[component list](../ README.md)
- VHDL source: psi_common_pwm
- Testbench source: psi_common_pwm_tb.vhd
It's a basic PWM generic that provide std_logic output, user defines few generic parameters and accordingly some command registers allows to produce desired output.The signal rate_i increases the counter increment which allows generating several of pulses within a period with frequency set by generics period_g. In addition two comparators (not optimized for speed) allows adding delay dly_i at pulse start and bring back to zero the output, settings are set in sample defines by strobe frequency generics. Duty cycles is set via pwm_i and is in strobe sample, one has to be aware that if rate increases then pwm_i should be accordingly.
The following table shows different scenari, to generic is_sync_g allows to update parameters upon trigger's arrival. To set the ouput to zero pwm_i shall be set to 0 and
Name | type | Description |
clk_freq_g | natural | clock frequency |
str_freq_g | natural | strobe frequency |
period_g | real | signal period |
is_sync_g | boolean | sync paramter with trigger input is true or change on the fly if false |
rst_pol_g | std_logic | reset polarity |
Name | In/Out | Length | Description |
clk_i | i | 1 | system clock |
rst_i | i | 1 | system reset |
trig_i | i | 1 | trigger input, ideally same frequency that period generic |
rate_i | i | log2(str_freq_g/period_g) | rate, increase pulse rate within a period, if set to 2 then 2 pulses |
pwm_i | i | log2(str_freq_g/period_g) | pwm is equivalent to duty cycle but set in sample at str_freq |
dly_i | i | log2(str_freq_g/period_g) | allow delaying pulse start in sample at str_freq |
dat_o | o | 1 | data output, logic 'active high' |
vld_o | o | 1 | vld output at str_freq rate |
[component list](../ README.md) |