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pedrohenrikle committed Mar 8, 2024
1 parent 4a4a59c commit 97f1482
Showing 1 changed file with 312 additions and 32 deletions.
344 changes: 312 additions & 32 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,312 @@
# App

GymPass style app.

## RFs (Requisitos funcionais)

- [x] Deve ser possível se cadastrar;
- [x] Deve ser possível se autenticar;
- [x] Deve ser possível obter o perfil de um usuário logado;
- [x] Deve ser possível obter o número de check-ins realizados pelo usuário logado;
- [x] Deve ser possível o usuário obter o seu histórico de check-ins;
- [x] Deve ser possível o usuário buscar academias próximas (até 10km);
- [x] Deve ser possível o usuário buscar academias pelo nome;
- [x] Deve ser possível o usuário realizar check-in em uma academia;
- [x] Deve ser possível validar o check-in de um usuário;
- [x] Deve ser possível cadastrar uma academia;

## RNs (Regras de negócio)

- [x] O usuário não deve poder se cadastrar com um e-mail duplicado;
- [x] O usuário não pode fazer 2 check-ins no mesmo dia;
- [x] O usuário não pode fazer check-in se não estiver perto (100m) da academia;
- [x] O check-in só pode ser validado até 20 minutos após ser criado;
- [ ] O check-in só pode ser validado por administradores;
- [ ] A academia só pode ser cadastrada por administradores;

## RNFs (Requisitos não-funcionais)

- [x] A senha do usuário precisa estar criptografada;
- [x] Os dados da aplicação precisam estar persistidos em um banco PostgreSQL;
- [x] Todas listas de dados precisam estar paginadas com 20 itens por página;
- [ ] O usuário deve ser identificado por um JWT (JSON Web Token);
table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 8px;
text-align: left;

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<img width="150px" src="./.github/images/logo.png"/>

# **GympassAPI**

✨ A copy (or something like) of the Gympass API. Node.js & Typescript based, developed with concepts like SOLID, DDD, TDD, Repository Pattern, Factory Method and RBAC system. Has unit test for especific use-cases and test E2E for every HTTP controller. ✨

[![GitHub Repo stars](](
[![License: MIT](](


## Table of contents

- [Why GympassAPI?](#why-gympassapi)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Features](#🛠️-features)
- [Functional requirements](#frs-functional-requirements)
- [Business rules](#brs-business-rules)
- [Non-functional requirements](#nfrs-non-functional-requirements)
- [Endpoints](#🛑-endpoints)
- [Users](#users)
- [Gyms](#gyms)
- [Check-Ins](#check-ins)
- [Technologies](#🚀-technologies)
- [License](#📝-license)
- [Author](#✍-author)

## Why GympassAPI?

GympassAPI was a project to better learn the concepts involved in the backend, such as SOLID concepts, the principles of DDD and TDD. I also learned about the RBAC authorization system, the use of the JWT token, authentication and validation systems and much more.

## Getting Started

To get started with GympassAPI, follow these simple steps:

### 1. Installation

First of all, clone the repository and install de dependencies.

npm install

### 2. Setting up your environment

Now we must setup our environment variables. Create a file on root as ***.env***. Inside, put all data like is on .env.example


# Auth

# Database

### 3. Create a Database

There is a `docker-compose.yml` file inside the project, so if you want to create the container as I thot, you can run the following command

docker compose up -d

and if you want to stop the container

docker compose stop

## 🛠️ Features

### FRs (Functional requirements)

- [x] It must be possible to register;
- [x] It must be possible to authenticate;
- [x] It must be possible to obtain the profile of a logged-in user;
- [x] It must be possible to obtain the number of check-ins carried out by the logged-in user;
- [x] It must be possible for the user to obtain their check-in history;
- [x] It must be possible for the user to search for nearby gyms (up to 10km);
- [x] It must be possible for the user to search for gyms by name;
- [x] It must be possible for the user to check-in at a gym;
- [x] It must be possible to validate a user's check-in;
- [x] It must be possible to register a gym;

### BRs (Business Rules)

- [x] The user must not be able to register with a duplicate e-mail address;
- [x] The user cannot make 2 check-ins on the same day;
- [x] The user cannot check in if they are not close (100m) to the gym;
- [x] The check-in can only be validated up to 20 minutes after it has been created;
- [x] The check-in can only be validated by administrators;
- [x] The gym can only be registered by administrators;

