLighthouse"],

for example:

type Mutation {
    updateUserName(id: ID!, name: String!): User! @actionValidator

rules(), getValidationMessages() and getValidationAttributes() currently work.

class UpdateUserName
    use AsAction, AsGraphQL;

    public function handle(string $id, string $name)

    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'name' => ['required', 'min:3'],