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GluCat design notes 2016-07-10, updated 2022-03-14

This document describes some of the decisions that underly the design of GluCat, concentrating mainly on the use of linear algebra.

Early design history of GluCat

Here I describe some of the early history of GluCat, and the reasons why it initially used MTL and then used uBLAS for linear algebra.

I started GluCat as a coursework Masters project in mathematics at UNSW. Chapter 5 of my coursework Masters thesis contains a description of GluCat in its early form, as at March 2002, before GluCat used uBLAS. Section 10 lists design decisions, including the criteria that led to the choice of MTL as the initial linear algebra library for GluCat. See also:

Around May 2002, I decided to migrate GluCat from MTL. For my initial questions about uBLAS, see

In June 2002, Joerg Walter, one of the key developers of uBLAS at the time, contacted me with a port of GluCat from MTL to uBLAS, based on GluCat 0.0.6. In the file ublas.h, this contained the functions lu_factorize and lu_solve, to replace the use of mtl::lu_factorize and mtl::lu_solve in operator/=() in glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h.

Joerg Walter continued to help the porting effort until and after I released the first version of GluCat to use uBLAS: GluCat 0.1.0 on 30 December 2002.

So, in fact, the two main reasons that I moved GluCat from MTL to uBLAS were:

  1. The operator syntax and deep copy semantics of uBLAS are closer to Matlab and mathematical notation than the function calls and shallow copying used by MTL.

  2. Joerg Walter did the vast bulk of the porting work, including writing lu_factorize and lu_solve, as well as using GluCat as a test case for uBLAS compressed matrices.

Some other reasons are listed in the SourceForge news item linked above.

Up until GluCat 0.2.3 in 2007, GluCat used compressed matrices as matrix_t in matrix_multi_t. The reason why GluCat switched to using dense matrices was that uBLAS operations on compressed matrices, especially addition, was (and probably still is) asymptotically slow. For details, see:

GluCat use of uBLAS

Right now, the design of GluCat depends on being able to use sparse matrices easily. The reason why sparse matrices are used at all comes down to two things:

  1. When representing an element of a Clifford algebra as a linear combination of basis matrices, these basis matrices are usually monomial: they have only one non-zero per row or per column, and are thus sparse in the algebraic sense.

  2. The number of basis elements in a Clifford algebra grows exponentially with dimension. Thus, for GluCat to deal with large and arbitrary dimensions, if basis elements are to be stored in e.g. a cache, they must be stored efficiently.

Essentially, GluCat uses a uBLAS matrix for one of two things:

  1. As a matrix which the value of a generator or a basis element of a Clifford algebra (relative to a frame).

This is the class matrix_multi<>::basis_matrix_t.

  1. As a matrix which stores the value of a general element of a Clifford algebra (relative to a frame) in the matrix_multi<> template class.

This is the class matrix_multi<>::matrix_t, framed_multi<>::matrix_t, etc.

Thus, in glucat/matrix_multi.h, the definition of the template class matrix_multi<> contains:

    using orientation_t = ublas::row_major;
    using basis_matrix_t = ublas::compressed_matrix<int, orientation_t>;
    using matrix_t = ublas::matrix<Scalar_T, orientation_t>;
    using matrix_index_t = typename matrix_t::size_type;

and in glucat/framed_multi.h, the definition of the template class framed_multi<> contains:

    using matrix_t = typename matrix_multi_t::matrix_t;

In glucat/framed_multi_imp.h, the function fast() uses the class matrix_multi_t::basis_matrix_t, and this class is also explicitly used in glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h.

In glucat/matrix_imp.h and glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h, there are loops that use iterators over whole matrices or over one dimension of a matrix. In uBLAS these iterate over the structural non-zeros of a compressed matrix or over all elements of a dense matrix. Thus in glucat/matrix_imp.h and glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h, the same functions are often used for both sparse and dense matrices. One exception is the function matrix::mono_prod() in glucat/matrix_imp.h, which assumes that the matrix is sparse, in fact monomial.

