Happy is a project to connect people and orphanages, aiming to provide greater interactivity of these institutions with people interested in helping children and making their days happier!
The project was developed during the third edition of Next Level Week, held by Rocketseat between October 12th and 16th, 2020.
The application's backend was developed using Typescript language using the NodeJS framework . The database chosen was SQLite due to the ease of configuration. For creating tables and add new columns we choose ORM typeorm. The Yup package was also used to validate requests.
The web version of the application was developed with Typescript using the framework ReactJS. The map was made using a composition of Leaflet library and MapBox API . Finally, API calls to the backend were made with axios.
The mobile version of the application was developed with Typescript language using the framework React Native and Expo to increment the speed of development.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/paulo-carvalho93/happy.git
$ cd backend
# Installing project dependencies.
$ yarn install # or npm install
# Setting up the database and creating the tables.
$ yarn typeorm migration:run
# Start API
$ yarn dev # or npm dev
$ cd web
# Installing project dependencies.
$ yarn install # or npm install
# Start Web Project
$ yarn start # or npm start
# Do you want to publish ?
$ yarn build # or npm build
# Static files for web will be saved in the `public` folder
Here, I'm assuming that you have Android/Iphone Emulator and Expo app is installed.
If you are using an emulator, you need to activate routes from the backend. Why? Your emulator needs to know where's your server and which URL it's running.
# Run the following code at CMD
$ adb reverse tcp:3333 tcp:3333
$ cd mobile
# Installing project dependencies.
$ yarn install # or npm install
# Start Web Project
$ expo start
This project is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.