This is a Playwright Cucumber template designed for automated browser testing with the Cucumber framework. It combines Playwright's browser automation with Cucumber's readable syntax for behavior-driven development (BDD).
Before setting up the template, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
Node.js v19/20/22
npm (Node package manager)
- Clone this repository:
git clone
cd playwright-cucumber-template
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
This installs all the necessary packages, including:
- @cucumber/cucumber - Cucumber framework for BDD.
- playwright - Playwright browser automation library.
- dotenv - Load environment variables from .env files.
- Set Up Environment Variables
Create a .env file in the root directory of the project. Add the following variables, customizing the values for your environment:
HEADLESS=true (or false)
These environment variables will be used in your test scenarios, such as the instance URL and user credentials.
Create feature files under the features folder. Here's an example:
Feature: Portal Login
Scenario: Login to Portal as an Admin
Given a user opens the page "${PL_INSTANCE}/admin"
When waiting for element with locator value "#user_field" to be visible
When entering the text "${LOCAL_USER}" in the element with locator value "#user_field"
When entering the text "${LOCAL_PASSWORD}" in the element with locator value "#pass_field"
When clicking the element with locator value "#admin-login-btn"
When implicitly waiting for 3000 milliseconds
Then the following elements are displayed
| Locator | Locator_Value |
| xpath | //*[@id="user-menu"] |
| xpath | //*[@id="user-profile"] |
This feature file contains the BDD-style syntax, and the placeholders like ${PL_INSTANCE} will be resolved dynamically from the environment variables by adding variables to the resolveVar util function. Example Step Definitions
Here is an example step definition included in the template:
const { When } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const { resolveVars } = require ('../utils/resolveVars.js');
When("entering the text {string} in the element with locator value {string}", async function (text, value) {
let cred = resolveVars(text);
let element = await;
await element.fill(cred);
If your step uses env variables or secrets such as here:
When entering the text "${LOCAL_USER}" in the element with locator value "#user_field"
They must be defined in the resolveVars.js and in your local .env file so they can be replaced with the real value for the environment you are testing.
function resolveVars(inputString) {
return inputString.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, (match, varName) => {
switch (varName) {
case 'LOCAL_USER':
return process.env.LOCAL_USER || match;
return process.env.LOCAL_PASSWORD || match;
return match;
To run all tests in your project, use the npm test command defined in the package.json. This will include feature files and step definitions:
npm test
You can run tests with specific tags using the --tags option. For example, to run tests tagged with @debug:
npx cucumber-js --tags @debug
or by adding the tag to the package.json command for npm test
"scripts": {
"test": "cucumber-js --require ./step-definitions/**/*.js ./features/**/*.feature --tags @debug"