This library can be used for any display which have STE2007 driver. Most commonly used LCD display with STE2007 driver is Nokia 1202 LCD. This library was originally written for Arduino/AVR boards. I Updated this library to work with ESP8266. I hope that this library will also work for ESP32, I have not done any testing at this point.
Below is th list of all the availabe methods which one can use with the object.
Object Creation with all the pins connected with the display.
Initialization of the display.
Clear the display.
Refreshing the display (outputting from the buffer).
Draw pixel by pixel.
Fill up the screen.
Draw a character.
Print a string.
Displaying a numerical value by coordinates.
Print a string of 1607 size
Draw the line by coordinates.
Draw vertical line by coordinates.
Draw horizantol line by coordinates.
Draw a rectangle at coordinates x, y, height, width, color.
Draw a circle centered on coordinates x, y, radius, color.
Draw a rounded rectangle by coordinates x, y, height, width, rounding radius, color.
Draw a triangle at the coordinates of the vertices x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, color.
Draw a triangle at the coordinates of the vertices x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, color.
Draw a filled circle centered on coordinates x, y, radius, color.
Draw a filled arc with coordinates x, y, radius, rotation angle, arc length, color.
Draw a filled rectangle at coordinates x, y, height, width, color.
Draw a filled, rounded rectangle along the x, y coordinates, height, width, radius, color.
Draw a filled triangle at the coordinates of the vertices x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, color.
Draw the image in coordinates x, y, with a size of 96 by 64 pixels, with color 1 (1 - pixel is on, dark).
Draw a number to coordinates x, y, color 1, number, size 16x32 pixels
Draw a number to coordinates x, y, color 1, number, size 10x16 pixels