UPDATE 2022 This has been superseded by version 2: https://github.com/patrick-morrison/visreport2/
Written in python/html, using GeoDjango, PostGIS extension of Postgresql, and the Leaflet mapping library. Started in January 2020 by Patrick Morrison
- Map interface to display reports, colour coded by the most recent visibility
- Detail pages for each site, with a full list of reports and an interface to add new ones.
- User accounts system with email authentication, and an admin page to add/edit dive sites.
- A json api for using the data in other systems.
Clone this repository, ake virtual environment, install requirements.txt and run with Django. You will also need a copy of postgres running on your system.
git clone https://github.com/PatrickMorrison1498/visreport.git
python -m venv ENV
source ENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd visreport
python manage.py runserver
Go to It will be running there.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.