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This component allows enlarging dynamically the bit width of the transfer via MaxTransWidth_g generic statement and TransWidth input.

The description here below is the same as psi_common_spi_master

This entity implements a simple SPI master. All common SPI settings are settable to ensure the master can be configured for different applications.

The clock and data phase is configurable according to the SPI standard terminology described in the picture below:

CPOL and CPHA meaning

For CPHA = 1, the sampling happens on the second edge (blue) and data is applied on the first edge (red). For CPHA = 0 it is the opposite way.


Name type Description
clock_divider_g natural Must be a multiple of two, Ratio between clk_i and the spi_sck_o frequency
max_trans_width_g positive Maximum SPI Transfer width (bits per transfer)
cs_high_cycles_g positive Minimal number of spi_cs_n_o high cycles between two transfers
spi_cpol_g natural SPI clock polarity
spi_cpha_g natural SPI sampling edge configuration
slave_cnt_g positive Number of slaves to support (number of spi_cs_n_o* lines)
lsb_first_g boolean False => MSB first transmission, True => LSB first transmission
mosi_idle_state_g std_logic Idle state of the MOSI line
rst_pol_g std_logic reset polarity, '1' active high


Name In/Out Length Description
clk_i i 1 system clock
rst_i i 1 system reset
start_i i 1 starts the transfer. Note that starting a transaction is only possible when busy_o is low.
slave_i i slave_cnt_g) Slave number to access
busy_o o 1 High during a transaction
done_o o 1 Goes high for a clock cycle after transaction is done and rd_dat_o is valid
wr_dat_i i max_trans_width_g Data to send to slave. Sampled during start_i = '1'
rd_dat_o o max_trans_width_g Data received from slave. Must be sampled during done = '1' or busy = '0'.
trans_width_i i max_trans_width_g) indicate the actual vector length to forward/receive
spi_sck_o o 1 SPI clock
spi_mosi_o o 1 SPI master to slave data signal
spi_miso_i i 1 SPI slave to master data signal
spi_cs_n_o o slave_cnt_g SPI slave select signal (low active)

Parallel interface signal behavior

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