Releases: parres-hq/whitenoise
Releases · parres-hq/whitenoise
Polish & Shine
View full changelog.
- Basic notification system, chat times, and latest message previews.
- Simple nsec export via copy
- Invite to WhiteNoise via NIP-04 DM.
- Messages now send on enter key press
- Improved contact metadata fetching
- Updated login page with new logo
- Enhanced toast messages design
- Updated styling for Android/iOS
- Updated to nostr-sdk v38
- Improved build system for multiple platforms (Linux, Android, iOS, MacOS)
- Split build workflows for better efficiency
- Non-blocking tracing appender for stdout logging. iOS Builds now!
- Android keyboard overlaying message input
- Contact loading improvements
- Fixed infinite looping back button behavior from chat details page
- Fixed position of toasts on mobile
- Various iOS and Android styles fixes
- Fixed invite actions modal behavior for iOS and Android
- Updated modal background
- Improved group creation button behavior
- Enhanced account management text
It's a Conversation 💬
- Delete all now gives more context
- Fixed broken queries to delete data in database
- Fixed broken query to fetch group relays
- Fixed contact list display
- Replies! 💬
- Search all of nostr for contacts, not just your contact list 🔍
- Add metadata to Name component when available
- Improved contacts search (includes NIP-05 and npub now)
Here be dragons 🐉 (cont.)
- Added more default relays to get better contact discovery
- Fixed relay bug related to publishing key packages
- Cleaned up dangling event listeners and log messaging
- Scroll conversation to bottom on new messages
- New chat window text alignment on mobile
- Stickers (large emoji when you post just a single emoji) ⭐
- Reactions! ❤️
- Added relay list with status on group info page
Here be dragons 🐉
This is the first alpha release of White Noise, so act accordingly.
If When you find bugs, please add issues here in Github so they can be fixed.