The reason why the generator and basis matrices are treated separately to general matrices in GluCat comes down to a fundamental design decision, driven by the need to support efficient multiplication of real Clifford algebra elements with arbitrary signatures, the need to support multiplicative inverses and division wherever possible, and the need to support geometric algebra operations, such as the contraction, Hestenes inner product and wedge (Grassmann) product. These requirements meant that both the framed_multi_t class (best for geometric algebra operations) and the matrix_multi_t class (best for multiplication, inverse and division) were needed in GluCat, and the matrix_multi_t class had to use matrices of various different sizes. Not only that, but the conversion between the two classes needed to be efficient for both small signatures (e.g. Cl(1,1)) and large signatures (e.g. Cl(8,8)).

The reason why the template class basis_matrix_t is defined as ublas::compressed_matrix<int, orientation_t> rather than ublas::compressed_matrix<Scalar_T, orientation_t> or ublas::compressed_matrix<float, orientation_t> comes down to space and speed.

The type Scalar_T can be float (32 bits), double (64 bits), long double (80 bits on x86 architectures), or (if the QD library is used) dd_real (128 bits) or qd_real (256 bits). Thus for any Scalar_T other than float, a basis_matrix_t based on int should take up less space than one based on Scalar_T. The use of int for basis_matrix_t was introduced in GluCat 0.8.2. Extensive testing showed that the new basis_matrix_t produces code that is not significantly slower than the old basis_matrix_t that used Scalar_T.

Naive and fast representation and inverse representation algorithms

As described in the paper, "A generalized FFT for Clifford algebras" [1], there are essentially two types of algorithm that convert between the two classes, naive and fast, with the fast algorithm being faster asymptotically as the signature gets larger.

In GluCat, the naive algorithm makes extensive use of the class basis_matrix_t and the functions matrix::mono_prod() and matrix::mono_kron(), since conversion from framed_multi_t to matrix_multi_t relies on explicitly expanding a Clifford algebra element as a linear combination of basis matrices, where each basis matrix is obtained by multiplying together a a specific sequence of generator matrices, and the generators themselves are obtained as Kronecker products of smaller generators.

Rather than just always creating each required basis matrix on the fly, GluCat instead uses two caches, a generator table of template class generator_table<>, declared in glucat/generation.h, and a basis cache of template class basis_table<>, declared and defined in glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h. Each of these two caches is implemented as a singleton, in generator_table::generator() in glucat/generation_imp.h, and in basis_table::basis() in glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h, respectively.

The key function used in the naive conversion from framed_multi_t to matrix_multi_t is matrix_multi_t::operator+=(term_t), defined in glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h. This function uses the uBLAS matrix_t plus_assign() member function, along with a call to matrix_multi_t::basis_element().

Conversion in the other direction is given by the framed_multi_t constructor from matrix_multi_t, defined in glucat/framed_multi_imp.h. This uses the function matrix::inner(), defined in glucat/matrix_imp.h as well as matrix_multi_t::basis_element().

The fast algorithm to convert from framed_multi_t to matrix_multi_t, as implemented in the function framed_multi_t::fast(), in glucat/framed_multi_imp.h, also uses basis_matrix_t, but in a different way. The key function used in framed_multi_t::fast() is matrix::kron(), defined in glucat/matrix_imp.h. This is a Kronecker product with a dense result. Fast conversion in the other direction is handled by matrix_multi_t::fast() in glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h. This function also uses basis_matrix_t. It relies on the function matrix::signed_perm_nork() defined in glucat/matrix_imp.h, which performs a left Kronecker quotient, similar to that described in [1, p. 679].

Choice between naive and fast representation and inverse representation algorithms

In the definition of template struct tuning<> in glucat/tuning.h you will find the following lines

  // Tuning for FFT
    /// Minimum map size needed to invoke generalized FFT
    enum { fast_size_threshold = Fast_Size_Threshold };
    /// Minimum matrix dimension needed to invoke inverse generalized FFT
    enum { inv_fast_dim_threshold = Inv_Fast_Dim_Threshold };

These parameters are used to tune the choice between the naive and the fast algorithms in each direction.

The values used by a particular instance of framed_multi_t or matrix_multi_t are set in the policy class template parameter Tune_P, which is assumed to be an explicit specialization of template struct tuning<>. See test/tuning.h for examples.

In glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h, in the constructor of matrix_multi_t from framed_multi_t, there appears an if statement starting with:

if (val.size() >= Tune_P::fast_size_threshold)

The effect of the if statement is that if the number of terms in val is at least fast_size_threshold, then the fast algorithm is used to convert framed_multi_t to matrix_multi_t, otherwise the naive algorithm is used.

