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Atmospheric chemistry with a focus on ozone and hands-on modeling
[P]( Griffiths
NCAS-Climate & Visiting Scientist
LCLUC Workshop, July 2017
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Training Atmospheric Chemistry Ozone Box modeling
BEAMERMODE presentation

Lecture 1


  • Introduce concepts of atmospheric chemistry

    • Today it's all about ozone
    • Primary/secondary pollutants
    • Emission/deposition
    • Photochemistry
  • Run first numerical simulation of a chemical system

    • Simple photochemical system
  • Code is available here

  • You can clone the code using git via

    git clone

Who is this course for?

  • My goal is to introduce atmospheric chemistry with a focus on tropospheric ozone and other secondary pollutants.

  • I won't discuss the chemistry in detail but will summarise the relevant reactions. It gets complex towards the end.

  • The goal is to use these reactions to study how ozone levels respond to other pollutants.

  • Our focus is on rates of production of ozone during the day.

  • For the purpose of this course, everything is a pollutant.

Tricks of the trade

  • Mostly think about processes in terms of their characteristic timescales

    • How fast is ozone formed?
    • How fast is transport out of the planetary boundary layer?
    • How does this compare with transport times?
  • What are the important species?

    • Ozone
    • NO2
    • Aldehydes
    • Oxidants such as OH, NO3
    • Key species such as O^1^D

General comments on atmospheric pollution

Air pollution is a global problem

loss of visibility

Biogenic emissions are also important

Figure 2: []{#dickie_ridge}'Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do' - Ronald Reagan, 1981

Typical levels of atmospheric constituents

Pollutant Concentration Lifetime / yr

CH4 1700 ppbv 10 H2 500 ppbv 4 CO 40-200 ppbv 0.2 O3 20-120 ppbv 0.05 OH 0.1 pptv 0.1s

1 ppbv = 10^-9^ 1 pptv = 10^-12^

US EPA Air Quality Index levels of pollutants

Pollutant Low Moderate UFSG Unhealthy

Ozone 0-54 55-70 71-85 86-105 NO2 0-53 54-100 101-360 186-304 CO 0-4.4 4.5-9.4 9.5-12.4 12.5-15.4

Levels are in ppbv

Primary and secondary pollutants

Primary Emitted directly into the atmosphere (usually at the surface)

  • Nitric oxide, NO
  • Volatile organic compounds such as methane, CO
    • Biogenic VOCs suc as isoprene, terpenes, formaldehyde (HCHO)
    • Anthropogenic VOCs such as benzene, gasoline
  • Primary aerosol such as soot
  • SO_2

Secondary Made in the atmosphere by 5.1

  • Ozone, O3
  • NO2
  • Formaldehyde (HCHO)

Quantitative treatment of chemical processes

Emission and loss - Timescales in atmospheric chemistry

Considering the atmosphere as a whole, or some air-mass within in it, we could write an equation describing the rate of change ('tendency') of a species.

Prognostic equation for species X, with concentration $x$


\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{dx}{dt} &=& R -k x \end{eqnarray*}

where R is the rate of emission of X and k is a constant

We now have a first-order linear differential equation, which can be solved to give


\begin{eqnarray*} x(t) &=& \frac{R}{k_1}\big(1-\exp (-k_1 t)\big) \end{eqnarray*}

System has a characteristic time, $\tau = 1/k$

Time dependence of X

Time dependence of concentration of chemical species X

The rate law

  • Basic points

    • Rate is defined as change in concentration per unit time
    • Natural unit of concentration in air quality modelling:
      • concentration: molecules per cm^3^ gas so units are cm$^{-3}$
      • rate: cm$^{-3}$ s$^{-1}$
    • Law of Mass Action - Double the concentration = Double the rate
  • NO + O3 = NO2 + O2

    • The rate of change of NO can be expressed as


\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d [NO]}{dt} &=& -k_1[NO][O_3] \end{eqnarray*}

  • Similarly, $\frac{d[NO_2]}{dt} = k_1[NO][O_3]$


Photochemistry []{#oxidation}

  • Molecules absorb photons and the chemical bonds are broken - photolysis


\begin{eqnarray*} \mathrm{NO}_2 + hv \rightarrow \mathrm{NO} + \mathrm{O} \end{eqnarray*}

  • Rate of photolysis depends on number of photons of the correct wavelength.