### NFRs (Non-functional requirements)

- [x] The user's password must be encrypted;
- [x] The application data must be persisted in a PostgreSQL database;
- [x] All data lists must be paginated with 20 items per page;
- [x] The user must be identified by a JWT (JSON Web Token);

## 🛑 Endpoints

Here you can see all the endpoints of the application

### Users

- ```POST - '/users'```
- This is the user's entry route, where the user will register with on the application. You must send the request with a ***data*** equal a some user's informations on the body of the requisition.

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `name` | **string** | - |
| `email` | **string** | - |
| `password` | **string** | - |
| `role` | **string** | `'MEMBER'` |


- `POST - '/sessions'`
- This is the authenticate route. Here, the user can log-in on our application. Send this data as the body of the request as a JSON. After that, we will generate a access token that contains the **user ID** and about his **role**.

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `email` | **string** | - |
| `password` | **string** | - |


- ```PATCH - '/token/refresh'```
- This the route where, if you have a refresh token, we will generate another JWT Token.


- ```GET - '/me'```
- This route requires that you already be logged-in. Here, you send your requisition with a JWT Token as authorization.

| Header | Type |
| :--- | :--- |
| `Authorization` | **Bearer** |

will be something like this

fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

### Gyms

On ***Gyms***, every route needs to be authenticated, that means every request must have the following header: `Authorization Bearer ${token}`. Some routes also require `role = 'ADMIN'`.

- ```GET - '/gyms/search'```
- Here you can search gyms by their name. You must send the request with a ***query*** as **q** on the body of the requisition as a JSON.

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `q` | **string** | - |
| `page` | **number** | 1 |


- ```GET - '/gyms/nearby'```
- Here you can find nearby gyms based on latitude and longitude of the user. You must send the request with a ***latitude*** and ***longitude*** of the user on the body of the requisitionas as a JSON.

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `latitude` | **number** | - |
| `longitude` | **number** | - |


- ```POST - '/gyms'```
- Here we create a new Gym on database. You must do this as a `'ADMIN'` user so your access token must have this proprerty. You can pass the informations of the gym on the body of the requisition as a JSON.

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `title` | **string** | - |
| `description` | **string** | - |
| `phone` | **number** | - |
| `latitude` | **number** | - |
| `longitude` | **number** | - |

### Check Ins

On ***Check Ins***, every route needs to be authenticated.

- ```GET - '/check-ins/history'```
- Here we can take the history of all check-ins that the user made it. You must just provide your JWT Token for the authorization.

| Header | Type |
| :--- | :--- |
| `Authorization` | **Bearer** |

will be something like this

fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

- ```GET - '/check-ins/metrics'```
- Here we can take the metrics of the user. You must just provide your JWT Token for the authorization.

| Header | Type |
| :--- | :--- |
| `Authorization` | **Bearer** |

will be something like this

fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'


- ```POST - '/gyms/:gymId/check-ins'```
- Here we can create a check-in on a gym. You must provide on the URL param the id of the gym as **gymID** and on the body of the request the **latitude** and **longitude** of the user as a JSON

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `gymId` | **string** | - |
| `latitude` | **number** | - |
| `longitude` | **number** | - |


- ```POST - '/check-ins/:checkInId/validate'```
- Here we validate the check-in of the user. You must do this as a `'ADMIN'` user so your access token must have this proprerty. You also must provide on the URL param the **checkInId** as the check-in that will be validated.

| Params | Type | Default |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `checkInId` | **string** | - |

## 🚀 Technologies
The technologies used to develop this application was:
- [nodejs](
- [typescript](
- [fastify](
- [@fastify/cookie](
- [@fastify/jwt](
- [prisma](
- [zod](
- [vitest](
- [supertest](
- [dayjs](
- [tsup](
- [dotenv](
- [bcryptjs](
- [eslint](

## 📝 License
GympassAPI is released under the MIT License.

## ✍ Author

<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 0.5rem">
<img alt="Pedro Henrique Klein" title="Pedro Henrique Klein" src="" width="150">
Made with 💜 by Pedro Henrique Klein
<div style="display: flex; align-item: center; gap: 1rem">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img align="center" src="" alt="LinkedIn: pedro-klein" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img align="center" src="" alt="" />

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