Intended to be used as part of mocking AWS Amazon Verified Permissions until such time that localstack supports this service. Have this api called from a fake IAmazonVerifiedPermissions
implementation to handle your validation and authZ checks, and separately implement a policy store.
Using rust:
cargo run
Using docker:
docker compose up
Or use the repository image.
After running, the api is available at http://localhost:3000
Check out the rest api file for examples.
Health check endpoint, returns"Hello from Rust!"
POST /bulk-has-access
Run many access checks- Request:
type request = { "checks": { "principal": string, "action": string, "resource": string, "context"?: {} // same as attrs below, see samples in cedar repos }[], "entities": { "uid": { "type": string, "id": string }, "attrs": { }, // see sample entities in cedar repos "parents": { "type": string, "id": string }[] }, "policies": { "static_policies": { "id": string, "statement": string }[], "templated_policies": { "id": string, "template_id": string, "principal"?: string, "resource"?: string }[], "templates": { "id": string, "statement": string }[], }, "schema": string }
- Response:
type response = { "decision": "Allow" | "Deny", "diagnostics": { "reason": string[], "errors": string[] } }[]
- Request:
POST /validate/schema
Parse and validate a schema- Request:
type request = { "schema": string }
- Response (200 if ok, 400 otherwise):
type response = string[] // errors, if any
- Request:
POST /validate/template
Parse and validate a template against a schema- Request:
type request = { "schema": string, "template_statement": string }
- Response (200 if ok, 400 otherwise):
type response = string[] // errors, if any
- Request:
POST /validate/static-policy
Parse and validate a static policy against a schema- Request:
type request = { "schema": string, "policy_statement": string }
- Response (200 if ok, 400 otherwise):
type response = string[] // errors, if any
- Request:
POST /validate/templated_policy
Parse and validate a templated policy against a schema and template- Request:
type request = { "schema": string, "template_statement": string, "principal"?: string, "resource"?: string }
- Response (200 if ok, 400 otherwise):
type response = string[] // errors, if any
- Request:
This code is by no means an example of "good" or "idiomatic" Rust. In particular, the error handling is done very poorly, but for now "it works".
As AVP improves support for cedar, we will need to update the cedar version used.
This can be done by modifying the cargo.toml file to update cedar-policy
to the newly supported version. Then run cargo update
and cargo run