- Removed support for Django <= 1.10
- Removed outdated files
- Code alignments with other addons
- Replace deprecated templatetag
. - Added management command
to check the integrity of the database against the file system, and vice versa. - Add jQuery as AdminFileWidget Media dependency
- Add rel="noopener noreferrer" for tab nabbing
- Fixed an issue where a value error is raised when no folder is selected
- Fixed search field overflow
- Added support for Django 2.2
- Adapted test matrix
- Adapted test structure and added fixes
- Fixed missing validation message for empty file field in file and image widget (#1125)
- Fixed wrong argument for AdminFileWidget render method (#1120)
- Fixed missing renderer argument for render method for AdminFolderWidget and AdminFileWidget classes for Django 2.x (#1120)
- Fixed a problem in Django 2.x with getting None instead of the object in AdminFileWidget and AdminFolderWidget (#1118)
- Fixed widgets to work with Django 2.x (#1111)
- Added admin site context to make_folder view (#1112)
- Added never_cache decorator in server views. (#1100)
- Added support for Django 2.0 and 2.1
- Enabled django-mptt 0.9
- Converted QueryDict to dict before manipulating in admin
- Hide 'Save as new' button in file admin
- Fixed history link for folder and image object
- Fixed rendering canonical URL in change form
- Don't show set public / set private actions if permissions are disabled.
- Allowed easy-thumbnails < 3 in setup.py
- Fixed broken reference for delete icon
- Fixed minor documentation issues
- Fixed travis configuration
- Fixed a regression with loading and dumping fixtures (#965)
- Added callable instead of setting as Filer.is_public default
- Fixed canonical URL computation
- Fixed image preview target size
- Fixed translatable string
- Updated translations
- Changed file size field to BigIntegerField
- Fixed import_files command to work on Django 1.10+
- Used get_queryset in FolderAdmin instead of the manager
- Cleaned up swapped models implementation
- Allowed django-polymorphic>_2.0
- Introduced Django 1.11 support
- Fixed get_css_position filter breaking when there is no image
- Fixed missing html title when adding folders
- Fixed a regression where third party app migrations would require the
- Added 'get_css_position' template filter for background images
- Updated translations
- Fixed markup issue with editing file in admin
- Fixed error message not always showing up properly
- Added generate thumbnails management command
- Fixed dropzone styles on smaller widths
- Fixed dropzones in inlines not initializing in Django < 1.9
- Added an action button to the directory listings to download files
- Added support for Django 1.10
- Added title attribute to the file name
- Fixed an issue whereas the CSS was compiled incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where links failed to open from django CMS sideframe
- Fixes object tools placement on image detail page and removed background color and shadow
- Added edit button to image widget
- Removed arrow in breadcrumbs if no folder or name follows
- Fixed jQuery loading on file move/copy page with Django 1.9
- Fixed localization for fieldsets of ImageAdmin
- Fixed unquoting in files search
- Dropping or uploading an image will now fire a js change event
- Added native Divio Cloud support
- Fixed add/change arguments in FileAdmin.render_change_form
- Fixed minor issues which results in spurious migration generation
- Added a menu into django CMS projects via filer.contrib.django_cms
- Added tests for extended models
- Updated file_ptr to use string-replacement strategy for newer Djangos
- Fixed an issue with file_ptr on Django 1.9+ installations
- Addressed file_ptr issue
- Updated translation strings
- Rename filer picker widget upload button
- Adds missing @2x icon files
- Added missing migration #854
- Updated translations
- Fixed an issue with hashes in URLs in the wrong place
- Fixed issue where deleting a user from a project would delete their assets
- Drop Django 1.5 support
- Drop Python 3.3 support (now 3.4+)
- Testrunner cleanup
- Fix many regressions and bugs in Django 1.8/1.9
- Admin UI enhancements
- Fix issues with non-default STATICFILES_STORAGE
- Hide related widget wrapper links
- Fix cancel link in delete confirmation
- Make BaseImage.subject_location field non-nullable
- Adds icon sizes
- Fixes owner search icon on detail view
- Disable submit button if only one folder to copy file
- Design improvements
- Empty folder design
- Removes disabled action button border
- Adds unsorted uploads empty view
- Fix issues with subject location being off on images smaller than 210px
- Ignores unsorted uploads from search and count
- Fixes tests and configuration to run under Django 1.9
- Allow Django 1.9.x in setup requirements
- Fixes an issue where only the first drop-zone will be active
- Fixes an issue with Python 3 for the import_files command
- Fixes button space on delete confirmation modal
- Updates Filer image plugin form fields
- Removes folder content space in admin, side frame and modal
- Updates drag and drop modal window
- Updates drag and drop widget styles
- Fixes empty folder alignment
- Allow to provide single dimension for resizing images.
