Environment to deploy Scrappy spiders on scrapinghub. This project is intented to be educative about different things that can be accomplished with scrapy.
Here's all the information regarding the proper setup and initialization of the project.
- Clone scrap_env repository.
- Switch to
branch. - Install Python3.
- Install pip3.
apt install python3-pip
- Install Scrapy.
pip3 install Scrapy
To get started with virtual environments, see virtualenv installation instructions. To install it globally (having it globally installed actually helps here), it should be a matter of running:
$ [sudo] pip install virtualenv
Check this user guide on how to create your virtualenv https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/userguide/
bla bla bla start new spiders scrapy genspider -t crawl spidername mydomain.com
To run the spiders via console, navigate to the scrap_env
folder and use any of the commands written below.
- Delimited by scraped items =
scrapy crawl spidername --set CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=50
- All =
scrapy crawl spidername
- Generating json output =
scrapy crawl quotes -o quotes.json
- Generating json lines output =
scrapy crawl quotes -o quotes.jl
- scrap_env
- spiders
- __init__.py
- ExampleSpider1.py
- ExampleSpider2.py
- ...
- __init__.py
- items.py
- middlewares.py
- pipelines.py
- settings.py
The structure remains the same as the one you get when creating a new scrapy project.
To be included
To be included
To be included
To be included