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Testing on Android

Source Sets and Dependencies

The source code is divided in 3 folders called source sets.

  1. Main Source Set - It contains all the app code.

  2. Test source set - It contains local tests, that run on local machine (i.e. laptop) and don't require an emulator or a physical device to run.

  3. androidTest source set - It contains Instrumented Tests, that run on real or emulated devices. They require Android Framework to get objects which are possible only on a running device such as context or application.

The testing code knows about the classes in the main source set, so that it can test those classes using all the required objects that the non-test class has access to. Also, the test file structure should match the main source code file structure for similar reasons.

But the code in the main source set does not know anything about the testing code. And the two test source sets don't know about each other. Also, when the production APK is uploaded to Google Play Store, none of the testing code is included.

Dependencies in Gradle are scoped by source set:

  • implementation- for the main source set
  • testImplementation- for the test source set
  • androidTestImplementation- for the androidTest source set

Testing ViewModel with AndroidX Test and Robolectric

AndroidX Test is a collection of libraries for testing. It provides test versions of Android components like applications and activities. It can be used to run the same test as Unit Test and as Instrumented Test. It is used in combination with Robolectric library that creates a simulated Android environment specifically for local tests.

Testing LiveData

To test LiveData we have to use architecture component's InstantTaskExecutorRule() and Observe LiveData. LiveData does not do much until it is observed, especially in case of Transformations. Hence we need to observe LiveData to get expected behaviour. But in testing class there isn't a LifeCycleOwner such as Activity or Fragment with which to observe the LiveData. So we can use observeForever on the LiveData and then removeObserver to avoid observer leak. To avoid boilerplate code, we can create a extension function on LiveData to handle this, as mentioned here.


InstanceTaskExecutorRule is a JUnit rule. JUnit rules are classes that allows to define some code that runs before and after each test run. This role run all architecture components related background jobs on the same thread. This ensures that the test results happens synchronously and in a repeatable order.

Test Doubles

Test Double is a version of a class crafted specifically for testing. We make test doubles of dependencies. For example in case of repository we make test doubles for data sources, so that we only unit test the code related to repository. Two types of test doubles are explained below :

  1. Fake - A test double that has a "working" implementation of the class, but it's implemented in a way that makes it good for tests but unsuitable for production. Like instead of calling the real database we can use a HashMap implementation as a fake data source, for testing purpose.

  2. Mock - A test double that tracks which of its methods are called. Mocks pass or fail a test depending on whether their methods were called correctly.

Integration Testing of Fragment-ViewModel Pair

FragmentScenario - It is an API from the AndroidX test library to create fragments for testing purposes. It gives control over starting state and lifecycle of the fragment. It can be used in both local and instrumented tests.

Service Locators - In some situations constructor dependency injection is not easily doable and difficult to set up, such as injecting objects in activities and fragments. It is because there is no easy way to change the constructors of activities and fragments. In such cases, we use setter dependency injection or the service locator pattern.

A service locator is a singleton whose purpose is to store and provide dependencies. It does this for both the source code and for the test code. The benefit of using a service locator over setter dependency injection is that with setter dependency injection, we need to set the correct dependency each time we make an instance of the class. But with service locator we set all correct dependencies in the beginning and then they are used everywhere.

Testing UI using Espresso

Espresso is an Android UI testing library. Using Espresso, we can interact with views and check their state. The four parts that make up an Espresso statement are :

  1. Static Espresso method - It starts an espresso statement and defines which part of UI to interact with. For example : onView() method states - we are going to do something with view.

  2. ViewMatcher - The ViewMatcher finds the required view in the UI. For example withId() finds a view that matches the given ID. We need to uniquely identify the views for Espresso, if a ViewMatcher identifies more than one view that matches the condition, we get an AmbiguousViewMatcherException.

  3. ViewAction - It is something that can be performed on the view. For example perform(click()) performs a click on the view.

  4. ViewAssertion - It asserts something about the view. For example matches(isChecked()) asserts that the view is checked such as a check-box.


Testing navigation using Mockito

Mock : It is type of test double that knows whether its methods were called correctly.

Avoiding misuse of mocks :

During testing we usually check that after doing some actions, the ending state is correct. For example, calling a method and then seeing if some value is changed, or press a button and see if some text changes.

Mocks have a possibility of being misused to test implementation instead of a state change. For example, we might end up testing that bunch of methods were called, but not anything actually changed.

// Mock test example

// only verifies that updateText method was called

// No mock test example
// verifies that correct text is displayed
assertEquals(myFragment.textView.text, “changed”)

The no mock test is better in this case for two reasons.

  1. Mock test doesn't check actual state change. For example if the updateText()method is broken, it gets called but doesn't update the text. The mock test still passes.

  2. Mock version of test is more implementation dependent. If the code changes such as we no longer need to call updateText(), the mock test will fail, even if maybe some other way the text gets updated.

So, there are chances of false positives and false failures when mocking things.

Use mocks when there isn't a clear state change or testing that state change is tricky in some way. Navigation is one such example. Since in this case we don't test whether the actual screen/fragment to navigate to, is loaded up with correct details, as it is outside the scope of current fragment test. We only check the correct navigation method was called with correct arguments. We mock the navigation controller for navigation.

Why testing navigation is perfect for mock -

  1. End state change i.e. opening the other fragment is outside the scope of code currently being tested.

  2. The mocked navigation controller API, is unlikely to change. If it changes it will break the tests.

Mockito Library is framework for making test doubles such as mocks, stubs and spies.

