generate haikus with markov chains trained on books available from Project Gutenberg
1 - The Enchanted April, by Elizabeth Von Arnim
2 - Little Women, by Louisa M. Alcott
3 - A Room With A View, by E. M. Forster
4 - Moby-Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville
5 - The Blue Castle, by Lucy Maud Montgomery
6 - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, by William Shakespeare
7 - Middlemarch, by George Eliot
pick a book by number
> 3
selected book: A Room With A View, by E. M. Forster
checking if model is already trained...
training model...
generating a haiku...
and the horse was stopped,
and Lucy suspected that
he had intended
g - generate another haiku
s - save haiku to file
b - pick a new book
e - exit
> g
generating a haiku...
you will like to do
under the afternoon clouds
that sailed in masses
g - generate another haiku
s - save haiku to file
b - pick a new book
e - exit
> s
saving haiku to saved_haikus.txt...
g - generate another haiku
s - save haiku to file
b - pick a new book
e - exit
> e
saving models...
git clone
cd haikugen
<do whatever virtual env stuff you want here>
pip install nltk markovify gutenberg-cleaner
launch python repl: python
> import nltk
> exit()