Smarter React Native Template Instruction on How to setup Template Have nodejs installed (14.17.6 and above) Have npm installed (6.14.15 and above) Insall yarn globally setup Android Studio (SDK) setup Xcode In project root run yarn install Once installation is done, run yarn start --reset-cache Open another terminal in the project root and run yarn ios (to build ios on the simulator) or yarn android (to build android on the emulator) React native would handle the last step above If you run into errors, while setting up, ensure you are following the steps above as listed so you don't waste time debugging TODO ADD AND LINK FONTS =====>DONE ADD COLORS SYSTEM =====>NEXT SETUP BASE THEME (DEFAULT: DARK MODE) ADD SPACING SYSTEM ADD TEXT COMPONENT ADD STYLED COMPONENT LIBRARY ADD ANT DESIGN LIBRARY BASIC FORM INPUT DESIGN ADD BASIC ROUTING SYSTEM ADD REDUX TOOL KIT STATE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY ADD API SERVICE FILE ADD PROJECT TO GET DONE