- VHDL source: psi_common_i2c_master
- Testbench source: psi_common_i2c_master_tb.vhd
This entity implements an I2C master that is multi-master capable (i.e. supports arbitration). The psi_common_i2c_master allows generating start, stop and repeated start conditions as well as transferring bytes. This entity also supports slaves that do clock-stretching.
Addressing is not handled separately. To send the byte containing the address and the R/W bit, the normal byte transfer is used. The user is responsible for filling the address into bits 7:1 and the R/W flag into bit 0 of the data.
The same applies for 10-bit addressing. The user is responsible to send the 10-bit addressing pattern using two byte transfers.
The bus state (busy or free) is tracked based on start- and stop-conditions. However, if no transactions are ongoing (i.e. SCL = '1' and SDA = '1') for a configurable timeout, the bus is always regarded as free. This helps handling the case where a master starts a transaction and then (e.g. due to reset) aborts the transaction without sending a stop-condition.
The user has three main interfaces:
The command interface allows the user to select the next bus action to do. Commands are:
START Send a start condition (only allowed if bus is idle)
STOP Send a stop condition (only allowed if bus is not idle)
REPSTART Send a repeated start condition (only allowed if the bus is not idle)
SEND Send a data byte (only allowed if the bus is not idle).
The data to send is provided along with the command. -
REC Receive a data byte (only allowed if the bus is not idle)
The ACK to send is provided along with the command.
On the response interface, the user receives one response per command as soon as the command is completed. More information like the received ACK bit, whether the command was aborted due to a lost arbitration, the received data or whether the command sequence was illegal is sent along with the response.
On the status interface the user can see if the I2C bus is currently busy or free and if a command timed out (i.e. the user failed to provide the next command within time, so the bus was released).
For constants, a package psi_common_i2c_master_pkg is defined in the same VHDL file.
Generics | Description |
clock_frequency_g | Frequency of the clock Clk in Hz\ |
i2c_frequency_g | Frequency of the I2cScl signal in Hz\ |
bus_busy_timeout_g | If I2cScl = '1' and I2cSda = '1' for this time in sec., the bus is regarded as free. If the user does not provide any command for this time, the psi_common_i2c_master automatically generates a stop-condition to release the bus. |
cmd_timeout_g | When the psi_common_i2c_master is ready for the next command but the user does not provide a new command, after this timeout the bus is releases (and TimeoutCmd is pulsed to inform the user). |
internal_tri_state_g | True = Use internal tri-state buffer (I2cScl and I2cSda) are used. False = Use external tri-state buffer (I2cScl_x and I2cSda_x) are used. |
disable_asserts_g | If true, the psi_common_i2c_master does not print any messages during simulations |
rst_pol_g | '1' active high, '0' active low |
Signal | Direction | Width | Description |
Control Signals | |||
clk_i | Input | 1 | Clock |
rst_i | Input | 1 | Reset (high active) |
Command Interface | |||
cmd_rdy_o | Output | 1 | AXI-S handshakingsignal for commandinterface |
cmd_vld_i | Input | 1 | AXI-S handshaking signal for command interface |
cmd_type_i | Input | 3 | Constant names "000" => Send startcondition (CMD_START)"001" => Send stop condition(CMD_STOP) "010" => Send repeated start condition" (CMD_REPSTART) "011" => Send data byte (CMD_SEND) "100" => Receive data byte (CMD_RECEIVE) |
cmd_dat_i | Input | 8 | Input data to send (only for CMD_SEND resp. CmdType="011"). |
cmd_ack_i | Input | 1 | Acknowledge to send (only for CMD_RECEIVE resp. CmdType="100"). |
Response Interface | |||
rsp_vld_o | Output | 1 | AXI-S handshaking signal for response interface |
rsp_type_o | Output | 3 | Type of the command that completed. See CmdType for details. |
rsp_dat_o | Output | 8 | Received data (only for CMD_RECEIVE resp. CmdType="100"). |
rsp_ack_o | Output | 1 | 1 => ACK received, 0 => NACK received |
rsp_arb_lost_o | Output | 1 | The command failed because arbitration was lost |
rsp_seq_o | Output | 1 | The command failed because of wrong command sequence(e.g. attempt to do aCMD_START in the middle of an ongoing transfer) |
Status Interface | |||
bus_busy_o | Output | 1 | I2C bus is busy (used by this master or another master) |
TimeoutCmd | Output | 1 | Pulsed if the bus is released due to a timeout. |
I2C Interface -- Internal Tristate (InternalTriState_g=true) | |||
i2c_scl_io | Bidir | 1 | SCL signal |
i2c_sda_io | Bidir | 1 | SDA signal |
I2C Interface External Tristate (Internal TriState_g=false) | |||
i2c_scl_i | Input | 1 | SCL input signal |
i2c_scl_o | Output | 1 | SCL output signal |
i2c_scl_t | Output | 1 | SCL Tri-State signal (1 = tristated, 0 drive) |
i2c_sda_i | Input | 1 | SDA input signal |
i2c_sda_o | Output | 1 | SDA output signal |
i2c_sda_t | Output | 1 | SDA Tri-State signal (1 = tristated, 0 drive) |
This section provides a few examples for command/response sequences for typical use cases.
