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Atmospheric chemistry with a focus on ozone and hands-on modeling |
beaver |
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LCLUC Workshop, July 2017 |
Notes prepared for the 2017 LCLUC Training, Chiang Mai. See http://lcluc.umd.edu/meetings/lcluc-sari-international-regional-science-meeting-southsoutheast-asia |
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Training Atmospheric Chemistry Ozone Box modeling |
en |
BEAMERMODE presentation |
beamer |
Introduce concepts of atmospheric chemistry
- Today it's all about ozone
- Primary/secondary pollutants
- Emission/deposition
- Photochemistry
Run first numerical simulation of a chemical system
- Simple photochemical system
Code is available here
You can clone the code using git via
git clone git@gitlab.com:ptg21/LCLUC_presentation.git
My goal is to introduce atmospheric chemistry with a focus on tropospheric ozone and other secondary pollutants.
I won't discuss the chemistry in detail but will summarise the relevant reactions. It gets complex towards the end.
The goal is to use these reactions to study how ozone levels respond to other pollutants.
Our focus is on rates of production of ozone during the day.
For the purpose of this course, everything is a pollutant.
Mostly think about processes in terms of their characteristic timescales
- How fast is ozone formed?
- How fast is transport out of the planetary boundary layer?
- How does this compare with transport times?
What are the important species?
- Ozone
- NO
2 - Aldehydes
- Oxidants such as OH, NO
3 - Key species such as O^1^D
Pollutant Concentration Lifetime / yr
CH4 1700 ppbv 10
H2 500 ppbv 4
CO 40-200 ppbv 0.2
O3 20-120 ppbv 0.05
OH 0.1 pptv 0.1s
1 ppbv = 10^-9^ 1 pptv = 10^-12^
Pollutant Low Moderate UFSG Unhealthy
Ozone 0-54 55-70 71-85 86-105
NO2 0-53 54-100 101-360 186-304
CO 0-4.4 4.5-9.4 9.5-12.4 12.5-15.4
Levels are in ppbv
Primary Emitted directly into the atmosphere (usually at the surface)
- Nitric oxide, NO
- Volatile organic compounds such as methane, CO
- Biogenic VOCs suc as isoprene, terpenes, formaldehyde (HCHO)
- Anthropogenic VOCs such as benzene, gasoline
- Primary aerosol such as soot
- SO_2
Secondary Made in the atmosphere by 5.1
- Ozone, O
3 - NO
2 - Formaldehyde (HCHO)
Considering the atmosphere as a whole, or some air-mass within in it, we could write an equation describing the rate of change ('tendency') of a species.
Prognostic equation for species X, with concentration
\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{dx}{dt} &=& R -k x \end{eqnarray*}
where R is the rate of emission of X and k is a constant
We now have a first-order linear differential equation, which can be solved to give
\begin{eqnarray*} x(t) &=& \frac{R}{k_1}\big(1-\exp (-k_1 t)\big) \end{eqnarray*}
System has a characteristic time,
Basic points
- Rate is defined as change in concentration per unit time
- Natural unit of concentration in air quality modelling:
- concentration: molecules per cm^3^ gas so units are cm$^{-3}$
- rate: cm$^{-3}$ s$^{-1}$
- Law of Mass Action - Double the concentration = Double the rate
NO + O
3= NO2+ O2- The rate of change of NO can be expressed as
\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d [NO]}{dt} &=& -k_1[NO][O_3] \end{eqnarray*}
- Similarly,
$\frac{d[NO_2]}{dt} = k_1[NO][O_3]$
- Molecules absorb photons and the chemical bonds are broken - photolysis
\begin{eqnarray*} \mathrm{NO}_2 + hv \rightarrow \mathrm{NO} + \mathrm{O} \end{eqnarray*}
- Rate of photolysis depends on number of photons of the correct wavelength.
\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}_2]}{dt} &=& - J [\mathrm{NO}_2] \end{eqnarray*}
J depends on molecule and flux of photons (hence: time of day, lat, lon, cloud cover). Units of J are s^-1^
Using the reactions already given,
\begin{eqnarray*} \mathrm{NO} + \mathrm{O}_3 & \rightarrow & \mathrm{NO}_2 + \mathrm{O}_2\ \mathrm{NO}_2 + hv &\rightarrow& \mathrm{NO} + \mathrm{O}\ \mathrm{O}_2 + \mathrm{O} &\rightarrow & \mathrm{O}_3\ \end{eqnarray*}
we can write rates of change for each species
\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}_2]}{dt} &=& - J_1 [\mathrm{NO}_2] + k_3\mathrm{[NO]}\mathrm{[O}_3]\ \frac{d[\mathrm{NO]}}{dt} &=& J_1 [\mathrm{NO}_2] - k_3\mathrm{[NO]} \mathrm{[O}_3] \ \frac{d\mathrm{[O]}}{dt} &=& - k_2 [\mathrm{O}][\mathrm{O}_2] + J_1 [\mathrm{NO}_2] \ \frac{d\mathrm{[O}_3]}{dt} &=& k_2 [\mathrm{O}][\mathrm{O}_2] - k_3 \mathrm{[NO]} \mathrm{[O}_3] \end{eqnarray*}
A set of coupled differential equations results!
What is our mechanism going to do?
- We can see that NO and ozone make NO2
- NO2 makes NO and O, and O makes O3
- so NO2 regenerates the NO and O3
- This is an active equilibrium - NO and NO2 interconvert, consuming/releasing ozone as they do so.
As we shall see in L2, this equilibrium is crucial.
So we expect our equations to solve to an equilibrium with zero net rate of change
There exists a wealth of literature on the solution of these stiff differential equations (lifetimes of each species vary by many orders of magnitude, resulting in small timesteps).
In our example, the lifetime of O is very short, set by k_2[O2], while that of NO2 is determined by J and can be much longer.
Step forward our numerical ('box') model...
- Box models represent a single representative area of the atmosphere.
- Notionally 1cm^3 in volume
- Can be connected to the ground via emission/deposition.
- Could also be chosen to represent the free troposphere.
- Need to supply photolysis rates, emissions
comment: 'image downloaded from here [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/djj/book/bookchap3-1.gif']
- Box models need a chemical mechanism.
- The literature can supply these, or you can write your own.
- You then code up the mechanism as a differential for each species, in terms of other species' concentrations and other inputs.
- Implementation in the language of your choice
- You need an integrator for the differential equations.
- There are good ones already implemented, so don't write your own!
- Typically you supply initial conditions, C0, functions for the tendency of each species,$f$, a timestep (dt) and an end point (tend).
Getting started
- Open RStudio or R
- Look at \tt kinetics-box-model-pss.R
in the src folder.
- What do equations describe?
- What do you expect to happen?
Any Pythonistas in the audience?
Run the simulation
Do the results make sense?
- If so: get a coffee!
- If not: shout out!
Coffee break