Should be compatible with models Toshiba Suzumi/Shorai/Seiya and other models using the same protocol.
Toshiba air conditioner has an option for connecting remote module purchased separately. This project aims to replace this module with more affordable and universal ESP module and to allow integration to home automation systems like HomeAssistent.
This component use ESPHome UART to connect with Toshiba AC and communicates directly with Home Assistant.
Any unit which have an option to purchase o wifi adapter RB-N105S-G/RB-N106S-G:
- Seiya RAS-B24 J2KVG-E
- Suzumi Plus RAS-B18, B22 and B24 PKVSG-E
- Shorai Premium RAS-B18, B22 and B24 J2KVRG-E
- Daiseikai 9 RAS-B10, B13 and B16 PKVPG-E
- Shorai Edge RAS-B07, B10, B13, B16, B18, B22 and B24 J2KVSG-E
- Seiya RAS-B10, B13, B16 and B18 J2KVG-E
- Suzumi Plus RAS-B10, B13 and B16 PKVSG-E
- Shorai Premium RAS-B10, B13 and B16 J2KVRG-E
- tested with ESP32 (WROOM 32D)
- tested with ESP8266 (Lolin D1 mini)
- connection adapter can be used the same as with this solution (
- Alternatively, you can use only a level shifter between 5V (AC unit) and 3.3V (ESP32) (search Aliexpress for "level shifter"). That's what I use and it works fine.
AC unit has a wifi connector CN22 with an extension cable, usually with pink and blue colors (see the schema above).
pin number | color | ESP32 pin | ESP8266 pin |
1 | blue | 33 (TX) | 13 (TX) |
2 | pink | GND | GND |
3 | black | +5V (Vin) | +5V (Vin) |
4 | white | 32 (RX) | 15 (RX) |
5 | pink | unused | unused |
install Home Assistant and ESPHome Addon
add new ESP32 device to ESPHome Dashboard. This will flash the device and create a basic configuration of the node.
edit code configuration and setup UART and Climate modules. See example.yaml for configuration details.
- source:
type: git
components: [toshiba_suzumi]
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: 33
rx_pin: 32
parity: EVEN
baud_rate: 9600
- platform: toshiba_suzumi
name: living-room
id: living_room # Optional. Used by the scan button (read bellow)
uart_id: uart_bus
outdoor_temp: # Optional. Outdoor temperature sensor
name: Outdoor Temp
name: "Power level"
#min_temp: 7 # Optional. Min temp is by default set to 17°C. If your AC has 8° heating mode, you can set different min temperature here.
#horizontal_swing: true # Optional. Uncomment if your HVAC supports also horizontal swing
#special_mode: # Optional. Enable only the features your HVAC supports.
#name: "Special mode"
#- "Standard"
#- "Hi POWER"
#- "ECO"
#- "Fireplace 1"
#- "Fireplace 2"
#- "8 degrees"
#- "Silent#1"
#- "Silent#2"
#disable_wifi_led: true # Optional. Disable Wifi LED on internal unit.
The component can be installed locally by downloading to components
directory or directly from Github.
When configured correctly, new ESPHome device will appear in Home Assistant integrations and you'll be asked to provide encryption key (it's in the node configuration from step 2.). All entities then populate automatically.
You can then create a Thermostat card on the dashboard.
It has been reported that some AC units send temp value 127 when the unit does not know the temp or using only Fan mode without external unit running. This mess up graphs in HomeAssistant.
You can filter unwanted values by adding a filter to Outside temp sensor:
name: Outdoor Temp
- filter_out: 127
The code here was developed on certain Toshiba AC unit which provides only certain set of features. Newer or different units might offer more features (ie. reporting of power usage, horizontal swing etc.). While these are not implemented, you can add a button which scans for all sensors and prints the answers from AC unit. This might help developers to identify these new features.
You can enable this by adding a new button:
- platform: template
name: "Scan for unknown sensors"
icon: "mdi:reload"
- lambda: |-
auto* controller = static_cast<toshiba_suzumi::ToshibaClimateUart*>(id(living_room));
and then watching ESPHome logs for data:
There is a change in internal implementation of climate control in 2023.3.0 - the fan mode Quiet is implemented as regular fan mode. As a result, the implementation of Quiet mode as custom fan mode won't work anymore.
It was fixed in current code, but users with ESPHome older than 2023.3.0 needs to use older tag:
users with ESPHome 2023.3.0 or newer should use branch master
users with ESPHome 2023.2.x and older should use this url:
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