This project is the .Net Core Template wrapper for the Serverless Microservice Bootstrap project.
Make sure you have the Serverless Framework installed.
npm install serverless -g
Install dotnet core on your machine. Instructions can be found at (dotnet website)[]
The original project is referenced here as a git submodule. To sync, run a git submodule update
to get the latest copy from the remote repository.
Install the template onto your machine with
dotnet new -i Serverless.Microservice.Bootstrap.Template
Once installed, create a new project using the template with
dotnet new serverlessmicroservice
For information on how to use the Bootstrap, see the project's README.
The template is published is and is named per recommendation from Microsoft, which enables us to use the dotnet new command.
Serverless.Microservice.Bootstrap.Template 1.0.0 - Nuget link
Dotnet new templates for Serverless Microservice Bootstrap Template