phpMyFAQ code goes here and maintained by the ISA team
If you want to have a local copy running for testing purposes, please, use the following steps as a guideline:
- Install a server with RHEL7 (or other compatible LAMP server)
- Git clone the source to your DocumentRoot folder
- Create a copy of the phpMyFAQ database
- Configure the system with Red Hat specifics
- Make your changes, test them, send us your Pull request
- Install a RHEL7 Server choosing the "Basic Web Server" environment
- Follow the instructions from the upstram project
Note: Web Server specific configuration outside of the scope for this document.
git clone
Note: You can use other destination directory. Change it if needed.
Note: Use the provided sample available on $DOCUMENTROOT/myphpfaq/dbsample/faq.sql
yum install mysql-server
service mysqld on
mysql> CREATE DATABASE devfaqdb;
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'devfaquser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'change-this-dev-password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `devfaqdb`.* TO 'devfaquser'@'localhost';
mysql> \q
(Optional) mysql devfaqdb < $DOCUMENTROOT/myphpfaq/dbsample/faq.sql
Edit .htaccess and change: RewriteBase /
$DB['server'] = 'localhost';
$DB['user'] = 'devfaquser';
$DB['password'] = 'my-new-dev-password';
$DB['db'] = 'devfaqdb';
$DB['prefix'] = '';
$DB['type'] = 'mysqli';
// Main LDAP server
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_server'] = 'ldaps://';
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_port'] = '636';
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_user'] = '';
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_password'] = '';
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_base'] = 'ou=users,dc=redhat,dc=com';
// Datamapping - in this example for an ADS
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_mapping'] = array (
'name' => 'cn',
'username' => 'uid',
'mail' => 'mail'
// Option to use anonymous LDAP connection (without username and password)
// Default: false
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_use_anonymous_login'] = true;