To use this library, you must have an approved Paywant merchant account and store. You can access Paywant at
The document for this service is at
PHP 5.6 and above. Curl
Execute this command to use via Composer :
composer require paywant/php-sdk
Call composer autoload file for define:
If you don't want to use Composer, you can download the latest version of sdk from latest release.
To use, it will be sufficient to include the Bootstrap.php
file in the folder you downloaded to your project.
use Paywant\Config;
use Paywant\Model\Buyer;
use Paywant\Store\Create;
$config = new Config();
$config->setAPIKey('TEST'); // API KEY
$config->setSecretKey('TEST'); // API SECRET
// create request object with config
$request = new Create($config);
// buyer info.
$buyer = new Buyer();
// set objects to Request
if ($request->execute())
{ // execute request
echo $request->getResponse(); // json
catch (Exception $ex)
echo $ex->getMessage();
echo $request->getError(); // got a error
To create a direct payment screen, you can check the example here.
For IPN you can check the example here.