In glucat/framed_multi_imp.h, in the constructor of framed_multi_t from matrix_multi_t, appears the line:

const auto dim = val.m_matrix.size1();

In other words, dim is set to the first dimension of the matrix_t representing val (and the matrix is assumed to be square).

If dim >= Tune_P::inv_fast_dim_threshold, then the fast transformation from matrix_multi_t to framed_multi_t is used, otherwise the naive algorithm is used.

The definition of template struct tuning also contains the tuning parameter basis_max_count:

  // Tuning for basis cache
    /// Maximum index count of folded frames in basis cache
    enum { basis_max_count = Basis_Max_Count };

This parameter is used in the function matrix_multi_t::basis_element() to determine if the basis cache will be used to construct a basis element. If the size of the frame of the matrix_multi_t is at most basis_max_count, then the basis cache is used.

GluCat uses two tests to assess the speed of the naive and the fast algorithms. The test results are used to set the default values of fast_size_threshold and inv_fast_dim_threshold.

The first test is gfft_test, which tests the fast transform for speed and accuracy. The test calls the fast transform functions directly, rather than going through the constructors. The test output looks like:

Clifford algebra transform test:
Fill: 0.5
R_{-11,11} in R_{-11,11}:
 CPU = mm:        0.031 fm:        0.017 trials mm:     1 fm:     1  diff: 0.00e+00
R_{-10,10} in R_{-10,10}:
 CPU = mm:        0.010 fm:        0.008 trials mm:     1 fm:     1  diff: 0.00e+00
R_{-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} in R_{-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}:
 CPU = mm:     3039.964 fm:     6162.253 trials mm:     1 fm:     1  diff: 1.98e-16
R_{-11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} in R_{-11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}:
 CPU = mm:    14858.769 fm:    31077.762 trials mm:     1 fm:     1  diff: 2.09e-16

The mm CPU time is time to convert from framed_multi_t to matrix_multi_t.

The fm CPU time is time to convert from matrix_multi_t to framed_multi_t.

The diff is the relative difference of abs(new_a-a) with respect to a, where a is the initial random framed_multi_t value, and new_a is the result of converting to matrix_multi_t and back again.

The second test is transforms, which compares the naive and fast transforms. The test output looks like:

Clifford algebra transform test:
Fill: 0.5
Cl( 1, 0) in Cl(16, 0) CPU = mm:       1.98 (old)       7.58 (new) fm:    3993.18 (old)       1.99 (new)  diff: old: 6.43e-15 new: 0.00e+00 fm: 0.00e+00 mm: 6.43e-15
Cl( 2, 0) in Cl(16, 0) CPU = mm:       0.30 (old)       4.23 (new) fm:    3972.90 (old)       2.00 (new)  diff: old: 5.10e-15 new: 3.36e-17 fm: 0.00e+00 mm: 5.10e-15

Here, mm is again conversion from framed_multi_t to matrix_multi_t, and fm is conversion from matrix_multi_t to framed_multi_t. The naive algorithm is called (old) and the fast algorithm is called (new).

Split of code between glucat/matrix_imp.h and glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h

The source code of GluCat that uses linear algebra is concentrated in two files, glucat/matrix_imp.h and glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h. The reason for the split is to hide some of the linear algebra implementation details from the matrix_multi<> class by placing them within template functions in the namespace matrix. In general, functions in the namespace matrix operate on operands of type LHS_T, RHS_T or Matrix_T, where each of these is treated ("duck typed") as a uBLAS matrix type.

Three functions, to_lapack(), eigenvalues() and classify_eigenvalues() (optionally, via _GLUCAT_USE_BINDINGS) make use of Boost bindings to allow a object of type matrix_multi<> to determine the eigenvalues of the corresponding matrix. This, in turn, allows GluCat to accurately compute the matrix square root and logarithm functions, which in turn are used to compute the corresponding functions for elements of a Clifford algebra. See [2] for further details.

The header file glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h is used to implement the Clifford algebra interface of matrix_multi<>, including algebraic operations and transcendental functions. Besides the scaling and squaring type algorithms used for the square root and logarithm, Pade' approximations are used, which in turn depend on being able to quickly calculate and divide matrix polynomials. See the comment header of glucat/matrix_multi_imp.h for references.

