IchigoJam BASIC command list command reference (English) (https://ichigojam.github.io/RPi/) (https://ichigojam.net/)
This repo is an English translation of the Japanese text available from IchigoJam-BASIC repo by fu-sen (IchigoJamRecipe). I have also added the alias files (GSB.txt, RTN.txt) as well as replicating files for IF-THEN-ELSE and FOR-NEXT. I also have added seperate functions, statements and commands Quick Lists, and beginings of a constants text file as well. I am in the process of making scripts to output the files for serving via MixJuice commands.
If you are a westerner, see IchigoJam.md for more info about the armv6 LPC1114FN28 project. The original README.md follows ...
IchigoJam BASIC command reference (from Japanese to English)
IchigoJam BASIC instructions are listed, some text may need studying to interpret properly.
You can download the file list as a ZIP. If you are using GitHub / Git, you may use Clone.
When referring with RAW, when downloading a file again, The .txt file will be UTF-8 character code, CR + LF linefeed code (I changed the character code from May 14, 2016). On Windows it is possible to use Notepad.
- IchigoJam (Official) https://ichigojam.net/
- IchigoJam Recipe (Publisher) https://15jamrecipe.jimdo.com/
Mr. Masato Nishizawa made a PDF to the IchigoJam + PanCake command reference, It is open to the Facebook group IchigoJam-FAN. If you want to list it on the page, please print this and use it.
There is also a version that Mr. Kazuhiro Oshium made MixJuice compatible from this list.
? "MJ GET www.openspc2.org/data/m/ (command name in capital letter) .txt
For example? "MJ GET www.openspc2.org/data/m/ABS.txt
Corresponding version is listed under upper command name. In particular, "IchigoJam BASIC" without version notation is all version compatible. It does not correspond to "non-compliant" such as "IchigoJam BASIC RPi not supported" etc.
0.9.8 and 0.9.9 have no official release, only the RC version exists. If it is described as 0.9.8 or 0.9.9, it refers to those RC versions in general. In 1.0.0 and 1.1 and later, beta versions are sometimes written collectively.
1.1 beta (including 1.1.0 beta 1) inherits additional functions up to 1.0.2 beta 11. Therefore, some commands in 1.1 beta notation will work with 1.0.2 beta 11. (... → 1.0.2 beta 11 → 1.1.0 beta 1 → 1.1 beta 2 → 1.1 beta 3 → ... ). ".0" has been removed as a result of having published the Mongolian version with 1.1 beta 2) 1.0.2 Since beta12 is inheriting from 1.0.1 again, please note the difference in behavior (1.0.2 beta 12 has a function that does not include part of contents up to beta 11). However, in fact 1.0.2 is not officially released, 1.1.1 is officially released.
IchigoJam BASIC RPi has operation depending on the difference between version and hardware specification, Separately supported version is indicated at the top. The official version version notation of IchigoJam BASIC RPi is different from the original version of IchigoJam BASIC. IchigoJam BASIC 1.2.0RPi-1.2.4RPi is based on IchigoJam BASIC 1.2.3. Please note that IchigoJam BASIC 1.2.5RPi-1.2.6 RPi is equivalent to IchigoJam BASIC 1.2b56-1.2b57 IoT.
Since IchigoJam PC has its own version notation, separately corresponding version is indicated on the top. IchigoJam PC 0.1 beta 1-0.1 beta 12 is based on IchigoJam BASIC 1.1, Basically we inherit the specification of 1.1.
IchigoJam BIG is based on regular IchigoJam BASIC 1.2.0. IchigoJam BIG does not describe when the operation is different, If there is no description, it will be the same as normal IchigoJam. Equivalent display is supported by the VIDEO
command from 1.2.2.
IchigoJam website reflects the latest beta version. It can be confirmed with VER()
. Ichigojam has an app distribution version running on Windows and MacOS X, linked on their site. These are common with IchigoJam BASIC, so we do not specifically consider it, There are restrictions such as incompatibility of input / output by PC operation, no body buttons, etc.
IchigoJam Web is a Javascript library for webassembly.
This document is "IchigoJam BASIC Reference" which is officially published in CC, And "IchigoJam BASIC RPi document", Based on information such as the Facebook group "IchigoJam-FAN" is writing on its own, by Keiichi Shiga (@fu-sen), and translated by Paul Wratt (@paulwratt).
IchigoJam BASIC Reference: CC BY https://ichigojam.net/
ver 1.2
ver 1.1
ver 1.0.1
ver 0.9.9
ver 0.9.7 (PDF)
IchigoJam BASIC RPi document
Facebook group IchigoJam-FAN (Japanese)
Facebook group IchigoJam - FAN @ en (English)
Maded by Keiichi SHIGA (BALLOON aka Fu-sen.), 2015-2018.
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This sentence is provided under the Creative Commons display 4.0 international (CC BY 4.0) license.
IchigoJam is a registered trademark of jig.jp Corporation .