Support tool for local privilege escalation on linux machines.
Version: 0.5
Valkyrie supports you finding possibilities for local privilege escalation by:
- detecting kernel version and recommending local exploits
- checking version of installed tools and recommending local exploits
- finding suid binaries
- finding interesting files you can read
- scanning for directories with write permission
- scanning for binaries with capabilities
Future features will be added.
At this point, rootme supports two ways for recommending local exploits:
Detect kernel and suggest exploit:
python -d
Manually name the version of the kernel:
python -m 4.4.2
Check installed tools for local exploits:
python -l
Finding binaries with suid permission:
python -s
Finding interesting files and checking whether you can read them:
python -r
Scanning binaries for capabilities:
python -c
Scanning for directories you have permission to write:
python -w /home
the exploit database is currently quite limited and only contains 8 entries. the database for local exploits has 4 entries. In the next versions, the database will be extended.