As mentioned above, Joerg Walter initially conducted the port of GluCat to uBLAS. He coded ublas::lu_factorize and lu_substitute as part of the port, then moved them into uBLAS. In operator/(), GluCat performs division in a Clifford algebra by using this LU decomposition and back substitution to compute X=B/A by solving AT*XT=BT, with a right hand side consisting of the whole square matrix BT. The function uses iterative refinement to obtain a more accurate solution. See the reference given in the source code.

GluCat use of boost::numeric::bindings

The boost::numeric::bindings library is used in glucat/matrix_imp.h:

$ grep -i boost::numeric::bindings glucat/*.h
glucat/matrix_imp.h:    namespace lapack = boost::numeric::bindings::lapack;

The namespace boost::numeric::bindings::lapack is used in the function eigenvalues() in glucat/matrix_imp.h to gain access to the function lapack::gees to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix. The uBlas library does not have such an eigenvalue function. The lack of such a function, and the slow speed of some uBLAS functions, were some of the issues that first prompted me to consider a replacement for uBLAS, such as MTL3, Eigen or Armadillo.

GluCat uses of Boost other than for linear algebra

The only other uses of Boost besides boost::numeric::ublas and boost::numeric::bindings is BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT in glucat/index_set.h:

$  grep -i assert glucat/*.h | grep -i boost
glucat/index_set.h:#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
glucat/index_set.h:    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((LO <= 0) && (0 <= HI) && (LO < HI) && \

In the file glucat/global.h there is a definition for _GLUCAT_CTAssert that is also used in glucat/index_set.h, and this could be used instead of BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT:

$ grep -i _GLUCAT_CTAssert glucat/*.h
glucat/global.h:  #define _GLUCAT_CTAssert(expr, msg) \
glucat/global.h:  _GLUCAT_CTAssert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::radix == 2, CannotDetermineBitsPerChar)
glucat/global.h:  _GLUCAT_CTAssert(_GLUCAT_BITS_PER_ULONG == BITS_PER_SET_VALUE, BitsPerULongDoesNotMatchSetValueT)
glucat/index_set.h:  _GLUCAT_CTAssert(sizeof(set_value_t) >= sizeof(std::bitset<DEFAULT_HI-DEFAULT_LO>),
glucat/tuning.h:_GLUCAT_CTAssert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::radix == 2, CannotSetThresholds)

In future

Here is a brief description of where I would like linear algebra in GluCat to go. The criteria listed below are in addition to the criteria I listed when I initially chose MTL, and the criteria I used to move from MTL to UBLAS.

  1. The use of the two libraries uBLAS and Boost bindings should be replaced by a library or suite of libraries with a unified stable interface.

  2. For the sake of speed and space, ideally the library should support the addition and multiplication of compressed integer matrices, with fast iteration over non-zeros.

  3. Ideally, the library should support operator syntax close to that used by uBLAS, Matlab, NumPy, etc.

  4. Ideally, the library should support deep copy assignment, or its logical equivalent in terms of C++11 move assignment, so that accidental aliasing, scope problems and potential memory leaks are avoided in GluCat code.

  5. Ideally, the library should be faster than uBLAS in all practical cases.

  6. Ideally, there should be some support for parallelism, whether via OpenMP or GPUs, but in a way that is as transparent as possible to GluCat code.

  7. Finally, the porting and re-testing effort should be as small as possible. I have been very time poor, which explains why I have not yet attempted the port.

The libraries that I have seriously considered so far are Eigen 3 and Armadillo.

Here are some comparisons of the two: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

There are now other options, but I have not had time to look at them in depth:


[1] Paul Leopardi, "A generalized FFT for Clifford algebras", Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, Volume 11, Number 5, 2005, pp. 663-688. MR 2130632.

[2] Paul Leopardi, "Approximating the square root and logarithm functions in Clifford algebras: what to do in the case of negative eigenvalues?", (extended abstract) AGACSE 2010, June 2010.

Describes how the Clifford algebras over the real numbers can be treated as real matrices, except in the case of negative real eigenvalues, when the square root and logarithm functions may take values in a larger Clifford algebra.