[статья на русском] Let's create a new project in Clickable, enter the command in the terminal:
clickable create
Select the Python project type and fill in:
Title [App Title]: Rendering RGBA
App Name [appname]: example-RGBA
Delete the Python object in the Main.qml file, and convert the Page object to the form:
Page {
anchors.fill: parent
header: PageHeader {
id: header
title: i18n.tr('Rendering RGBA')
Image {
id: image
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
anchors {
top: header.bottom
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
Python {
Component.onCompleted: {
importModule('example', function () {
image.source = 'image://python/image-id-passed-from-qml';
onError: console.log('Python error: ' + traceback)
Thus, on the Page we created the Image object. To Image a Python code processing object ** was created, which will fire when initialized and return the render image.
Now select the project, find the src directory and change example.py.
import pyotherside
import math
def render(image_id, requested_size):
print('image_id: "{image_id}", size: {requested_size}'.format(**locals()))
# width and height will be -1 if not set in QML
if requested_size == (-1, -1):
requested_size = (300, 300)
width, height = requested_size
# center for circle
cx, cy = width/2, 10
pixels = []
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
255, # alpha
int(10 + 10 * ((x - y * 0.5) % 20)), # red
20 + 10 * (y % 20), # green
int(255 * abs(math.sin(0.3*math.sqrt((cx-x)**2 + (cy-y)**2)))) # blue
return bytearray(pixels), (width, height), pyotherside.format_argb32
pyothersid allows our code to create and return QML objects. So render will return us a byte image in format_argb32 format. During function, we create a two-dimensional array of pixels-bytes. Each element contains 4 bits - Alpha transparency (0-255), the value of red (0-255), green (0-255) and blue (0 -255). Use mathematical calculations, we can generate textures and edit images.
All that remains for us is to open a terminal in the project folder, connect the phone and start compilation with the command:
P.S. another gradient generation function:
def render(image_id, requested_size):
print('image_id: "{image_id}", size: {requested_size}'.format(**locals()))
# width and height will be -1 if not set in QML
if requested_size == (-1, -1):
requested_size = (300, 300)
width, height = requested_size
pixels = []
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
255, # alpha
int(round(255/width*x)), # red
int(round((255-255/width*x)*(1-y/width))), # green
int(round(255/height*y)) # blue
return bytearray(pixels), (width, height), pyotherside.format_argb32