Togglz is open source software and is mostly created during our my spare-time.
If you found a bug or would like to hack on a new feature, our suggestion is to:
Open an issue on github describing your idea and ask for feedback before sending a huge pull request. If you get positive feedback feel free to send a PR and try to split your work into multiple commits if it makes sense to do so. This helps us to review your code and it helps you to stay focused. Please stick to the standards you find in the code base like using the same testing libraries, coding conventions and formatting rules. There is an editorconfig code format profile checked into the Git repository. Most IDEs will use it automatically. Please add unit and integration tests! Ask for help if you have problems with the integration test suite. It is difficult to get started with it, but once you start to work with integration test, you will see the benefit.
Thanks in advance!