\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}_2]}{dt} &=& - J [\mathrm{NO}_2] \end{eqnarray*}

J depends on molecule and flux of photons (hence: time of day, lat, lon, cloud cover). Units of J are s^-1^

Example: NO2

Absorption cross-section of NO_2

Example: NO2

As before showing region of significant UV/VIS solar flux

First example: the NO/NO_2 interconversion by ozone

NO2/NO 'Photostationary state'

Using the reactions already given,


\begin{eqnarray*} \mathrm{NO} + \mathrm{O}_3 & \rightarrow & \mathrm{NO}_2 + \mathrm{O}_2\ \mathrm{NO}_2 + hv &\rightarrow& \mathrm{NO} + \mathrm{O}\ \mathrm{O}_2 + \mathrm{O} &\rightarrow & \mathrm{O}_3\ \end{eqnarray*}


we can write rates of change for each species


\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}_2]}{dt} &=& - J_1 [\mathrm{NO}_2] + k_3\mathrm{[NO]}\mathrm{[O}_3]\ \frac{d[\mathrm{NO]}}{dt} &=& J_1 [\mathrm{NO}_2] - k_3\mathrm{[NO]} \mathrm{[O}_3] \ \frac{d\mathrm{[O]}}{dt} &=& - k_2 [\mathrm{O}][\mathrm{O}_2] + J_1 [\mathrm{NO}_2] \ \frac{d\mathrm{[O}_3]}{dt} &=& k_2 [\mathrm{O}][\mathrm{O}_2] - k_3 \mathrm{[NO]} \mathrm{[O}_3] \end{eqnarray*}

A set of coupled differential equations results!

How to proceed - I

What is our mechanism going to do?



  • We can see that NO and ozone make NO2
  • NO2 makes NO and O, and O makes O3
  • so NO2 regenerates the NO and O3
  • This is an active equilibrium - NO and NO2 interconvert, consuming/releasing ozone as they do so.


NO:NO2 interconversion and concomitant O3 consumption/production{ width=60% }


As we shall see in L2, this equilibrium is crucial.

How to proceed - II

  • So we expect our equations to solve to an equilibrium with zero net rate of change

  • There exists a wealth of literature on the solution of these stiff differential equations (lifetimes of each species vary by many orders of magnitude, resulting in small timesteps).

  • In our example, the lifetime of O is very short, set by k_2[O2], while that of NO2 is determined by J and can be much longer.

  • Step forward our numerical ('box') model...

Box models

Box models



  • Box models represent a single representative area of the atmosphere.
  • Notionally 1cm^3 in volume
  • Can be connected to the ground via emission/deposition.
  • Could also be chosen to represent the free troposphere.
  • Need to supply photolysis rates, emissions


Box model (figure (c) Dan Jacob){width=150%} comment: 'image downloaded from here [']


Anatomy of a box model - I



  • Box models need a chemical mechanism.
  • The literature can supply these, or you can write your own.
  • You then code up the mechanism as a differential for each species, in terms of other species' concentrations and other inputs.


The thinking part


Anatomy of a box model - II



  • Implementation in the language of your choice
  • You need an integrator for the differential equations.
  • There are good ones already implemented, so don't write your own!
  • Typically you supply initial conditions, C0, functions for the tendency of each species,$f$, a timestep (dt) and an end point (tend).


The doing part{width=80%}


Practical one

End of lecture 1

  • Getting started

    • Open RStudio or R
    • Look at \tt kinetics-box-model-pss.R

    in the src folder.

    • What do equations describe?
    • What do you expect to happen?
  • Any Pythonistas in the audience?

Practical one

  • Run the simulation

  • source("kinetics-box-model-pss.R")

  • Do the results make sense?

    • If so: get a coffee!
    • If not: shout out!
  • Coffee break