- Search result fixes for current folder search.
- Workaround for SQLite problems on simultaneous file uploads.
- Add missing search results counters.
- Move project to divio/django-filer.
- Adapt documentation links.
- Cleanup frontend code and adapt to guidelines.
- Added drag & drop capabilities.
- Redesign of the User Interface
- Fix imports for django-polymorphic>=0.8.
- Limit dependencies versions in setup.py.
- Simplify tox setup.
- Refactor Travis setup to use tox environments list.
- Pin django-polymorphic version.
- Use specific django-mptt versions in tox.ini for different Django versions.
- Repackage for PyPI.
- Fixes a bad static path.
- Adds a fix for Django 1.8 envs.
- Repackage for PyPI.
- Repackage for PyPI.
- Substantial UI/UX overhaul.
- Fixes some Django 1.9 issues.
- Drop support for Django older than v1.5.
- Fixes urls for changed files.
- Fixes an issue with KeyErrors during saving folder.
- Provides support for configuring the canonical URLs.
- Remove FILER_STATICMEDIA_PREFIX and use staticfiles for static files.
- Fixes searching for folders.
- Adds checkerboard-tile backgrounds to illustrate transparency in thumbnails.
- Other fixes.
- Various bugfixes.
- Better Django 1.7 and 1.8 support.
- Update Django 1.7 migrations because of change in django_polymorphic>=0.7.
- Migrations in default locations for Django 1.7 and South>=1.0.
- jQuery isolation fixes
- Various bugfixes.
- Fixes in Django 1.7 support.
- Implement PEP440 compliant.
- Add author to admin.
- Allow customizing dismiss popup.
- Add order_by parameter in directory listing.
- Experimental Django 1.7 support.
- Bugfixes.
- thumbnails: add zoom support.
- Fixed migration custom User compatibility.
- Disallow copying folders to self.
- Build random path using os.path.join.
- Replace use of force_str by force_text.
- Various bugfixes.
- Dropped support for Django 1.3.
- Added better support for Django 1.6.
- Experimental python 3.3 support.
- File paths now contain random component by default (to avoid filename clashes).
- Fixed migrations to be better compatible with custom user models.
- Bugfixes, performance improvements.
- Experimental Django 1.5 support.
- Bugfixes.
- Fixes template file permissions (packaging issue).
- File.name move to not null (run migrations).
- Fix popup mode when Folder doesn't exists.
- #271 Remove unused templatetag from django 1.4.
- #269 Hide "Folder permissions" entry for "normal" users.
- #265 click on image thumbnail in popup looses context.
- #264 cancel search button looses popup context.
- #263 deleting images from the image detail view redirects to the wrong list view.
- Removed nginx X-Accel-Redirect Content-Type header (#245).
- Validate_related_name method appears to break in FilerFileField (#148).
- Remember last openened folder in file picker (#187).
Django-1.4 compatibility.
Separate, customizable file storage backends for public and private files.
Deleting a file in filer now deletes the file and all its thumbnails from the filesystem.
Many bulk operations (admin actions).
Backwards incompatible changes: * storage refactor: path to private files in the db has changed (no longer relative to MEDIA_ROOT) * filer.server.urls needs to be included to serve private files * static media has been moved from 'media' to 'static'
(as proposed by django.contrib.staticfiles and django 1.3)
- django 1.2 no longer supported
- Minor maintenance release.
- No longer unpack uploaded zip files (#172).
- Removed some print statements.
- Renamed media to static.
- New dependency: django-staticfiles or django >= 1.3.
- Minor bugfixes.
- Fix thumbnail templatetag support for easy-thumbnails>=1.0-alpha-17.
- Fix ajax file upload for django < 1.3.
- Replaced flash uploader with pure javascript (burn in hell, flash uplaoder!).
- Sha hash for files.
- Packaging fixes.
- Moved to easy-thumbnails for thumbnailing. added tests and lots of cleanup.
- Backwards incompatible changes: * use easy-thumbnails instead of sorl.thumbnail
- Bugfixes
- Adds description field.
- First test release as a pypi package.