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This entity executes transactions requested through a simple command interface on an AXI bus according to all specifications. This entity includes FIFOs to buffer read- and write-data but not for the commands.

This this entity internally uses psi_common_axi_master_simple and works similarly Many generics are just forwarded to this component and the meaning of the low-latency function is the same. These topics are not explained in detail in this section, please refer to 10.3 for details.

For the case that the AXI data width is larger than the user data width, it is highly recommended to not use low-latency transfers. Due to the width conversion, the bandwidth is smaller than the maximum of AXI, so the bus would be blocked longer than required if low latency transfers are made.

The user can request transaction of any size and they will get split automatically in order to not exceed AXI bust size and other limitations. The response is sent to the user when his whole command is executed (which may involve multiple AXI transactions).

In contrast to the psi_common_axi_master_simple, this entity has the following additional features:

  • Execution of unaligned and odd-sized transfers (alignment of the data according to AXI requirements)

  • AXI data-width can be larger than user interface data width

  • The transfer size is specified in bytes and not in beats (to allow uneven-length transfers)

Most of the logic in this entity is related to unaligned and odd-sized transfers. So if you only require an AXI data width that is larger than the user interface data width, you may consider using psi_common_axi_master along with psi_common_wconv_n2xn (with conversion) to achieve better performance with less resource utilization.

The psi_common_axi_master_full has some clock cycles of overhead for each command. As a result, large data transfers are efficient but the performance for very small transfers (only a few AXI bursts) is limited due to this overhead.

Read and write logic are fully independent. So reads and writes can happen at the same time.

There is no required timing relationship between command and data signals. So for writes the user can provide write data before, after or together with the command.

Block diagram

Transaction Types

For simplicity, only burst transactions are shown. However, of course also single-word transactions are supported.

Note that latencies and delays may be drawn shorter than they actually are to keep the waveforms small. However, all relationship between signals are correct.

For all figures, an AXI-width of 32 bits and a user data width of 16 bits is assumed to keep the figures simple.

For simplicity reasons, only transfers that consist of one AXI transaction are shown. For the user interface, larger transactions (consisting of multiple AXI bursts) do behave exactly the same.

For all transactions, user data is right-aligned. The byte at the start address specified in the command is the LSB of the user input/output data.

Read Transaction

The example below shows a read transaction.

Read transaction

The read command together with the address of the first used byte and the size of the data required in bytes is asserted. The psi_common_axi_master_full then calculates the word-aligned AXI start address (0x0200) and the number of AXI-beats required (3 --> M_Axi_ArLen=2) and asserts the AXI AR-command.

The received data is aligned correctly in order to have the first byte the user requested as LSB of the first RdDat word. Unused trailing bytes may have any value, they shall never be interpreted.

Note that the Rd_Done signal is asserted as soon as all data is read from AXI, even if the data was not yet consumed on the RdDat interface.

Write Transaction

The example below shows a read transaction.

Please read the description of all examples (10.4.2).

Note that a high-latency write (AXI commands only sent after data is in buffer) is shown in this figure.

Write transaction

In this example, the user provides some data before the command. This is perfectly fine and allowed. Then the write command together with the address of the first byte to write and the size of the data that must be written in bytes is asserted. The psi_common_axi_master_full then calculates the word-aligned AXI start address (0x0200) and the number of AXI-beats required (3 --> M_Axi_ArLen=2) and asserts the AXI AW-command.

The user data is automatically aligned to the alignment of the AXI bus. Unused bytes may have any value, which is fine because the corresponding strobe signal is set to low. The same applies to the user interface: unused trailing bytes can have any value and do not influence the transaction.

As soon as the write response from AXI is received, the Wr_Done signal is asserted.


Name type Description
axi_addr_width_g natural Width of the AXI address bus
axi_data_width_g natural Width of the AXI data bus
axi_max_beats_g natural Maximum number of beats in one AXI transaction. Values given by the AXI specification are 16 for AXI-3 and 256 for AXI-4. However, the user may choose any other number for scheduling reasons.
axi_max_open_trasactions_g natural Maximum number of AXI commands (AW/AR-channel) to send before the first command is completed (outstanding transactions).
user_transaction_size_bits_g natural Number of bits used to specify the number of bytes to transfer on the user command interface. This is the only limiting factor for the transfer size requested.
data_fifo_depth_g natural Number of entries in the read/write data FIFOs (user side)
axi_fifo_depth_g natural Number of entries in the FIFOs inside the AXI interface
data_width_g natural Width of the user data interface
impl_read_g boolean Implement read functionality (can be disabled to save resources)
impl_write_g boolean Implement write functionality (can be disabled to save resources)
ram_behavior_g string Block-RAM style (must match FPGA architecture),"RBW" Read before write,"WBR" Write before read


This section explains the most important points about parametrizing buffer sizes on the user side (DataFifoDepth_g) and on the AXI side (AxiFifoDepth_g).

The DataFifoDepth_g sets the depth of the FIFOs on the user interface as shown in the block diagram. For writes, this determines how much data can be accepted before a command is applied. The user side buffers have the width of the user-interface, so for writes, data in these buffers still must be converted to the AXI bus width (if AxiDataWith_g > DataWidth_g) and cannot be transmitted over AXI with ideal performance.

The AxiFifoDepth_g sets the depth of the FIFOs inside the AXI interface that have the same width as the AXI bus. These FIFOs can only be filled after a command is sent. On the other hand, the data buffered in these FIFOs can be sent over AXI with ideal performance, so this buffer shall be used to compensate effects due to the AXI bus being busy.

For reads, it does not matter much, in which FIFO the data is buffered since the bandwidth on the user-interface is always smaller or equal to the bandwidth of the AXI interface. As a result, the width-conversion does not lead to a bottleneck (like it is this case for writes).


Signal Direction Width Description
Control Signals
m_axi_aclk Input 1 Clock
m_axi_aresetn Input 1 Reset (low active)
-- User Command Command***
cmd_wr_addr_i Input AxiAddrWidth_g Address to start writing at (must be aligned)
cmd_wr_size_i Input UserTransactionSizeBits_g Number of bytes in the transfer
cmd_wr_low_lat_i Input 1 '1' --> Low latency mode, '0' --> High latency mode
cmd_wr_vld_i Input 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
cmd_wr_rdy_o Output 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
-- User Command ***
cmd_rd_addr_i Input AxiAddrWidth_g Address to start reading at (must be aligned)
cmd_rd_size_o Input UserTransactionSizeBits_g Number of bytes in the transfer
cmd_rd_low_lat_i Input 1 '1' --> Low latency mode, '0' --> High latency mode
cmd_rd_vld_i Input 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
cmd_rd_rdy_o Output 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
-- Write DataData***
wr_dat_i Input DataWidth_g Write data (right-aligned)
wr_vld_i Input 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
wr_rdy_o Output 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
-- Read Dataata***
rd_dat_o Output DataWidth_g Read data (right-aligned)
rd_vld_o Output 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
rd_rdy_i Input 1 AXI-S handshaking signal
-- Responsese***
wr_done_o Output 1 Write command was completed successfully
wr_error_o Output 1 Write command was completed but at least one transaction failed (AXI response from slave indicated an error)
rd_done_o Output 1 Read command was completed successfully
rd_error_o Output 1 Read command was completed but at least one transaction failed (AXI response from slave indicated an error)
AXI Master Interface
M_Axi_* * * AXI signals, see AXI specification
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