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Example use case

pappnu edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 13 revisions

This example shows how to use the Texture Set Creator to make red, green and blue variants for the Iron Helmet in Skyrim SE. It is assumed that the Iron Helmet models are already available as loose files.

Nifskope can be used to inspect the models' texture paths:

Using the information above a config, that reaplces the diffuse textures with red, green and blue variants is formulated. The config is as follows:

        "name": "IronHelmetExample",
        "searchTerm": "Iron",
        "variants": [
                "name": "Red",
                "textures": [
                        "original": "textures/armor/iron/m/",
                        "new": ""
                        "original": "",
                        "new": ""
                "name": "Green",
                "textures": [
                        "original": "",
                        "new": "textures/armor/iron/m/"
                        "original": "/m/",
                        "new": ""
                "name": "Blue",
                "textures": [
                        "original": "on/m/",
                        "new": ""
                        "original": "",
                        "new": ""

All the textures are in the same directory, but a variety of ways is used to point at them.

Next step is to run Texture Set Creator with the above config. A plugin that overrides the original Iron Helmet records is used. The following pictures showcase the process:

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