Send Email - REST ( Edit )
REST/Email send – this API can be use to send emails.
You can call this api using GET as well POST HTTP method.
Example call for sending email with required parameters
Content-Type: application/json
Click here to try the above example with our online API console
{"message":"SUCCESS","errorcode": "0" ,"errormessage":""}
In order to send personalized content email using Pepipost API, you need to first provide the attribute in your API call along with the place-holders used inside of your HTML content. Like below given example:
Your API Call
GET /api/
&subject=Hi [%NAME%], here is your current balance.
&fromname=Your Company Name
&content=<p>Hi [%NAME%], your current balance as on today is [%ACCOUNT_BAL%].</p>
Click here to try the above example with our online API console
NOTE: The "ATT_" is the prefixed, which is required before every attribute name.
**Mail received by Mike **
<p>Hi Mike, your current balance as on today is 100.</p>
**Mail received by Joe **
<p>Hi Joe, your current balance as on today is 200.</p>
Example of API call with all the parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
Click here to try the above example with our online API console
{"message":"SUCCESS","errorcode": "0" ,"errormessage":""}
Name | Required | In | Type | Description |
api_key | Yes | query | string | Your API Key |
fromname | No | query | string | Email Sender name |
from | Yes | query | string | From email address |
replytoid | No | query | string | Reply to email address |
subject | Yes | query | string | Subject of the Email |
content | Yes | query | string | Email body in html (to use attributes to display dynamic values such as name, account number, etc. for ex. [% NAME %] for ATT_NAME , [% AGE %] for ATT_AGE etc.) |
footer | No | query | boolean | Set '0' or '1' in order to include footer or not |
template | No | query | integer | Email template ID |
attachmentid | No | query | string | specify uploaded attachments id (use comma to separate multiple attachmentid). |
clicktrack | No | query | boolean | set ‘0’ or ‘1’ in-order to disable or enable the click-track |
opentrack | No | query | boolean | set open-track value to ‘0’ or ‘1’ in-order to disable or enable |
bcc | No | query | string | Email address for bcc |
recipients | Yes | query | string | Email addresses for recipients (use comma to separate multiple recipients) |
ATT_NAME | No | query | string | Specify attributes followed by ATT_ for recipient to personalized email for ex. ATT_NAME for name, ATT_AGE for age etc. (Multiple attributes are allowed) |
X-APIHEADER | No | query | string | Your defined unique identifier (use comma to separate multiple X-APIHEADER). |
tags | No | query | string | To relate each message. Useful for reports (use comma to separate multiple recipients). |
Name | Description |
message | Its can have only 2 values - "SUCCESS" or "ERROR" |
errorcode | Pepipost API error code. Its value will be - 0 (zero) in case of success. In case of error it will be non-zero integer value. |
errormessage | Error specific error messages. |