Note that the response of the last command is always available before the next command must be asserted. So it is possible to apply commands based on responses received (e.g. not applying a new command if arbitration was lost).
- CMD_START -- send start condition
- CMD_SEND -- send address byte (slave responds with ACK)
- CMD_REC -- receive data and send ACK
- CMD_REC -- receive data and send NACK
- CMD_STOP -- send stop condition
Order | CmdType | CmdData | CmdAck | RspType | RspData | RspAck | RspArbLost | RespSeq |
1 | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
2 | CMD_SEND | Addr + R/W | N/A | CMD_SEND | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | CMD_REC | N/A | 1 | CMD_REC | Data | N/A | 0 | 0 |
4 | CMD_REC | N/A | 0 | CMD_REC | Data | N/A | 0 | 0 |
5 | CMD_STOP | N/A | N/A | CMD_STOP | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
- CMD_START -- send start condition
- CMD_SEND -- send address byte (slave responds with ACK)
- CMD_SEND -- send data (slave responds with ACK)
- CMD_SEND -- send data (slave responds with NACK)
- CMD_STOP -- send stop condition
Order | CmdType | CmdData | CmdAck | RspType | RspData | RspAck | RspArbLost | RespSeq |
1 | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
2 | CMD_SEND | Addr + R/W | N/A | CMD_SEND | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | CMD_SEND | Data | N/A | CMD_SEND | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 |
4 | CMD_SEND | Data | N/A | CMD_SEND | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | CMD_STOP | N/A | N/A | CMD_STOP | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
- CMD_START -- send start condition
- CMD_SEND -- send address byte (slave responds with ACK)
- CMD_SEND -- send data (slave responds with ACK)
- CMD_REPSTART -- Repeated start
- CMD_REC -- receive data and send NACK
- CMD_STOP -- send stop condition
Order | CmdType | CmdData | CmdAck | RspType | RspData | RspAck | RspArbLost | RespSeq |
1 | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
2 | CMD_SEND | Addr + R/W | N/A | CMD_SEND | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | CMD_SEND | Data | N/A | CMD_REC | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 |
4 | CMD_REPST. | N/A | N/A | CMD_REPST. | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
4 | CMD_REC | N/A | 0 | CMD_REC | Data | N/A | 0 | 0 |
5 | CMD_STOP | N/A | N/A | CMD_STOP | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
- CMD_START -- send start condition
- CMD_SEND -- send address byte (slave responds with ACK)
- CMD_SEND -- send data (arbitration is lost during this byte)
- CMD_REPSTART -- Repeated start
- This command is ignored (RespSeq='1') because it is illegal when the bus is not owned
Order | CmdType | CmdData | CmdAck | RspType | RspData | RspAck | RspArbLost | RespSeq |
1 | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | CMD_START | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 |
2 | CMD_SEND | Addr + R/W | N/A | CMD_SEND | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | CMD_SEND | Data | N/A | CMD_REC | N/A | N/A | 1 | 0 |
4 | CMD_REPST. | N/A | N/A | CMD_REPST. | N/A | N/A | 0 | 1 |
The waveform below shows the very simplest transaction possible: transmitting an address only to probe if the slave is available. This simple transaction was chosen to keep the waveform as short as possible. The main focus is on the sequence of events, not on the I2C transaction.
Address only transaction