At PSI, the pylauncher is distributed as an Anaconda package and is installed by default in the PSI Controls central Python installation located at /opt/gfa/
. For the time being the Launcher can be used by bringing this Python into your PATH as follows:
source /opt/gfa/python
Please refer to the generic Readme regarding the usage.
pylauncher provides a tool, pylauncher-convert, to convert old PSI Launcher configurations. To convert configurations use:
pylauncher-convert <original_config_file> <output_dir>
pylauncher-convert offers multiple features such as converting whole menu or single file, overriding converted files, etc. For detailed help run
~$ pylauncher-convert -h
usage: pylauncher-convert [-h] [-o] [-s] [-f] inputfile outputfolder
positional arguments:
inputfile TCL configuration script to be converted
outputfolder folder where the converted json file will be stored
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o, --overwrite overwrite output files that already exist
-s, --single convert only a single file (nonrecursive)
-f, --force continue even if some files cannot be found
Note: Because of dependencies pylauncher-convert skips any style specific configuration.