- VHDL source: psi_common_sync_fifo
- Testbench source: psi_common_sync_fifo_tb.vhd
This component implements a synchronous FIFO (same clock for write and read port). The memory is described in a way that it utilizes RAM resources (Block-RAM or distributed RAM) available in FPGAs with commonly used tools.
The FIFO is a fall-through FIFO and has AXI-S interfaces on read and write side.
The RAM behavior (read-before-write or write-before-read) can be selected. This allows efficiently implementing FIFOs for different technologies (some technologies implement one, some the other behavior).
Name | type | Description |
width_g | positive | width |
depth_g | positive | depth |
alm_full_on_g | boolean | almost full signal active |
alm_full_level_g | natural | almost full level threshold val |
alm_empty_on_g | boolean | almost empty signal active |
alm_empty_level_g | natural | almost empty level threshold val |
ram_style_g | string | ram style selected -> "auto" choose depedning size block-ram or dist-ram |
ram_behavior_g | string | "rbw" = read-before-write, "wbr" = write-before-read |
rdy_rst_state_g | std_logic | use '1' for minimal logic on rdy path |
rst_pol_g | std_logic | N.A |
Name | In/Out | Length | Description |
clk_i | i | 1 | clock in |
rst_i | i | 1 | system reset |
dat_i | i | width_g | data input |
vld_i | i | 1 | axi-s handshaking signal |
rdy_o | o | 1 | axi-s handshaking signal |
dat_o | o | width_g | read data |
vld_o | o | 1 | axi-s handshaking signal |
rdy_i | i | 1 | axi-s handshaking signal |
full_o | o | 1 | fifo full |
alm_full_o | o | 1 | fifo almost full |
in_level_o | o | depth_g | fifo in level |
empty_o | o | 1 | fifo empty |
alm_empty_o | o | 1 | fifo almost empty |
out_level_o | o | depth_g | fifo out leve |