- VHDL source: psi_common_sample_rate_converter.vhd
- Testbench source: psi_common_sample_rate_converter_tb.vhd
This block is converting the valid input strobe signal to a desired rate without any filter, the same block be mean of generic can produce over sampling signal output or reduce sampling rate. For downsampling a pre filter is recommended and opposite for up sampling mode a post filter to smooth or interpolate is also advised.
Name | type | Description |
RATE_g | integer | Sampling rate factor for up/down sampling |
MODE_g | real | "DOWN" => downsampling, "UP" => upsampling |
length_g | positive | data input length in bit |
CLK_TO_VALID_RATIO_g | positive | Ratio between clock frequency and vld input frequency |
rst_pol_g | std_logic | polarity reset |
Name | In/Out | Length | Description |
clk_i | i | 1 | clock |
rst_i | i | 1 | reset |
dat_i | i | length_g | input data |
vld_i | i | 1 | valid in |
dat_o | o | length_g | data output |
vld_o | o | 1 | valid output |