React Native Android application for picking random names from lists.
The app let's you construct lists, which can include names and other lists. Random picking can be done from any list. Randomization settings can be specified on a list by list basis. If a list includes another list and the other list gets picked by randomization, the random picking is also done on the picked list using that list's settings, unless otherwise specified.
Other included features are:
- Weight lists and items
- Include/exclude lists and items from randomization
- Edit lists and items by long pressing
- Import (JSON/TXT) and export (JSON) lists and items
- Export (JSON/TXT) randomization results
- Look at previous randomization results
The randomization can be customized using the following settings:
How many items and/or lists are picked from the list.
Specifies, if the previous limit should apply to sublists also.
Prevents picking multiple identical names. Doesn't differentiate between lists and items.
Specifies, if the previous setting should apply to sublists also. Applies only when pick unique items is also set.
When randomizing, items and lists in lists one level down are considered to be part of the current list.
When randomizing, items in all sublists are considered to be part of the current list. Applies only when combine sublists is also set.
Empty lists won't be picked. List with only unactive items counts as empty.
Specifies, if the previous setting should apply to sublists also. Applies only when ignore empty lists is also set.
Doesn't apply weighting.
Specifies, if the previous setting should apply to sublists also. Applies only when ignore weights is also set.
Deactivates items (not lists) that get random picked.
Imported text files are assumed to include names separated by line breaks. All names from a text file are added as items.
Imported JSON objects have to include a "name" key. If a JSON object also has an "items" key, it will be added as a list. Otherwise the JSON object will be added as an item. An example of a valid JSON with all supported keys included is available below:
"name": "Name of list",
"active": true,
"weight": 1,
"numToPick": 10,
"numToPickRecursive": false,
"pickUnique": false,
"pickUniqueRecursive": false,
"combineLists": false,
"combineListsRecursive": false,
"deactivateAfterRandomization": false,
"ignoreEmptyLists": true,
"ignoreEmptyListsRecursive": false,
"ignoreWeights": false,
"ignoreWeightsRecursive": false,
"items": [{
"name": "Name of sublist",
"active": true,
"weight": 1,
"numToPick": 10,
"numToPickRecursive": false,
"pickUnique": false,
"pickUniqueRecursive": false,
"combineLists": false,
"combineListsRecursive": false,
"deactivateAfterRandomization": false,
"ignoreEmptyLists": true,
"ignoreEmptyListsRecursive": true,
"ignoreWeights": false,
"ignoreWeightsRecursive": false,
"items": [{
"name": "Name of sublist item 1",
"active": true,
"weight": 1
}, {
"name": "Name of sublist item 2",
"active": true,
"weight": 1
"name": "Name of list item",
"active": true,
"weight": 1
Permissions to read and write to external storage are required on android for importing and exporting to work.
Requires React Native:
- Clone this repository.
- In the cloned repository run
npm install
Before building a release android app, configure the release key:
An icon made by Retinaicons from Flaticon is used in the app's icon.