The purpose of this project is create a API picture hosting based on Django and Django Rest Framework.
You must first copy the repository:
git clone
cd Imageproject/imageapi
In the next step, create a ".env" file and specify SECRET_KEY inside. If you do not know how, simply copy from Inside .env provide secret_key:
docker build -t imageapi .
and run
docker run -p 8000:8000 imageapi
Install Depediences
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run server
python runserver
You can create a basic superuser with custom commmand 'initadmin'
python initadmin
Then the email will be '' and the password = 'admin'. Of course, you can change the credentials later in /admin or create them manually:
python createsuperuser
Disclaimer: Docker Setup create initadmin automatically
The project has 14 different unit tests. To run the tests execute:
python test
The project also has a command that runs the tests and the server simultaneously
python run
- a link to a thumbnail that's 200px in height
- a link to a thumbnail that's 200px in height
- a link to a thumbnail that's 400px in height
- a link to the originally uploaded image
- a link to a thumbnail that's 200px in height
- a link to a thumbnail that's 400px in height
- a link to the originally uploaded image
- ability to fetch an expiring link to the image
- arbitrary thumbnail sizes
- presence of the link to the originally uploaded file
- ability to generate expiring links
Public Endpoints are avaibible on /docs/
To get a token you need to send POST /api/token/
"email": "email",
"password": "pass"
Response Code 201:
"refresh": "Refresh Token",
"access": "Your Token"
Response Code 401 Unauthorized bad credentials:
"detail": "No active account found with the given credentials"
For successful authentication, You must send the Authorization header with the value "Bearer {your token}"
Access : "Basic" and upper
- url: POST /api/upload/small/
- title: str max_lenght(20) (required)
- image: Image (required)
- expired_time: int 300-30000 (only for enterprise and root plan)
Response code 201:
"status": "Uploaded"
Response code 400 bad params:
"image": [
"No file was submitted."
Access : "Premium" and upper
- url: POST /api/upload/medium/
- title: str max_lenght(20) (required)
- image: Image (required)
- expired_time: int 300-30000 (only for enterprise and root plan)
Response code 201:
"status": "Uploaded"
Response code 400 bad params:
"image": [
"No file was submitted."
Access : "Premium" and upper
- url: POST /api/upload/original/
- title: str max_lenght(20) (required)
- image: Image (required)
- expired_time: int 300-30000 (only for enterprise and root plan)
Response code 201:
"status": "Uploaded"
Response code 400 bad params:
"image": [
"No file was submitted."
Access : "Premium" and upper
- url: POST /api/upload/original/
- title: str max_lenght(20) (required)
- image: Image (required)
- height: int (required)
- width: int (required)
- expired_time: int 300-30000 (only for enterprise and root plan)
Response code 201:
"status": "Uploaded"
Response code 400 bad params:
"image": [
"No file was submitted."
Response code 403 No permision:
"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."
Access : "Enterprise" and upper
- url: POST /api/upload/original/
- title: str max_lenght(20) (required)
- image: Image (required)
- expired_time: int 300-30000
Response code 201:
"status": "Uploaded"
Response code 400 bad params:
"image": [
"No file was submitted."
Response code 403 No permision:
"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."
- url: GET /api/list/
Response code 200
"count": 'count',
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"title": "title",
"link": "{host}/api/view/{uuid}/",
"resolution": "200x200",
"create_at": "2023-03-15T12:41:30.668695Z",
"expired_at": "2023-03-15T12:46:56Z"
"title": "{title}",
"link": "{host}/api/view/{uuid",
"resolution": "900x900",
"create_at": "2023-03-15T12:46:40.459191Z",
"expired_at": "2023-03-15T12:51:40.054522Z"
Response code 403 No permision:
"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."
- url: GET /api/view/{uuid}
Renspose 200:
File PNG
Response 403 Forbidden: { "error": [ "Sorry, the link is expired" ] }
Disclaimer: The link is only expired if expired_time was specified