Official repository of the Pepipost SDK for Perl
This is a semi-automatically generated. Thanks to Swagger Codegen project:
- install Log::Any
- install URI::Query
- install LWP::UserAgent
- install JSON
- install Class::Singleton
- install Class::Data::Inheritable
- install DateTime
use lib 'lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
# load the API package
use WWW::Pepipost::EmailApi;
# load the models
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Attributes;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::EmailDetails;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Emailv1;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Files;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Settings;
# for displaying the API response data
use Data::Dumper;
my $email = WWW::Pepipost::EmailApi->new();
my $data = WWW::Pepipost::Object::Emailv1->new(); # Emailv1 | Data in JSON format
$data->{'api_key'} = 'yoursecretkey';
$data->{'recipients'} = [''];
$data->{'email_details'}{'subject'} = 'This is a test email subject sent using Pepipost SDK for Perl';
$data->{'email_details'}{'from'} = '';
$data->{'email_details'}{'content'} = 'This is a test email content sent using Pepipost SDK for Perl';
eval {
my $response = $email->send(data => $data);
print "response($response)\n";
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling EmailApi->send: $@\n";