This is my super kawaii personal website where I share my interests and creative works! Built with lots of love and pastel colors 💖
- 🎀 Cute and pink aesthetic design
- 🌟 Personal portfolio showcase
- 🐰 Adorable animations
- 🌸 Soft and dreamy color palette
- 🍡 Interactive elements
- ⭐ HTML
- 🎀 CSS
- 🌟 JavaScript
- 💝 Love & Creativity
git clone
Feel free to contribute to make this site even more kawaii! 🌸
- Fork the project ⋆˚₊⊹⋆
- Create your feature branch (✿◠‿◠)
- Commit your changes ˚₊·͟͟͞͞➳❥
- Push to the branch ⊹⋆
- Open a pull request 🎀
Made with 💖 and lots of sparkles ✨