Installs Docker on:
- Ubuntu 12.04+
- Debian 8.5+
This role differs from other roles in that it specifically follows installation instructions for each distribution version.
Example Play:
- name: Run docker.ubuntu
hosts: docker
- angstwad.docker_ubuntu
Please see this playbook as a more advanced example of how to utilize this role.
Applying the role to servers is pretty simple:
- name: Install Docker on Rax Server
hosts: all
- angstwad.docker_ubuntu
Overriding the role's default variables is also pretty straightforward:
- name: Install Docker on Rax Server
hosts: all
- role: angstwad.docker_ubuntu
ssh_port: 2222
kernel_pkg_state: present
Requires python-pycurl for apt modules.
These are the defaults, which can be set to present to prevent a reboot if the latest linux-image-extra, cgroup-lite packages are already installed. The following role variables are defined:
# docker-engine is the default package name
docker_pkg_name: docker-engine
docker_apt_cache_valid_time: 600
# docker dns path for package ( changed at ubuntu 14.04 from docker to )
docker_defaults_file_path: /etc/default/docker
# Important if running Ubuntu 12.04-13.10 and ssh on a non-standard port
ssh_port: 22
# Place to get apt repository key
apt_key_url: hkp://
# apt repository key signature
apt_key_sig: 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
# Name of the apt repository for docker
apt_repository: deb {{|lower }}-{{ ansible_lsb.codename|lower }} main
# The following help expose a docker port or to add additional options when
# running docker daemon. The default is to not use any special options.
#docker_opts: >
# -H unix://
# -H tcp://
# --log-level=debug
docker_opts: ""
# List of users to be added to 'docker' system group (disabled by default)
# Be aware that granted users can easily get full root access on the docker host system!
docker_group_members: []
# configurable proxies: a reasonable default is to re-use the proxy from ansible_env:
# docker_http_proxy: "{{ ansible_env.http_proxy|default('') }}"
# Notes:
# if docker_http_proxy=="" the role sets HTTP_PROXY="" (useful to 'empty' existing ENV var)
# if docker_http_proxy is undefined the role will not set/modify any ENV vars
# Flags for whether to install pip packages
pip_install_pip: true
pip_install_setuptools: true
# pip_install_docker is ignored if pip_install_docker_compose is true as docker-compose as a dependency over docker.
# See var/main.yml for more information.
pip_install_docker: true
pip_install_docker_compose: true
# Versions for the python packages that are installed
pip_version_pip: latest
pip_version_setuptools: latest
# pip_version_docker is ignored if pip_install_docker_compose is true as docker-compose as a dependency over docker.
# See var/main.yml for more information.
pip_version_docker: latest
pip_version_docker_compose: latest
# If this variable is set to true kernel updates and host restarts are permitted.
# Warning: Use with caution in production environments.
kernel_update_and_reboot_permitted: no
# Set to 'yes' or 'true' to enable updates (sets 'latest' in apt module)
update_docker_package: no
# Change these to 'present' if you're running Ubuntu 12.04-13.10 and are fine with less-than-latest packages
kernel_pkg_state: latest
cgroup_lite_pkg_state: latest
dmsetup_pkg_state: latest
# Force an install of the kernel extras, in case you're suffering from some issue related to the
# static binary provided by upstream Docker. For example, see this GitHub Issue in Docker:
# Warning: Installing kernel extras is potentially interruptive/destructive and will install backported
# kernel if running 12.04.
install_kernel_extras: false
# Install Xorg packages for backported kernels. This is usually unnecessary except for environments
# where an X/Unit desktop is actively being used. If you're not using an X/Unity on 12.04, you
# won't need to enable this.
install_xorg_pkgs: false
To test the role in a Vagrant environment just run vagrant up
. This will
create three VMs:
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Debian Jessie 8.5
and it will provision them by applying this role with Ansible.
Requires ansible-playbook
to be in the path.
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