Testing navigation above Navigation 2.2.1

NOTE : when using Navigation 2.2.1 or earlier, it is recommended to use a mock NavController with Mockito and verify that the correct actions are taken rather than verify the NavController's state.

With the latest Navigation API, we don't need to use mocks anymore, we can now directly test the state of navController with TestNavHostController.

Testing Asynchronous Code

Things to be kept in mind when testing asynchronous code :

  1. Asynchronous code is non-deterministic - If we run operation A and operation B in parallel, and if we do this multiple times, we can't be sure whether A will finish first or B will finish first. This can cause flaky test, if the tests assume that one operation finishes before another.

  2. Testing Asynchronous code requires synchronisation mechanism - When a test running on test thread run tasks on different threads or make new coroutines. These coroutines run asynchronously in parallel and the test may finish before the other tasks finish. So if we assert some value from the long running operation, the test will fail as it hasn't waited long enough for them to finish before checking the end result. Synchronisation mechanisms are ways to tell the test execution to wait until the asynchronous work finishes.


runTest is a coroutine builder designed for testing. It ensures that the test blocks waits until all of the coroutines it starts are finished. It runs the coroutines in a deterministic order. It uses a special UnconfinedTestDispatcher to run and suspend functions in runTest.

Writing coroutine tests that use viewModelScope

ViewModel coroutines, by default use Dispatchers.Main because often ViewModels manipulate the UI. But with tests it throws an IllegalStateException, because Dispatchers.Main uses Android's main Looper, which is not available while running local tests.

To solve this we use UnconfinedTestDispatcher instead. By swapping it with Dispatchers.Main using Dispatchers.setMain() method. However, after each test we must reset it.

Injecting Dispatchers

When writing local tests, we should use a single TestDispatcher instead of making multiple TestDispatchers. If we ever switch dispatchers in the code under test, for example using Dispatchers.IO in repository. And, if the IO dispatcher starts a different dispatcher from the test dispatcher, the coroutines no longer run deterministically and in blocking fashion. So we should avoid hard-coding the dispatcher and instead use dependency injection to pass in the dispatcher. This way we can easily swap in the test dispatcher for our tests.

JUnit Rules - These are classes where we define generic testing code that can execute before, after or during tests. It is generally the code in @Before and @After blocks, put into a class so that it can easily be re-used.

Testing Coroutine Timing

The TestDispatcher executes the coroutine deterministically and immediately, which is what we want most of the time, as it makes the tests run fast. But sometimes, we want to check the state in the middle.

For example, checking the state of a loading indicator before the coroutine starts and after it finishes. But with TestDispatcher the coroutine finishes before any assert statements, hence the test fails.

NOTE : This section is incomplete as PauseDispatcher and ResumeDispatcher are deprecated, so will continue this once we migrate to using StateFlow instead of LiveData.

Testing Error Handling

Apart from testing correct behaviour of the code, it is also important to test scenarios when something get wrong like an error or some edge case. For example, when network is down.

In such cases the test double should be implemented to return an error. For fakes, we can create an error flag, which determines whether or not the fake should return error. Then we can write a test for that error.

Testing ROOM

DAO Unit tests should generally be instrumented tests. Because, if we run these tests locally they will use the SQLite version available on the local machine, and that could be very different than the SQLite version that ships with the Android device.

To test DAO, we create the room database using an in-memory database builder, as this database will be deleted once the process is killed.

Idling Resources and End-to-End Testing

End-to-end tests are also called black box tests, because they don't know or not really supposed to know, how things are implemented internally. They only check the outcome is right, given the input.

Espresso for end-to-end testing

Espresso allows to interact with UI and then check that the UI state is updated. Espresso has built-in synchronisation mechanisms, so we don't have to write any code to wait for the click to finish and for UI to update.

Idling Resources

Espresso synchronisation mechanism, usually know and wait for the events between button click and UI state update. However, for complex cases, where we end up jumping to another co-routine or thread that Espresso doesn't know about, we need to provide our own synchronisation mechanism, using Idling Resource.

Idling Resource is a synchronisation mechanism which tracks whether the application is busy or idle for Espresso. If the application is idle, Espresso can continue testing. But, if the application is working, Espresso will wait until application becomes idle.

CountingIdlingResource : It allows to increment and decrement a counter such that when counter is greater than zero, the app is considered working, and when the counter is less that zero that app is considered idle.

Helpful Tips

  1. To make tests more readable, following the below naming convention

  2. The test should be structured in Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA) format.

  3. For Unit Testing a ViewModel, we can directly instantiate the ViewModel, which otherwise is provided by ViewModelFactory.

  4. Avoid top level initialisations because it will cause the same instance to be used for all tests. This is something that should avoid because each test should have a fresh instance of the subject under test (for example ViewModel), instead declare a top-level variable but initialise it in @Before block, this block runs before every test, hence each test will get a fresh instance.

  5. When we test fragment and use launchFragmentInContainer, it launches the fragment in an empty activity. Since fragments usually inherit their theme from the activity, we need to pass the theme as parameter.

  6. For Espresso UI testing, it's best practice to turn animations off. It also makes tests to run faster.

  7. Different Android devices are shipped with different versions of SQLite, so the Dao Unit tests should be run as instrumented tests and should be tested on different devices.