The first assignment is dedicated in solving a crossword of regular expressions. In order to execute the algorithm clone the repository, head in the folder with the file and execute this command in your command window. The following runs on Python v3.
python crossword_file regex_file
- crossword_file: csv file that contains the crossword
- regex_file : txt file that contains the regular expressions
For details use -h after You can also find examples of the crossword_file and regex_file in the folder assignment-2021-1
The second assignment is dedicated on the hitting objects problem. In this problem we are trying to hit a set of points with the least ammount of lines with various solving ways. The two ways to solve the problem are the set covering method and the greedy method. You can also choose if you want those lines to be parallel with the axes. The set of points is given with a file in txt form as following:
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 1
7 2
8 3
8 4
9 5
9 6
10 1
10 2
10 3
11 4
11 5
11 6
In order to execute the algorithm you need to clone the repository, head in the folder with the file, execute this command in your favorite command promt. The following runs on Python v3.
python [-f] [-g] points_file.txt
- [-f]: using -f will process the problem with the set covering method (otherwise greedy method)
- [-g]: using -g will give a solution filled only with parallel to the axes lines (otherwise all type of lines)
For details use -h after You can also find examples of points file in the folder assignment-2021-2
The third assignment focuses on finding possible beckett gray codes with different filters. By finding all gray codes and then creating a hypercube with them we are able to see different patterns of possible solutions in a famous problem called the Beckett problem.