A production-grade Sails.js starter application with the following pre-configured.
- Handlebars for server-side templates
- Boostrap less compiled in pipeline
- Front-end dependencies via browserify
- Modularized Angular artifacts via browserify
- Pre-compiled Angular templates
- Asset versioning for browser cacheing
- Live reloading in dev
- Enforced SSL in production
- Login via Passport
- Clusterable sessions with secure cookies
- Postgres DB
- Model ownership and scoped queries
- Admin screen and role-based access
- Background jobs
- Angular, unit, integration, functional tests
- DB migrations with tracking and autorun
- Runtime REPL console
- Deploy to Heroku
- Make sure a Redis server is running on localhost (fresh install with default config)
- Create a local PostgreSQL database matching the config in
npm install
npm start
- Go to localhost:1337 and login with