Development of a simple computer game that uses reinforcement learning to teach an agent progressing through the environment.
- Python 3.8
- PyTorch 1.7.1
- ML-agents 0.28.0
- Unity Editor 2020.3.30r1 with ML Agents 2.0.1 package
- Clone the repository
- Create en empty Unity 3D project
- Move the repository files to the project directory
- Add one of the existing scenes from Assets/Scenes to the project Hierarchy
- Install Python 3.8
- In the project directory open terminal and create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
- Activate the environment:
- Install PyTorch 1.7.1
pip3 install torch~=1.7.1 -f
- Install ML-agents 0.28.0
pip install mlagents==0.28.0
- Launch the Unity project > Window > Package Manager > Unity Registry > Search for ML Agents package > Install ML Agents 2.0.1
To use an existing ML model:
- In Unity select the RollerAgent object
- In the Behavour Parameters module select a model from the Assets/ML-Models directory
- Press Play in Unity Editor
To train a new model:
- In Unity select the Agent object
- In the Behavour Parameters module set the Behavour Type to Default
- Open terminal in the project directory and activate the virtual environment:
- Train a new model:
mlagents-learn <(optional) path to config file, e.g. config/new_config.yaml> --run-id=<unique name, e.g. run1>
- Press Play in Unity Editor
- The model file will be saved in results/run-id directory with .onnx extension